
Chapter 2

"Who are you?" - Gracie asks, trembling with fear.

"I am Jensen. Please, stay calm. I am not gonna hurt you." - he said, trying to appease her, meaning no harm.

"How can I know? How am I supposed to believe that you have not come after me for polluting this sacred water?" - she is nervous.

"Oh my. Having fun is illegal? Sacred waters? This place is a forgotten treasure of the Island." - he is successful in calming her, 'cause he had just put the question mark in her mind.

"Jensen, right? Nice to meet you. I am sorry." - her smile is shy.

"No problem, at all. And you are..." - he says, to which she completes. "Gracie. Sorry again. I was supposed to say that...".

"So, Gracie..." - he was so captured by her, and so her for him, instantly, that no words could ever come to a meaning.

"Would you accept having a picnic with me?" - Jensen finally broke the silence.