
Princess and the General

The Immortals Valley’s little medicine fairy Yu Fu, who descended the mountain at twelve years old, encountered an Eastern Ling soldier seeking for medicine outside the mountain gate. Due to various reasons, she got taken back to an army camp to treat the poisoned Eastern Ling’s Great General Marquis. Little Yu Fu said with a pitiful look, “It’s correct that my master is the god of medicine, but I’m a little poison fairy, not a little medicine fairy…..” The crowd of soldiers fell into endless chaos, beating their chest and stomping their feet, with no strategy left to try. Yu Fu bit into the apple and said with puffed cheeks, “However, if the person is about to die, there’s no harm in letting me practice my poison skills.” Throwing the apple aside, with a flash of her poison needle, curing poison with poison, she saved the Great General Marquis’s life. The Great General Marquis woke up, and in order to thank her for saving his life, had her taken back to his manor. Who would’ve guess that the Great General Marquis had six sons with extraordinary appearances, completely different personalities, and exceptionally good marital art skills. Especially the heir who was the eldest, possessing a beautiful face, and a dignified bearing, making Yu Fu unable to walk. “This child is this marquis’s savior, in the future, she’ll be your younger sister.” Yu Fu frantically shook her head, “No no no, I don’t want to be a younger sister!” Don’t joke, if she became their younger sister, how could she still admire the heir’s beautiful face as much as she liked then? ———— Many years later, she don the imperial gown, the long dress dragging on the floor, standing in a high and unbearably cold place—– Conferring him as the Top General. Under the palace eaves after the rain, she cuddled in his embrace, yet he asked, “Why Top General?” “Eastern Ling honored the previous Han system, with Great General as the head of all military officials. The current dynasty instead honors the Spring-Autumn period’s ancient system, with Top General as the head of all military officials.” “In that case, this subject is also your Majesty’s husband, how should this one be addressed?” She suddenly smiled and rubbed against his arm. “Regardless of how others call you, you are forever my big brother….” Photo is not mine it's from pinterest.

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63 Chs

36: Red wool

"Miss, take medicine!"

With a fever, Yu Fu, who refused to get up on the bed, wrapped himself into a cabbage worm with brocade, and thunder couldn't move.

Lian Bi came in holding the medicine, and there was no way to take Yufu. She shook her head helplessly, and asked Lian Zhu for help.

Lian Zhu stepped forward, persuading softly, trying to lift Yu Fu's quilt.

"Miss, good girl. Let's drink the medicine, the body will not be uncomfortable, and we will not want to lie in bed. You see how good the weather is outside, what's the meaning inside the quilt?"

Li Bi nodded at her with a smile, and said with a lip: "well said!"

Yufu inside the quilt shook for a moment, and next time she wrapped it tightly.

"But it's uncomfortable now, and now I want to lie in the quilt. Good sister, can't I be spoiled if I'm sick?"

Her voice was originally sullen because of the cold, and it spread out through the brocade. It became more sullen and sorrowful, and she heard that Zhu Zhu and other people's hearts melted.

Not to mention being ill, even if she is a coquettish, everyone must be responsive!

Li Bi had the medicine in her hand, neither retreating nor retreating.

If you don't drink this medicine anymore, it will not be good if it is cold!

Just then, suddenly Gu Yi's voice shouted, "Brother is coming!"

Yufu brushed off the quilt covering his head, and his eyes on the pale little face were full of panic. "Why did the big brother come so early? But I haven't combed my hair yet, I haven't changed my clothes yet! "

She rubbed her hair in a hurry. "Sister Lizhu, comb my hair, I'm seen by my elder brother, he's going to laugh at me! Sister Libi will stop him, go!"

"Hey, I'll go!"

Li Bi went out with a smile, but didn't think it was Gu Shubai.

Gu Xiang and Gu Yi like to use Gu Shubai to scare Yufu the most. This is not the first time. Yufu believes it every time.

She opened the bead curtain and walked outwards, and sure enough she only saw Gu Xiang and Gu Yi coming in with great care.

"Five sons and six sons, the lady ordered me to stop the eldest son! The eldest son was made up by you, and the slaves had to stop you."

The twin brothers laughed at Li Bi's words.

"Why did she believe it again? Hahaha, if the big brother comes, you can't stop it!"

Li Bi was just kidding. Naturally, he wouldn't really stop him and laughed and blessed him. "Slave went to pour tea for the two."

"Xiao Yufu, did you get up?"

Gu Yi had no intention of avoiding the suspicion, and went directly into the inner room. Gu Xiang hesitated and followed.

Lian Zhu was arranging her hair for Yufu on the bed, and Yufu leaned on the head of the bed, because she looked slightly reddish and looked more energetic than yesterday.

If she saw Gu Yizhen's eyes and Yufu couldn't think of him deceiving, she would be too stupid.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Gu Yi, holding Gu Xiang in her hand. "Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother is the worst, he lied to me again! You hit him for me!"

Gu Yi was so proud that she didn't want to be slap in the head by Gu Xiang.

auzw.com His eyes fluttered suddenly. "Okay, Gu Xiang, if you have Xiaoyufu, you will forget your brother. How dare you hit me?"

"No big, no little, I'm brother, what happened to you?"

Gu Xiangxuan gave him a glance, his face was not red, his heart was not beating, as he should be.

"My aunt! You are half an hour older than me, what kind of brother? Maybe we had the wrong one after we were born. My father didn't recognize it, in fact, I am the brother!"

Gu Yi turned against each other, causing Yufu to giggle, and the two men stopped fighting.

"It's time to wake up with a smile, drink medicine!"

Yufu stunned, it turned out that the two of them deliberately quarreled, just trying to make themselves laugh.

In addition, she took the medicine herself, and she knew what it smelled like. She took the medicine bowl from Li Zhu's hand and drank it.


Yufu smashed her tongue, and a bitter taste poured into her throat, causing her to frown.

"It's hard, it's not my medicine?"

She was so embarrassed, and with a look of pain, Li Bi quickly took her a piece of candied fruit, "Miss eat this, it won't be bitter!"

Yufu contains candied fruit, the sweetness of the fruit is in the throat, and the bitterness in the mouth is finally better.

Gu Yi snickered: "It was the prescription you took when you were awake and half awake yesterday. You do n't know. Taiyi Sun is so devoted to that prescription and knows how frustrated you have been after prescribing it yourself. He said that he practiced medicine all his life. It 's not like a little girl! But when he left, he told Qi Shi that the rock sugar is purely for seasoning. If you add less, Qi Shi may not be added. "

No wonder the medicine is so bitter, it turned out that no rock sugar was added at all!

Yu Fu wrinkled his face. "This recipe was not written by me. It was master's and his elderly. When I was in Xianren Valley, when the wind blows and the cold, the master gave me this recipe. I remember it! "

"No wonder, you are obviously a poisonous fairy. How can the prescription be better than Sun Taiyi? It turned out to be a **** of healing! I must quickly tell Sun Taiyi to prevent him from doing anything stupid!"

Gu Xiang said, walked out of the room to the porch, and asked the little sister near him.

Gu Yi looked at Yufu again, and she just felt that the medicine was so painful that the brocade slipped down a bit, revealing the autumn-colored lining inside.

After sleeping for a night with slightly disheveled hair, she hadn't sorted it out yet, and dropped a few strands around her neck, just inside the collar of her lining.

"Do you feel your hair itch around your neck?"

Gu Xiang reached out and tried to hook out her strands of hair, but he encountered a strange thread in his hand.

"what is this?"

Gu Xiangyi grabbed a red woolen thread and pulled it so hard that he couldn't pull it out.

Yufu lowered his head and opened his eyes suddenly!

"Six sons, let go!"

Lian Zhu stepped forward quickly, beat Gu Yi's hand back, arranged Yufu's collar, and hid the red woolen thread back.

Gu Yi didn't know why she reacted so much. She thought she was because Yufu's hair was disheveled, so she didn't let herself raise it.

He hummed instantly.

"By Xiao Yufu, why do you have to comb your hair when you come here? We are here. You do n't even wear a coat. You look down on us too, right?"