
Episode 6

(The episode opens with Princess K and Charlie checking out fruit, when a big crowd gets in-between them, after the crowd pass by Charlie is gone)

Princess K (runs): Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!

(Princess K checks all over, but doesn't see Charlie anywhere, she even sniffs the air, but nothing)

Princess K: Where could he have gone?

A male voice: Stop thief!

(A person in a hood passes Princess K and a bunch of villagers)

Princess K: Some people never learn (then eats a peach and walks away)

(Princess K turns around sees the person in the hood about to land by a snake charmer, she runs with quick speed and stops the person from get bitten by snakes)

The person (runs pass Princess K): Thank you, but next time mind your own business

Princess K: You're welcome, jerk (smiles at the snakes and walks away)

(The screen switches to Charlie gets up, looks out of the window, and sees he is in a tower)

A voice: Well, look who is awake

(A girl who has long brown hair with black streaks, wearing a red cloak and holding a scepter named Bathswuiy Swuitter sitting on a throne)

Charlie: Bathswuiy Swuitter, what's going on?

Bathswuiy Swuitter: You were supposed to have met us a long time ago, so I had to hunt you down

Charlie (angry): Couldn't you have teleported me with Princess K?

(A boy who has short blond hair, wearing a blue cloak named Ticackle Tilline)

Ticackle Tilline: Because we wanted to talk to

you alone.

Charlie: Why?

Ticackle Tilline: Because of Princess K's power, we believe that her power will be great danger for the girl, but after hearing the rumors about you two helping people

(A man who has silver hair, white beard, wearing a red cloak named Master Hermit)

Charlie: Master Hermit

Master Hermit: It's good to be reunited, we should keep an eye on the princess together.

Charlie: Of course, I haven't always had the best luck, the Princess has saved me

(Ticackle Tilline's eyes widened)

Master Hermit: So, that power is that great.

Charlie: Indeed

Master Hermit: Then, let's go

(Evil laugh echoes)

Charlie (holding his scepter): Who's there?

A voice: And to think I was going to just get revenge on one sorcerer, now I can stop a whole gang

(The person of shadows from last episode appears)

Charlie: We destroyed you

The person: So, you thought as the princess said, but reversed where there is light, there is darkness, so I can't be completely destroyed.

Bathswuiy Swuitter: Then, we will imprison you, ready team?

All of the sorcerers: Ready?

(Charlie, Master Hermit, Ticackle Tilline, Bathswuiy Swuitter, a boy who has black hair with a swirl wearing a black cloak named Ishacat Ishashot. Together, they make a giant Star with magic from their scepters)

(The screen switches to Princess K chasing after the person in a hood)

The person in the hood: It's just a crown don't you have like twenty

Princess K: That's my favorite crown, wait, why am I running (snaps her finger and the crown appears in her hand)

The person in the hood: Why you little!

Princess K: I'm just taking what you stole was (and put her crown back on her head)

The person in the hood: Wait, I know you, you're that princess that has magical abilities

Princess K (flying): So, you heard of me, bye (flies off) (stops) and you might want to run, the people are coming back

(The person in the hood runs away with bunch of people chasing her, but she looks at Princess K)

Princess K: She doesn't seem like that bad girl, maybe I could help her (finger snaps)

(The person in the hood is running, gets surrounded by the people with nowhere to run, then disappears, and a bag appears in her place)

(The person in the hood lands by Princess K and smiles)

Princess K: Your welcome

The person in the hood: Why help me?

Princess K: Because I believe you are a nice person

(The person takes of her hood reveals green hair)

The person in the hood: Do you have a crush on me?

Princess K (blushes): What? That's ridiculous!

The person in the hood (smirks): Hmmm… then, why are you (points to Princess K's face) blushing

Princess K (blushing): You surprised me (turns her back from the person) with that question

The person in the hood: Really? Or is it royals don't believe in same sex relationship?

Princess K: What? I'm not like that, but my uncle was like that

The person in the hood: I was just (winks) playing with you

Princess K: So, what now?

The person in the hood: I'm too known here, let's go somewhere else

(Princess K opens a portal, the person in the hood takes Princess K's hand and they go through the portal)

(The screen switches to The sorcerers weaken the person of darkness and sends him away in a vortex)

Charlie: That should've done it

Ishacat Ishashot: There's no time for that, we need to get to the princess

Charlie: Right

(All of them wave their wands and disappear)

(The screen shows Princess K swimming with The person in the hood)

Princess K (waves): Hey guys, meet my new friend

The person in the hood: Ishama Kalster, nice to meet you (looks at Princess K) you're friends with sorcerers

Princess K (smiles): Yeah

Ticackle Tilline: Seems she is having fun

Bathswuiy Swuitter: Then, let's join her

(The other sorcerers and Charlie get into the lake with Princess K and Ishama)

(The episode ends with them laughing)