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"Your highness, we'll land soon."


Roxanne looked out of the window and saw that they were close to land, so she got up and took out her bag, which was one that stood out in the crowd. With words like 'F*ck you' written all over it. The plane landed and Roxanne got out with a smirk on her face, ready to destroy this royal school like the last. After all, none of the schools she went to worked on her, how would this one?

Princess Roxanne Rose Alexandra, was born into a castle, to a king who had five wives and 6 children. Although, Roxy liked to call them 'the jealous thots'.

Roxy was born to the second wife of the king, Anie, and had a tremendous amount of beauty and elegance in her since she was a child.

But the King's third wife, Shali, got jealous of Anie's daughter's capability.

Her daughter, Jayden, was 1 year older than Roxy, and did not inherit her mother's jealousy or bad traits.

The jealousy drove Shali crazy and eventually to the point where she wanted to kill Roxy. She lured Roxy out of the castle on a windy night, and Roxy obliged, seeing as Shali was also her mother. What happened next turned good for Roxy, but not so good for Shali.

Shali left her in a deserted area of the kingdom, and went back to castle. There she was found by a group of guys who recognised her and wanted to send her back, but Roxy, as stubborn as she was, didn't want to go back no matter how much the guys insisted and wanted to wait for her mother to come pick her up.

The guys gave up and took Roxy in, scared that she would catch a cold, planning to send her back once she fell asleep, but that didn't work out. Roxy didn't sleep for the entire night.

The next day, there were newspapers everywhere, the headlines stating things from the disappearance of Roxy and the death of Shali. Apparently, Shali was killed by a truck that ran her over, leaving her disfigured and unrecognisable.

Guards came running in the valley where she was staying, and the guys were terrified, but Roxy didn't wanna leave. Her puffy and red eyes from crying made her look even more adorable than she was, and the guys were too kind to do this to a kid.

One of the guys got on one of his knees, and soothingly said, "Don't cry, if you wanna be strong, you shouldn't cry."

Just then, the guard began to bang on the doors. The guys who was soothing Roxy picked her up and jumped outside through the window. Roxy's puffy princess dress was making it difficult to carry her, but they made it somewhere Roxy didn't know.