
Princess Assassin

Check out my new book "Fangless: The Alpha's Vampire Mate", which participates in Cupid's Quill. Please support me by adding the book to your library, voting, and commenting :D *** This story is slow-burn to show the characters' desires and emotions properly. The ML will appear in Chapter 28. If you'd like to skip the earlier chapters, you can go ahead to Chapter 28, where the main story begins. Chapters 1-28 give a glimpse of Yohana's life before she's resurrected in Runa's body. They also contain hints for several mysteries, but not major ones that would disrupt your reading flow. ___ [updated daily] Yohana, a skilled and relentless assassin, is killed after eliminating a prostitute. But she returns from the dead and finds herself in the body of the prostitute, who turns out to be the former princess. Now Yohana must unravel the mystery of her death while navigating high society as she assumes a new identity. As she uncovers the truth, she faces unexpected allies, enemies, and love, challenging her at every step. ___ Instagram: merakiconstellation Discord: merakifiction Join my discord channel here https://discord.gg/dgHBGW84

merakifiction · Fantasy
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480 Chs


"W-what?" Yohana's mind struggled to process the unfolding situation. The marigolds were lovely. What was amiss? She bent to retrieve a flower, only to be sharply hit on the hand by the maid.

"Hey!" Thea, unyielding, shoved the maid, sending her stumbling backward.

Mrs. Edith's voice trembled with incredulity. "You dare to wreak havoc in my home?"

Unyielding, Thea squared her shoulders, her fists clenched. Her voice rang out in a fierce declaration, "She's being treated rudely. I don't care who you are, but I won't let you mistreat her. Do you not know how much the crown prince holds her in esteem? He would not hesitate to take action for any disrespect toward her."

"Thea…" Yohana's soft voice interceded, urging Thea to regain her composure.

Struck by Thea's audacious statement, Sir Bastian sank back into his seat, while Mrs. Edith averted her gaze. "But… you're the one who came with disrespect in the form of marigolds."

"What's wrong with marigolds?" Yohana inquired, her confusion unabated.

The maid spoke up, clarifying the negative connotations, "Marigolds symbolize the fleeting nature of life, along with grief and loss. Gifting them implies wishing death upon the recipient."

The revelation struck Thea hard. She hastened to Yohana's defense, her tone resolute, "We aren't gifting these to you, Sir and Madam. They are mine. Her Ladyship herself gave them to me."

Nevertheless, the Kranz couple had seized upon a pretext to shun Yohana. They could even spread the tale among other vendors, thwarting her chances of securing their services and jeopardizing her entire endeavor.

Disheartened by their encounter, Yohana and Thea made their way back to the palace, their efforts to secure an agreement with the Kranz couple having come to naught.

Suspicions brewed within Yohana, wondering whether Princess Eleanor had deliberately orchestrated her failure. Was it a move aligned with the queen's intentions, or was Eleanor merely finding amusement in thwarting Yohana's efforts?

Back at the palace, Henrie warmly received her, his curiosity evident as he probed for updates on her progress. Though Thea was eager to speak out about their unfavorable encounter with the Kranz, Yohana held back the full extent of their mistreatment.

"Unfortunately, things didn't fall into place," she admitted, masking the frustration in her voice.

Henrie, always willing to assist, offered a solution. "I could talk to them on your behalf. They've worked with me before, so they might listen."

Grateful for his support, Yohana managed a smile. She respected his offer but recognized the risks. "I truly appreciate your willingness, Henrie, but I believe I need to handle this myself. Moreover, your intervention might only provoke the queen to not acknowledge my presence further."

A hint of disappointment flashed in Henrie's eyes, though he maintained his understanding demeanor. "Of course, Runa. I understand. But know that if you need anything, I'm here to help."

"In fact, there is," Yohana continued, her gaze fixed on Henrie. The weight of her words seemed to hang in the air, anticipation building. "Aside from vendors, I am also seeking donors. That's arguably the most crucial aspect of the entire charity ball."

Henrie's expression transformed, his face illuminated as if a lightbulb had been switched on within him. His enthusiasm was palpable. "Tell me, Yohana, how can I contribute? Should I become a donor as well?"

"Your willingness to help warms my heart." Yohana appreciated his immediate enthusiasm. "Yes, you could absolutely become a donor if you wish. Moreover, I ask for your assistance in spreading the word among fellow nobles. Encourage them to step forward, to join us in supporting this cause and becoming donors."

Henrie's commitment was unwavering. "Consider it done. I will use every ounce of influence I have to rally others behind this endeavor."

The two of them headed for the royal dinner tonight. The dining room welcomed Yohana and Henrie, its ambiance soon stirred by the arrival of Princess Eleanor, who had been absent for quite some time.

Henrie's greeting, though tinged with jest, carried a sharpness. "Ah, hello, Sister. I was beginning to think you'd taken flight with the dress, overcome by shame from your deeds that night."

Queen Emma, ever vigilant in her defense of her children, promptly intervened. "Henrie, mind your tone. Eleanor wasn't feeling well on that occasion, and she wisely chose to rest early to recover."

"Oh, really? What if I were to tell you that I caught her engaging in flirtatious exchanges with my intended husband? How would you respond to that, Mother?" Princess Elke's voice sliced through the tension in the room.

Yohana couldn't discern whether Elke was privy to the truth of that night or merely vexed by the queen's unwavering protection of Eleanor.

An undercurrent of tension swirled in the room, thickened by the queen's sharp reproach. "Elke, your words have consequences. Your thoughtless remarks could shatter your sister's reputation irreparably."

Elke's defiance flared, and her gaze swept the room, settling on the strained expressions around her. "Why are you all so afraid of her? What power does she hold over each of you?" Her words hung in the air, charged with frustration and confusion.

"Enough! If you continue behaving this way, I would rather have you dine alone in your room so that you can reflect on your vulgar behavior," Queen Emma declared firmly.

The queen's composure teetered, her hand visibly trembling as she clutched her fork. She took several deep breaths, her eyes never leaving her plate. Tension rippled through the room, a palpable testament to the weight of their family dynamics.

In the midst of it all, Yohana couldn't help but agree with Princess Elke's sentiment. Something had undoubtedly transpired, something beyond the surface, that cast Princess Eleanor as an enigma, feared or resented within the confines of the royal family.

Princess Elke's shoulders slumped slightly, her initial defiance giving way to a tinge of introspection. With a begrudging nod, she pushed her chair back, the legs scraping gently against the polished floor.

"Very well," she said, her voice softer now, a begrudging acceptance of her mother's ultimatum. She turned to exit, her figure a silhouette against the warm light filtering in from the corridor.

The dinner took on a somber tone after Princess Elke's departure, leaving the room in an awkward silence. As Henrie courteously accompanied Yohana back to her chamber, a knight suddenly approached him in a rush. "Your Highness," he urgently called out, his breath ragged as his eyes shifted between Henrie and Yohana.

It was evident that the knight had pressing news to convey to Henrie. Sensing the importance of the matter, Yohana gracefully excused herself with a bow. "Good night, Henrie. It seems you have matters of urgency to attend to."

As she began to move away from Henrie, he suddenly halted her progress. "Runa, wait! There's something you should see."

Yohana turned back to face him, "What is it, Henrie? Is it something that cannot wait until tomorrow?"

"We've found the dress!" Henrie's voice carried an air of excitement.