
Princess in the Death Penalty (English)

Prince Shem Theodorus of the Kingdom of Sadrach has fallen in love with a Princess of the Serafin Kingdom. They are ready to get married and both of them love each other. But who would have thought that the King of the Serafin Kingdom was treasonous and wanted to steal Red Xavier Crystal, but was caught in the act. So that it caused a great war, and the Serafin Kingdom was completely destroyed along with the King and Queen who were beheaded. Because the Serafin's Princess disappeared, she became a fugitive in the kingdom with the status of Death Penalty (beheaded) as well. In her escape, she met many men who wanted her, even her body. Even the King (Father of Prince Shem) is tempted by Adaline's beauty in disguise and wants to have her too. What will happen to Princess Adaline? Will Prince Shem Theodorus give up his lover to be beheaded? anti-plagiarism, honesty will have an impact on your world and your hereafter.

Lika_FR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
181 Chs

36 Anger Control

Now Prince Shem was staring intently at Abraham who was looking down languidly. Shem paced back and forth while continuing to stare at his trusted Commander-in-Chief. Suddenly Shem threw a raw fist into Abraham's jaw, who looked unprepared.

"HAAAARGGHHH!!!" Shem shouted.

"UUUGHH!!" Abraham stumbled backwards. He did not dare to fend off or fight his Prince. Shem kept hitting and hitting repeatedly because he felt Abraham was a mighty man and also the most trusted person to keep his lover safe, but it failed.

Masyayel is getting confused. If she had not stopped Shem, Abraham could have been beaten to death by Shem without a fight. It really wasn't Abraham's fault. Uncle Elliot could not and dare not defend or do anything about this.

"NOOOOO!!!! STOP, SHEEEEEM!" Masyayel cried as she ran, she grabbed and squeezed Shem's shoulders and clothes to stop her lover who was madly beating Abraham.

"Shem, please stop. Listen to me, he could die! Remember! Only he and Uncle Elliot have always been loyal to you and were the most honest. Do you want them both dead? Who else would you trust besides the two of them? ?! Huh?! Nothing right???" Masyayel shouted to stop it all.

Shem seemed to think because she was hugged by Masyayel right on the waist because there was nothing else she could do. Shem gasped for breath after beating Abraham.

"What did you do? To not know Adaline was in danger? Where were you until it was too late to save her?!!!!" Shem shouted.

Not long after, the tight grip of Masyayel's hands began to loosen. The girl fell and collapsed on the floor. She fainted instantly behind her lover, Shem. The burden is too heavy and the feelings are messy. Besides that she was also weak and tired. Shem stopped his brutality, he immediately helped Adaline who was slumped on the floor.

"ADALINE!!!" shouted Shem.

He hugged, cried and kissed the girl's face, then he picked her up and carried her to his bed again. He lay down slowly, then he panicked and asked Uncle Elliot what he should do for his lover.

"Uncle Elliot, what should we do? Is there any medicine or potion that can make her feel better?"

"He just needs rest and calm, Prince, she is still sick and very tired. We have given her medicine and potions earlier. Maybe she is shocked to see how we are all," replied Uncle Elliot.

Shem sat beside the girl who was still lying down with her eyes closed. Shem was very worried about her. He caressed Adaline's head and hair a strange feeling.

"I want to slaughter and dismember those thugs! Brainless bastards must be exterminated from this Land! I want my own hands to spill their blood." Shem grumbled uttered with an aura of embers burning in his soul.

"But I'm too afraid that if it will make everyone suspicious and will even harm Adaline, it will be strange for a high-ranking prince like me to defend his servant to the death? Who is she? Of course it will endanger her existence even more."

Prince Shem seemed to think about revenge for his hurt, what happened to Princess Adaline. But he wouldn't be able to find the culprit directly. The prince decides to finally choose and asks Abraham to find the culprit.

"Commander Abraham, look for those bast*rds, separate the head from the body at once, when you meet them!" Shem ordered, still stroking her lover who was still closed.

"They, those two people have to meet and have to die! They have not only tarnished Adaline, but also stained my heart!! They must die horribly!! How dare they touch my future wife and special girl in my heart and life. They have ruined my future! !!" Shem's vengeance is fiery against the culprit.

"I will, my Lord, but how do I find the person? I don't know who did it either?" asked Abraham.

"You'll be looking for the culprit until you find the culprit, Adaline knows that bastard's face! Go with her when she's getting better. Look for them forever, they must be found!" Shem shouted again.

"Ready my Lord, I will wait for the princess to wake up and her condition improves, I will carry out my Lord orders well. Trust me Prince." Abraham assured Shem that the task would be successful and not difficult to carry out.

That's how Abraham, no matter how sick he received from Shem, he was still only loyal and obedient to Shem's orders, it seems Abraham was born and created only for Shem. He was always under his master's orders and always obeyed all the words and orders of Shem.

Shem also forgot that Adaline still hadn't washed herself, disheveled and looking shabby. He forgot that the warm water that had been prepared since this morning had turned cold. Shem was very sorry for her lover, Abraham said Adaline or Masyayel just this morning was found in a high fever and unconscious, had just woken up, had taken potions and medicines and had breakfast earlier.

Shem had fed her. But he forgot that the girl had not had time to take a shower? Wasn't he the one who asked her to take a bath together? Shem thought, but everything was lost and forgotten because of his tantrum and anger at the heartbreaking news, How uncomfortable and filthy her whole body was, how many days he could not clean herself. Finally the Prince took the initiative to bathe his lover who was still unconscious.

"You guys, go back to your respective places, do your duty. This is just a warning. Don't be careless again, if it happens again, you will die by my hands! I'm not kidding!" Prince Shem cursed as he asked them to leave his room.

After the two left, the Prince locked the door to his room, then the Prince carefully began to remove the clothes that covered his lover's body. He slowly carried the girl's body that seemed to be getting thinner, after removing all the cloth that had covered her beautiful body. The prince took her to the bathroom.