
Princess Malia’s Secret

Book 1 and Book 2 are complete while Book 3 is ongoing. For Malia Blaze her way of life is almost perfect, her parents love and adore her, but they are super strict and overprotective. On her 18th birthday they turn her world upside down, when they informed her she is adopted, and she is the lost Princess of a Fairy Kingdom. She needs to leave her human world behind to go to the Erthesia Academy to undergo training to become a full pledge fairy, while keeping her true identity secret for her own sake. Prince Flynn Vermilion is the Crown Prince, and the most popular guy in the Erthesia Kingdom because he has it all, good looks, wits, wealth and the crown. He hates Malia for she is the only female in the entire kingdom that does not care about who he is. He wants to teach her a lesson, make her fall in love with him and then break her heart into pieces. Malia hates the academy, for it is full of bullies and bitches. They make her life miserable because for them, she is only half human and half fairy, especially Prince Flynn. But She cannot deny the fact that He is the first boy she ever liked. Malia was abducted by the Dark Prince and her life was put in danger, Prince Flynn realized how important Malia in his life is. He is the first person who rescued her and discovered Malia's deepest secret. Can Prince Flynn break Malia's heart? Or is his whole being including the crown will be shattered? Can he give up the throne in the name of love? Is Malia powerful and strong enough to face the Sinister King of the dark realm to save her real parents and claim what is rightfully hers? ——————————————————————————— (Sequel Volume 2: The Deity Apprentice) Amara was chosen as the next Deity of Erthesia Land, because of her overflowing beauty and power. For all her life she lives in the Magical Forest, they forbid her to go outside until she will be at the right age. She trained day and night to become the perfect deity, she can’t wait to get outside her world to explore what lies beyond the wilderness. Prince Benjamin “Ben” Neroz, is the Crown Prince of Elpizo Kingdom, he is the playboy of the Erthesia Land because he is the most handsome in his generation, smart and powerful, that is why the female population of all Erthesia Land is dying to be with him. Amara met Prince Benjamin accidentally in the Magical Forest, and she fell in love with him, but being the Deity, means she is forbidden to fall in love, it does not allow her to interact with other fairies. Can Amara alter her destiny, just to be with the man she loves? -------------------------------------------------- Volume 3: Prince Maverick The Immortal Prince Violet Huez is a Senior High School student who does not have time for love because she is so busy working a part-time job to help her mother to make ends meet. Then one day her mother got sick and asked her to do her mother’s job as a maid in the Blaze mansion just for the day, but she accidentally broke the expensive vase of the Blaze family that costs a fortune. Maverick Blaze is the Crown Prince of the Immortal Realm. He visits the human world to enjoy, but he was forbidden by her grandmother to associate with humans. Maverick meets Violet and he wants to help and protect her, then he falls in love with her. To save her he offered Violet to take responsibility for the broken vase and he asked her to pay for the vase by spending time in the Blaze mansion. How can Prince Maverick stop himself from falling in love with a mortal girl? And how can Violet resist herself from falling in love with the mysterious heir of the Blaze family? Can their love have a chance to grow when Prince Maverick is summoned to come home to the Immortal realm to take over the throne of his father? Is he willing to give up his Immortality for a human girl? ------------------------------- Kindly Support my other books: Falling In Love With Miracle My Friend’s Arrogant Brother I Will Make You Love Me Again Loving Madeline

sirenbeauty · Fantasy
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287 Chs

My Heart Is Broken

I heard murmurs around me, when I opened my eyes, I see Hale, Nick, Declan and Freda are on my bedside they all looked so anxious.

    "Hey Malia! Thank goodness, you are finally awake." Said Freda while hugging me tightly, and her tears made the sleeve of my gown got wet.

    "We are very sorry Malia, we are all incompetent, we didn't able to protect you, and when we arrived at the forbidden forest you are already in Flynn's arms unconscious, and the evil men had gone." Hale said looking guiltily.

"Where am I?" I asked them confused.

"You are in the quarter of Headmaster Amos, he instructed to put you here, to avoid suspicion from other students." Said Nick.

"Guys! I should be the one who should ask your forgiveness, I made you worried, besides it is not your fault at all." I said smiling at them.

"You scared me Malia, I thought you will never wake up." Said Declan while holding my right hand.

"Why did I faint?" I asked him, looking at his deep blue eyes.

"According to the Headmaster, probably because it was the first time you use your power with too much intensity, and you didn't realize when you hit the dark prince, he blocked your magic, and it made you lose too much energy, he said you could have died, when you pushed the dark Prince if you weren't the Spektra."

     "Where is Flynn? Is the Seer Alright? What happened to Avery and Suzanne?" I asked them and their reactions have shown me that the answers are not good.

    "The Seer is okay, she was not injured, Flynn took her home three days ago. She wanted to be here with you, but Flynn insisted on taking her home for the King has been waiting for her for a long time." Declan said calmly.

    "Malia, regarding Avery and Suzanne they are still here at the academy, they are both member of the royal families, and their kingdoms have alliance with Erthesia Kingdom, the headmaster thought it is not a good idea at all to expelled them right now to avoid more conflicts, besides they do it out of jealousy, they didn't know you were the Crown Princess of Erthesia, and most of all they denied the accusations, and they were both clever" Declan Explained.

"That is beyond crazy, you and I could have been killed out there, because of their selfish desire." I said looking at Declan.

    "I know Malia, but for now just focus on your recovery. It was Headmaster Amos, who healed you, when we arrived here, Flynn lost consciousness too, but he recuperated within twenty-four hours."

    "What? How many days I have been here in this bed?" I asked disoriented.

    "It has been five days now." Answered Hale.

    "Oh! No, it means I have missed a lot of our lectures, even exams." I said worried.

     "It does not matter right now Malia, the professors had been informed by the Headmaster himself that you are sick, and he requested that you will be excused from all your classes, and you will be given special tests to all the exams you have missed." Freda informed me happily.

Nick stands up to get Headmaster Amos, on the other hand Freda and Hale went out to get something to eat, since I am really starving. Prince Declan sat on my bedside looking lost in his thoughts, after what happened to us in the forbidden forest, I felt closer to him than ever, it seems we are now connected in different level, I am glad I was able to rescue him.

"Tell me, Declan, how bad is it? Please don't keep it from me, I know he doesn't feel anything for me, now that he knows the truth he must hate me too much that he doesn't want to see me anymore, if he still cares, he should be the one sitting here beside me holding my hand, not you." Tears started to well up in my eyes, and flowed down my face like a river, mixed emotions are building up inside me.

    "Malia, I don't know how to tell you this, I know he is so worried about you, when he woke up he was the one who looked out for you, he never left your side, but when your condition were stabilized by Headmaster Amos, he left and never returned, after that he started going out with Avery again." Declan said trying to make it sound less hurtful, but it doesn't change the fact that Flynn is going out with my enemy.

     "I told him everything that it was Avery's evil plan, that she is the mastermind behind everything." Declan said with a worried expression on his face.

    I know I should have told him when he confessed to me how he felt about me. I have my reasons, and I just can't tell him who I am. They were betrothed already before I met him, our relationship only made known to my close friends, in the academy they are still a couple. I still feel sharp stabbing pain, and I can't control my tears that keep on falling like waterfalls.

    "Malia, please stop crying, if I could only change his mind, I will do it in a heart beat." Declan said while rubbing my back, it made me cry louder.

The time the Headmaster arrived, I no longer weep. He smiled at me warmly.

   "I am glad that you finally came back to us Princess, you scared us terribly. You have such loyal friends with you." He said while inspecting me from head to toe.

    "You are now back to your normal state, you need to train using your full power Malia, meaning without hiding your real wings. You have now come to power, in short you became a real fairy in a brief period of time, even your appearance, if you will look in the mirror you will be astonished to see your face. It looks like Queen Thalassa has finally come home to Erthesia. You looked exactly like your mother." He said proudly handing me a mirror out of nowhere, magic can be so handy above all.

    Indeed, whichever angle I resembled my mother, I cannot think of anything to say, especially now that my mind is fully occupied by Flynn. The beauty that reflected in the mirror is now useless, the Crown Prince of Erthesia couldn't care less about me, he never gave me a chance to explain my side, I am so dense in believing in him that he really likes me.

Headmaster Amos allowed me to go back to our own dorm room to have a rest, then give me instructions to attend my classes again on the next day and take special exams for what I have missed. I know I am physically okay, but due to the current situation between Flynn and me, I feel like my chest is going to explode.

   How could he easily forget all about me? All the promises and vows he made under the starry skies are now only in my memory, but I can't forget about him at all. I should have stayed away from him, and controlled my feelings for him. Prince Lucian was right about everything he told me at the cave.

It is too late already, I am in love with Flynn. I will never give up on him, my steadfast love for him will never cease, I will do anything to talk to him, I just want to touch and kiss him again. I want to be lost and got drunk from his scent and sweet words, I never missed anyone like this before, I feel empty and broken.

    Nighttime came, I am so nervous while choosing a dress to wear in going to the banquet hall, I want to impress Flynn. I chose the yellow knee-length dress, it makes my skin tone glow, when I looked in the mirror, I am satisfied with my look, one could say I am someone who doesn't need makeup anymore. Nothing in my face needed to be hidden or changed, I look so perfect and real.

    I am not fake, I am still me, yet I can't hide the real beauty that came out after my total transformation, after I became a full pledge fairy, according to Headmaster Amos, I am now part of the fairy guild, a group of powerful fairies who fight the dark forces, my great-grandfather is the founder of the said association. The current chairman of the said alliance is no other than Headmaster Amos himself.

I am so anxious in our way to the dining hall, the continued rapid heart beat of my heart makes me nervous, when we come near to the entrance of the banquet hall. All sets of eyes are in our direction, I can see the shocked on my fellow students upon seeing me again.

"Look at her, she became more beautiful, I thought she was sick. I think she became so hot and her personality is more striking than before." I heard some comments of my fellow students, but I ignore them all I only wanted to see one person, then when our eyes met he looked away at once, and he caressed the face of Avery my nemesis. They are looking at each other with googled eyed.

I felt like I am suffocating, the pain is excruciating, and it pierced deeply through my heart, I feel like the whole world stand still, then I run away from my friends, from the buffet hall into the darkness of the night. I spread my marvelous wings, then soared above the sky, to the outskirts of the magical forest. Tears of pain are flowing down my cheeks faster than my own heartbeat.

    I don't know how long I am in the air, feeling lost and astray. I descended slowly into the forest, and look for the tallest tree, when I finally find it, I hid my wings and seated at the crown of the tree located in the upper part, the branches are strong and big, this is really the biggest tree I have ever seen, bigger than the tree I saw in the human world.

    Then, using my magic I made a hammock, and I hang the hammock tight, then I slowly lay a slight angle, I miss my mom and dad, I suddenly wanted to go home. I cried again, then the sounds of nocturnal animals lull me to sleep, and I was awakened by a soft voice calling my name.

"Princess! Please wake up!"

I am confused about where I am when I opened my eyes, I can see the crack of dawn on the horizon. Then it registered to me that I am on top of the tree. I drifted to sleep and not able to go back to our dorm room. I looked from my right to left to see who has been calling me in the middle of the forest, but I don't see anyone.

I talked to Freda through her mind.

"Freda!" I call her.

"Malia? Where are you? We are so worried about you? Are you invisible now?" She asked, astounded to hear my voice, but not seeing my entire body.

"No! I am in the Magical Forest, please tell the boys, I am fine, and I am sorry." I said to her sadly.

"Wow! You are using telepathy, you really have an amazing power, don't worry, we understand as long as you are fine." She said happily and excitedly.

"I think I can't make it today, I will be there tomorrow, I just want to spend more time here, instead of going home to my mortal parents." I said while looking down at the thick forest.

"Please! Malia, don't think of leaving us, you need to look for your real parents, I know heartbreak is really painful, but you are strong enough to fight and accept reality, I know he is your first boyfriend and first love, but you are stronger than you think." Freda is talking fast, it is clear in her voice that she is worried I might go back to my old world.

"Don't worry, I won't, I just need time to think Freda that is all. Thank you!" I said then close my mind so that I can no longer hear her reply.

"Malia!" I heard again the angelic voice.

"Who are you? Can you show yourself?" I asked, I am now sitting on the branch of the tree.

"Of course, my dear." She said, I almost fell on the tree when I saw her, but she used her magic and keep me seated on the tree. She is so beautiful and sprightly, I can't believe what I see before me, she has a very powerful smile, her smile alone can light up the whole kingdom of Erthesia.

"Are you my mother?" I asked her, I am mystified and overjoyed at the same time.

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