
Princess Medical Doctor Rules

he was the daughter of the current emperor's tutor. Her father didn't like her and her mother had died long ago, so she had a marriage contract with His Majesty. He was the king of a different surname who wielded great power and was known throughout the world. His charm was unparalleled and he had attracted countless noble women to bow before him … In a marriage contract, her reputation was ruined; in a war, his name was ruined; in a word, she married him. On the night of marriage, the legendary man, whose life was at stake, who was paralyzed on the bed, pressed her beneath him and pressed the tip of his blade against her neck. "This King's wife, This King would rather kill her than let her be taken away." "It just so happens that this madame would rather castrate my man than allow him to touch other women." Ji Yunkai, who had the title of Hand of God, calmly pushed away the saber and the man on her body. She was startled by the man's reaction! "What about the deal? What happened to not having any reaction to a woman? Man, where are your principles?!"

Clodovea · History
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165 Chs

Chapter 108

Ji Yunkai left straightforwardly, but the people of the Grand Princess Mansion were all stupefied, especially the four gatekeepers, who all stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"Quickly, go and ask Miss Luo Tao, what do we do about this?" The gatekeeper had no other choice but to ask the head maid beside the Grand Princess.

Unfortunately for them, it was as if the people from the Prince Yanbei's Mansion did not hear them and had no intention of stopping.

The reason why the Grand Princess invited Prince Yanbei's Wife today was mainly to investigate her and to find out her position in the Prince Yanbei's Mansion. If she were to leave, how could they glean any information from her?

The Imperial Guards did not know what was going on, but since the Grand Princess' head maid ordered them to do so, they naturally followed her orders.

"Everyone, please wait!" The guard ran two steps forward, blocking the horse carriage. The coachman had no choice but to slow down, and at this moment, Ji Yunkai said, "Smash them."

The people from Grand Princess Mansion were very arrogant, not only did they want her to go through the small door, they even sent guards to stop her. Does the Grand Princess think that she was as soft as persimmon and that she could easily pinch her?

"Yes!" As soon as the coachman received the order, he raised his horsewhip without hesitation and sped up as they dashed over.

Of course, they did not truly believe that the people from Prince Yanbei's Mansion would dare to offend them.

One must know, this is the capital, not Yanbei; this was not Prince Yanbei's territory.

Seeing that, the coachman was hesitating on whether to slow down or stop; however, he heard Ji Yunkai say, "Run over them!" If they stood there unmoving, would it mean she would not dare to run over them?

Today, they insisted on bumping into her. She did not believe that the Grand Princess would dare to cause trouble for Xiao Jiu'an just because of a few guards.

"Yes!" Once again, the coachman received the order, and he no longer hesitated and raised his horsewhip again to lash at the horse: "Jia!"

The horse that was pulling the carriage increased its speed once again and charged forward…

"Ahh!" The Imperial Guards, who were frozen in place, did not expect the people from Prince Yanbei's Mansion to charge over. When they realized this, they could no longer avoid the attack.

With a *bang*, the four Imperial Guards were sent flying and fell to the side. The horse that was pulling the carriage roared and continued running forward as if nothing had happened.

"Quick, quick... stop them!" The people of Grand Princess Mansion were all shocked. They all stared at Prince Yanbei's Mansion's carriage with widened eyes, as if they could not believe what they had just seen.

Prince Yanbei's Wife was overbearing!

*Dong! Dong! Dong!* Hundreds of Imperial Guards swarmed out from the Grand Princess Mansion. It could be seen how much the Grand Princess was trusted and favored by the Emperor.

"Princess, the people from Grand Princess Mansion are chasing us." The coachman slowed down and turned to speak to Ji Yunkai who was inside the carriage.

With his skill, he could naturally shake off the guards behind him. However, their identities had long been exposed, so it was useless for them to leave. Moreover, running away at this time seemed to imply how weak they were.

"Stop!" Ji Yunkai had never been a person who was afraid of things. Although she did not take the initiative to cause trouble, she was not afraid of things that came to her doorstep.

Grand Princess Mansion's Guards immediately surrounded the carriage, as if they were chasing after a fugitive.

"Prince Yanbei's Wife, please get off!" Grand Princess Mansion's Guards had always been proud, and after suffering such a huge loss today, they definitely would not be kind.

Ji Yunkai did not speak, or perhaps it was more accurate to say, that she did not even want to bother with these guards. The maidservant of Prince Yanbei's Mansion saw this and went forward instead and said, "Blocking the carriage of Prince Yanbei's Mansion, you are so bold!"

Prince Yanbei held over three hundred thousand Steel Cavalry, and their power was overflowing, but so what?

The Emperor of Revelation's surname was Zhao, and this was the Zhao Family's country. The military power and feudal fiefdom that Prince Yanbei held were given to him by the Zhao Family, and the Grand Princess was born with a sense of superiority, making her look down on everyone.

Servants naturally take after their lord. If the lord was arrogant and looked down upon everything, then the servant would not put anyone in their eyes either and would think themselves superior to others.

"The gate was closed, and the gate would not open for us. Now, you are sending troops to stop us, is this how the Grand Princess Mansion treats guests?" The maidservants of the Prince Yanbei's Mansion did not hold back and fought back sharply.

"That depends on whether or not you guys are sincere enough to visit us and instead injure us without saying a word. We, Grand Princess Mansion, cannot afford to receive guests like you." The head maid beside the Grand Princess, Luo Tao, said arrogantly.

"Good dogs don't block the road, but you guys stayed in the middle of the road, aren't you asking to be hit?" Although the enemy had more people, Prince Yanbei's Mansion's maidservants were not afraid, and their momentum was not weaker than the enemy's.

What a joke! All the maidservants from Yanbei had seen blood on the battlefield before. Don't look at how weak they were, if they truly fought, the guards from the Grand Princess Mansion might not be their match.

"You have a sharp tongue! Is this how Prince Yanbei's Mansion trains his subordinates?" Luo Tao was not willing to talk to the maidservant, as she stared at Ji Yunkai, who was inside the carriage, arrogantly.

It was obvious that, although Luo Tao was also a maidservant, she felt that she was superior; nonetheless, Ji Yunkai completely ignored her. Hearing the two maids arguing outside, Ji Yunkai became annoyed and spoke coldly, "Enough! What are you making so much noise for?"

When the Grand Princess' head maid heard this, she thought Ji Yunkai had given in. Just as she was feeling proud, she heard Ji Yunkai continue to say, "We are unruly people, why do we have to speak if we can just do it? Send someone to Prince Yanbei's Mansion and call over all of the guards there." Didn't the guards of the Grand Princess Mansion refuse to let her go?

In any case, with Xiao Jiu'an here, she was not afraid of causing a ruckus. As for whether or not Xiao Jiu'an would let the guards help her?

Ji Yunkai was not worried about that at all. This concerned Prince Yanbei's Mansion's face and Xiao Jiu'an would agree no matter what.