
Princess Malia’s Secret

Book 1 and Book 2 are complete while Book 3 is ongoing. For Malia Blaze her way of life is almost perfect, her parents love and adore her, but they are super strict and overprotective. On her 18th birthday they turn her world upside down, when they informed her she is adopted, and she is the lost Princess of a Fairy Kingdom. She needs to leave her human world behind to go to the Erthesia Academy to undergo training to become a full pledge fairy, while keeping her true identity secret for her own sake. Prince Flynn Vermilion is the Crown Prince, and the most popular guy in the Erthesia Kingdom because he has it all, good looks, wits, wealth and the crown. He hates Malia for she is the only female in the entire kingdom that does not care about who he is. He wants to teach her a lesson, make her fall in love with him and then break her heart into pieces. Malia hates the academy, for it is full of bullies and bitches. They make her life miserable because for them, she is only half human and half fairy, especially Prince Flynn. But She cannot deny the fact that He is the first boy she ever liked. Malia was abducted by the Dark Prince and her life was put in danger, Prince Flynn realized how important Malia in his life is. He is the first person who rescued her and discovered Malia's deepest secret. Can Prince Flynn break Malia's heart? Or is his whole being including the crown will be shattered? Can he give up the throne in the name of love? Is Malia powerful and strong enough to face the Sinister King of the dark realm to save her real parents and claim what is rightfully hers? ——————————————————————————— (Sequel Volume 2: The Deity Apprentice) Amara was chosen as the next Deity of Erthesia Land, because of her overflowing beauty and power. For all her life she lives in the Magical Forest, they forbid her to go outside until she will be at the right age. She trained day and night to become the perfect deity, she can’t wait to get outside her world to explore what lies beyond the wilderness. Prince Benjamin “Ben” Neroz, is the Crown Prince of Elpizo Kingdom, he is the playboy of the Erthesia Land because he is the most handsome in his generation, smart and powerful, that is why the female population of all Erthesia Land is dying to be with him. Amara met Prince Benjamin accidentally in the Magical Forest, and she fell in love with him, but being the Deity, means she is forbidden to fall in love, it does not allow her to interact with other fairies. Can Amara alter her destiny, just to be with the man she loves? -------------------------------------------------- Volume 3: Prince Maverick The Immortal Prince Violet Huez is a Senior High School student who does not have time for love because she is so busy working a part-time job to help her mother to make ends meet. Then one day her mother got sick and asked her to do her mother’s job as a maid in the Blaze mansion just for the day, but she accidentally broke the expensive vase of the Blaze family that costs a fortune. Maverick Blaze is the Crown Prince of the Immortal Realm. He visits the human world to enjoy, but he was forbidden by her grandmother to associate with humans. Maverick meets Violet and he wants to help and protect her, then he falls in love with her. To save her he offered Violet to take responsibility for the broken vase and he asked her to pay for the vase by spending time in the Blaze mansion. How can Prince Maverick stop himself from falling in love with a mortal girl? And how can Violet resist herself from falling in love with the mysterious heir of the Blaze family? Can their love have a chance to grow when Prince Maverick is summoned to come home to the Immortal realm to take over the throne of his father? Is he willing to give up his Immortality for a human girl? ------------------------------- Kindly Support my other books: Falling In Love With Miracle My Friend’s Arrogant Brother I Will Make You Love Me Again Loving Madeline

sirenbeauty · Fantasy
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We descended slowly on the ground, It seems everyone else has been done with the examination early except me. I looked over to my friends and find their faces relaxed aside from Hale. He is looking at me with anger in his eyes. I am not sure what is the drama of Hale, but I need to get over, with my exam first, then I will confront him later.

The expressions of my classmates are a mixture of reverence and abhorrence, the royals seems unhappy seeing me riding the black horse, while the common fairies are giving me a confused glance.

"Well, you just made it on time Malia, now can you tell us or kindly introduce your new comrades to us." Professor Knight said smiling at me.

I am hesitant to present them, as I am still waiting for Roz, when I heard his deafening snarls behind me. My classmates were shocked, they didn't expect that I have three pals with me.

    "I am proud to formally introduce my new-found friends to all of you, please meet Serpentina, Roz, and Ezeki, guys these are my fellows." I said happily, I heard the chatters and whispers of my fellow students, specifically when Serpentina turned into her old self again, so mighty yet glorious, and all of them are on high alert when Roz roared.

"Guys, calm down please, and behave yourselves." The white snake stayed behind me instantly, while Roz stands at my side.

"Wow! You are remarkable Malia, you are only half fairy, and yet you were able to tame these three magical beasts. They all belong to the Goddess of the forest, they are the wildest among the creatures in the jungle, unless they want you to be their master. They only approach a powerful fairy. It looks like Headmaster Amos is right about your ability." Professor Knight said skeptical about my attainment.

"Now the highest score for this examination goes to Malia Blaze followed by Prince Flynn. The beasts will be your guide and protector from now on. You can summon them anytime you want, for the time being you may release them, but for those who only captured small animals or insects you can have them by your side. For these gigantic creatures let them go back to the forest." He said looking to my three amigos.

I don't have a choice, but to say goodbye to them. "Hey! Thank you guys. I will not be able to pass, nor get the top score if not for you." I said to them looking sad, I hate to admit, I am beginning to like them.

"Don't worry Princess Malia we will be near you all the time, just call us if you are in need." Said Serpentina in her pacifying voice. They said their farewells and vanished right before my eyes.

    Freda runs towards me and give me a bear hug. I hugged her back. " I am so proud of you Malia, and sorry I was not able to be there for you, it took me so long to capture my friend here." She said merrily pointing to the eagle resting on her right shoulder. "This is Hope by the way."

"Hello! Hope, I am Malia." I said, smiling at the eagle, I was not expecting her to bow to me. Well, Serpentina is accurate about them knowing who I am. Nick patted my shoulder and congratulate me at the same time, meanwhile Hale totally ignored me. We return to our door room to rest, and I fell asleep immediately the moment my body hit my bed.

We are on our way to the banquet Hall to eat. We are all starving, Hale is still giving me the silent treatment, and I can't take it anymore.

    "Is there a problem Prince Hale?" I looked into his eyes, but he averted my gaze and look down at his shoes. "Nothing is wrong princess Malia, I am just tired that is all." He said hesitantly. I did not force him to tell me the truth, but I know something is bothering him.

I will find a way to speak with Prince Hale after our dinner. I will ask him to accompany me in the garden. My eyes scan the whole dining hall. I want to see Flynn, I will never be the same again, it was pure bliss having to taste his perfect lips. It was a magical kiss, and it will forever be tattooed on my mind and heart.

    I am looking forward to seeing the crown prince, but my heart was wounded when I saw him having an intimate conversation with Avery. He is holding and kissing her hands, while the Princess is looking up at him touching his face. I feel an unexpected ache in my heart. I found Hale watching Flynn too, he is holding his breath, but I can see his face turning red with anger. It is all now clear to me, Hale have seen what happened between me and Flynn.

    I hold his hand, and pulled him away from the crowd. I don't want him to confront Flynn, I am at fault too. Flynn never forced me to kiss him back, I did it on my own free will. I am ashamed of myself, because even after what I have witnessed I still want him.

I am still holding Hale's hand, until we reached the garden. I face him, and I am stunned to see his face. He is looking at me now without anger, but he is looking at me with longing and desire. "Malia, please don't tell me anything about how you feel towards Flynn." Hale said weakly, his eyes are pleading.

    "I like you from the moment I first saw you." He said earnestly. I am speechless, I know it already that he likes me, but it is so different upon hearing it coming from him. He slowly moved to me and cupped my face. I was not able to avoid the soft touch of his lips into mine. Hale kissed me, but I didn't kiss him back. There is no spark at all, I don't feel trembling on my knees out of anticipation.

    "I am so sorry Malia, I am so weak to fight this feeling I have for you." Hale stopped kissing me, and moved back from me. "Please don't get mad at me Princess." He sounded defeated. "I am not angry with you Hale, I am honored to be fancied by someone like you. You are a good person Hale, if only I can dictate my heart whom to love, I will choose you." I said honestly.

    "Judging by your reaction when I came on the academy ground today, you looked at me with hatred in your eyes. Why Hale? What did I do that made you so furious?" I asked him.

    "Sorry Malia, I was looking for you, because I heard Suzanne and her group of friends talking about you. I knew that they harmed you again, however, I saw you and Flynn kissing under that big tree." Hale is looking at me without fluttering his eyes.

     "I already know your feelings for him from the moment you lay your eyes on him. I can see it in your eyes Mal, but I was hoping it will change because of the way he treated you, nonetheless I was wrong. It pained me so much to see you kissing him with all your heart, but it upset me more looking at Flynn flirting with another girl in front of you." Hale said with distaste in his voice.

    "I want to crush him for you Malia, I love you, and I don't want to see you suffer because of him. All I want for you is to be happy." He said looking at me with tenderness. I am so touched by Hale's concern and honesty, I hugged him tightly, and I am sobbing on his chest.

     I cried for what he said is true, I am hurting because Flynn is having a good time with Avery after our hot make out session in the forest.

I am also weeping because I am incapable of loving Hale the way he loves me, I love him as a friend, why he has to love me more than friends. My own mother was not able to reciprocate the feelings of his own father, and now me.

"I am sorry Hale, how I wish I can..." I was not able to finish what I am about to say, Hale put his finger on my lips to silence me. "Don't Malia, you don't need to say sorry. Just let me love you. I don't expect you to love me in return." He smiles at me trying his best to conceal his true emotions. He is hurting inside, and I am the reason of his heartache.

   I sighed heavily, I feel light-headed and Hale is still hugging me. My head is on his chest. He smells so good and I feel so safe in his arms. I don't want to lose Hale. I want him to be my friend forever. "Hale! Please promise me whatever happens, you will always be my friend." I peeked at his face, while rubbing his back to make him relax. I am glad to feel Hale's breathing came back to normal. He is no longer sad, or angry.

    "Wow! Malia, you just rubbed my back and I feel this way, how did you do that? You make me so calm, and I easily accepted the fact that I can never have you as my girlfriend? I know I am still in pain, but what you did is amazing. You will become a substantial healer of Erthesia Malia." Hale smiled at me widely.

    "I promise you Malia, I will forever be your friend, I will always be here for you no matter what."

     "Thank you, Hale, it means a lot to me." He wiped my tears away using his fingers.

     "I will do anything for you Malia." I released myself from hugging Hale, and sat on the bench made of stone. He sat beside me, we are not talking, but we were both contented of each other's company. One down, I don't want to break Nick's heart too, but it is obvious he has feelings for me, how on earth I became a breaker of hearts? In the human world, I don't even have a boyfriend. Who am I, to shutter their hearts?


    "Yes! Hale?"

     "I think you also need to tell Nick, I reckon you already know he is crazy about you too. I am sure he will understand, at least there are two of us who will suffer the same fate, don't take it personally Malia, but it is not your fault that we fell for you." He said gazing at the crescent moon shining above us.

"I am so lucky to have you both as my friends, you can't blame me if I hate myself for putting you two in this situation."

     "I am really sorry." I said, pulling Hale to stand up with me.

"It is getting late Hale, I think Freda and Nick are looking for us now."

"Are you not hungry Malia?" Inquired Hale.

"I lost my appetite Hale, upon seeing the playboy." I said to Hale pretending to be okay, but deep inside I am still feeling angry with Flynn for toying with my feelings.

      "I will now take you to your room, this weekend I will bring you to the capital, of course the four of us, but I have to discuss it with Nick. Take it as my gift for you for acing our exam. I am happy for you Malia, I apologize for my late greetings, my jealousy got in the way. Congratulations Princess Malia, I am very pleased and proud of you." He said grinning at me.

As much as I want to tell Hale the real feelings of Freda for him, I keep it to myself, maybe next time, when the time is right. I need to become the queen first to make some amendments of their current laws regarding relationships, besides it is not my secret to tell.