

The king wore a rich blue fox fur robe over a red undershirt. He looked sophisticated if it wasn't for his depressed looking face and his fingers rubbing his temple.

"Ahem" Roxy spoke out to get the king's attention. The king looked up, and he glared. No fatherly gaze, no family love, just anger. He glanced at a maid which made her jump.

The terrified maid said, "Y-Y-You-r Highn-n-ness, y-you're supposed t-to bow down when you see his majesty."

"Hmm." Roxy said and looked back at her 'father'. "But what if I don't see him as a king?" The whole room went from awkward silence to deadly silence. If looks could kill, Roxy would have died the moment she finished that sentence.

An angry looking butler beside the king then spoke up, "YOU! DO YOU KNOW-"

"Shh shh shh" Roxy replied while motioning him to lower his volume with his hand, all while not taking her gaze off from the king.

"Why so tense? I don't see him as a king, because I see him as my father." She lied. "Anyway, where's mom?"

The butler opened up his mouth to say words but before he could form any, Roxy interrupted, "And my real biological mother, not those other ones he has"

The king's frown went deeper. The butler looked at him as if trying to get permission to speak. When he didn't notice anything that looked like a permission, he though for a second, looked at Roxy, who was browsing Reddit without a care in the world. The butler then spoke up, "Mistress Anie ended up hanging herself after we couldn't find you."

Roxy could feel her pupils dilating. Though she didn't remember much about her mother, she did want to meet her. Roxy frowned and turned looked at one of the maids while pocketing her phone.

"Where's my room?" she asked indifferently. The maid bowed low and said, "Follow me, your highness."

"Roxanne, wait." The king suddenly spoke up.

"Alright father, it's Roxy, not Roxanne. And what?"

"How old are you?"

"16, about to be 17, why?"

The king thought, and then said, "So you'll be in your senior year of high school?"


The king said, get ready, we're sending you to a royal boarding school. One of the strictest in the world. It'll help you restore your elegance, seeing as you've lost it."

He wasn't wrong on this one, she came wearing denim shorts and a black hoodie with the hood up, it's not that she didn't like her baby-pink hair, she just didn't want to show it everyone.

'sending you to a royal boarding school' Roxy's eyes lit up. She had so much fun vandalising and breaking rules of a public school, just think of how much it would be in a Royal school. She didn't wanna seem too excited, so she tried to keep her composure and said, "Mkay."


She followed the maid to her room. They had gone through 2 floors and she had to admit, the castle was without doubt, spectacular. On the Third floor, they came across a corridor with many rooms. The maid walked towards the room at the end of the corridor and opened the door leading to a suite.

The suite had a queen size bed whose bedsheets and pillows were pearl while while the bed frame and holder was beige. The bed was draped in a white canopy with light pink design of lace.

There was a white vanity in on corner with a light blue ottoman next to it. With the vanity was a fancy matching chair. Along the walls were baby-blue sofas.

The room was way to bright for Roxy so she slid the curtains of the windows to make the room a little darker. Not that it helped, seeing as the curtains were also white.

"Roxanne, is that you?" A grave and manly voice spoke out from behind them near the door. Both Roxy and maid turned to see who it was. The maid bowed low and left the room.

A blonde man was standing at the doorway gazing at Roxanne and examining her with his eyes from top to bottom. "You've changed." He said with a earthy laughter.

Roxy gave a slight frown which was barely visible and said, "And may I know who has graced us with their presence?" She crossed her arms and gave a nod towards his direction.

The man had a look of surprise and said, "You don't remember? Oh but how could you.. It's been 10 years."

He gave a slight bow, looked up, and said, "I am Prince Henry Lesley Alexander. Your elder brother, who from this moment forth, vows to protect you against the people who kidnapped you 10 years ago, do it again."

Roxy tried with all her might to suppress her laughter but failed, see as she burst into laughter and fell back on the couch clutching her stomach in pain that came from laughing too much. Henry looked confused and a little offended.

After she calmed down, she saiwithout care, "You, a prince, a PRINCE, protect ME?! That's equivalent of saying that I got a really pampered chihuahua as my body guard! But no, I don't need a prince to protect me, I can protect myself fine, thanks you very much."

She then got up from the couch and through her jacket onto the vanity chair.

She slumped onto her bead and took out her phone and began browsing Reddit again.

Henry was still there watching her, waiting for a politer answer. She noticed his presence, and without looking up from her phone, casually said, "If you don't mind, I'd like a little alone time."

Henry simply sighed and said, "Alright." and closed the door.

A few hours later, a maid came in and said, "Your highness, you flight for the northern kingdom leaves in 2 days."

"Northern kingdom?" Roxy asked

"Where you'll be going to school, Your Highness."

"Oh, yeah. That, I guess."