
I don't want to go back!

The place was underground, it was well lit up, the ceiling was curved, and there was graffiti all over them. There were fighting rings in the middle and doors that led to room on the walls.

The guy placed her back down and asked her, "Do you like it?" Roxy was confused about what the place was but nodded anyway to be polite.

When she was in the middle of taking in this new kind of beauty, another guy, with bright green hair, walked over. He was wearing loose shorts with a white and red workout shirt and he had a towel around his neck, he also had sweat all over his body, so it didn't take long for Roxy to realize that he was working out.

He and Hanley greeted each other, and he looked down and waved to Roxy, apparently unaware of her identity. He put on a kind and warm smile and asked, "What's your name, little one?"

Roxy was a lot more shy at that time and said in a little voice, "Roxanne."

The guy grinned and said, "Haha! Just like the actual princess!" He didn't pay anymore attention to it and tried to start a conversation with Hanley, but Hanley was looking awkward and just said, "uhm.. Dude, she IS the princess." The smile faltered for a bit but regained it's original form.

He looked back down paying more attention to the details of this little girl Hanley had brought. He looked at Hanley, then at Roxy and looked back at Hanley again. He pulled Hanley away from Roxy and they whispered to each other, occasionally looking at Roxy. They talked for 20 minutes, before Roxy saw Hanley give a deep sigh and walk towards her again.

He had a serious face and got down on one knee. He said, with his deep voice firm, "We have two options right now, you either stay here and train to be a fighter like the rest of us, or you go back to the palace."

Roxy and a back lash and remembered the hard ballet lessons, and scolding from the Dutches teaching her manners and the worst memory of all, being hit with a whip when she couldn't memorize the dates of the big events that happened at her 'home', the castle.

She thought for a second, and then replied, "I wanna stay! I don't wanna go back there!"

The guy with the green hair smiled, and said to Roxy, "Call me brother Bert."

Hanley was not satisfied with the answer, however, and said even more firmly, "Are you completely and utterly sure?" Roxy was determined not to change her mind, and replied back with a strong, "Yes."

Hanley stood up and threw a bunch of keys to Bert. Hanley walked away and Bert motioned Roxy to follow, which she did. They walked for about a minute before reaching a door whose nameplate stated 'Phoenixes'.

Bert went in and Roxy followed like a dog at his side. Inside was a room bigger that a suite. There were two women in the room, on the bed browsing through her phone and other by the window reading a book. They both turned their heads towards the door as Roxy and Bert entered the room.