
Prince of the Rhoyne

Saddened that her children have not yet returned to her waters Mother Rhoyne charges a man from our world with the task of leading the Rhoynar back home. This is the tale of Prince Eldorim Nymeros Martell “Now go forth my child and fulfil your destiny. Bring my children back to me and become the leader they need, become the one true ruler and Prince of the Rhoyne.” Her voice thundered with power causing waves in the water all across the surface of the river. Before I could ask anymore questions everything started to fade, and my journey began.

dubhghall_blair · Book&Literature
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Chapter One

Sunspear, Dorne 280AC

Just as Mother Rhoyne said I was born on the first day of the year 278AC in Sunspear, the capital of Dorne and seat of House Martell, to Prince Doran Martell and Lady Mellario of Norvos. They named me Prince Eldorim Nymeros Martell. It has been two years since my birth, and I am beyond thankful to Mother Rhoyne for allowing me to become conscious after my birth had already happened, I do not need that memory to scar me for the rest of my life.

Let me tell you being a baby again is incredibly boring all you do is lie around all day and sleep while occasionally getting a nipple shoved into your face by a wet nurse to feed you. At least life got more interesting when I learned to walk, and I could explore Sunspear to my hearts content. The people of the castle know me as a very smart boy who is always running around exploring and watching the men at arms training in the courtyard.

Apart from exploring the castle the first two years of my life were fairly dull, I did get to meet a lot of family though including Princess Elia. Although she didn't really interact with me much, she preferred to focus her attention on my elder sister Arianne, who as a child was much less rambunctious than me. That isn't to say that I dislike Elia, I just don't know her and maybe that is because I am subconsciously distancing myself from her because I know what will happen to her and I know I am powerless to stop it. I'll only be five name days when the rebellion ends, who would believe the words of a child if I did say anything. It is too late to stop it even if I tried Elia is set to marry Prince Rhaegar in a few moons time.

Another family member I got to meet is my Great Uncle Lewyn Martell a member of the kingsgaurd, he would sit with me in his arms and tell me stories about the History of our family. About how Sunspear wasn't always the seat of our house, it was once the Sandship a squat and ugly keep that when Nymeria married Mors Martell finally flourished and expanded into what is now Sunspear. Overall, one of my favourite members of the family.

However, my favourite member of my family is definitely my Uncle Oberyn, he is always playing with me and showing me anything and everything that can be done around the keep. From what I have seen he is deeply loyal to our family and loves all of us but spends the most time with his daughters and me. Another reason I deeply love my Uncle is that he is truly Rhoynish where my other family members just aren't. You can see it in the way he acts around others, the way he looks and the way he behaves is all creams Rhoynish for those that know what they are looking for. It also helps that he is the first person that I have met that has the power to waterbend, I'm not sure how I know that it is just a deep sense of knowing that I can't refute being there.

On that note I haven't done any training of my waterbending beyond trying to sense the water around me which is becoming easier every time I try. At the moment I am still much too young to start to bend water properly that is probably still a few years away, I am hoping to move to the Water Gardens at some point in the future as I am hoping that being surrounded by water all of the time will help me get a deeper understanding of my element.

To say that I have done no training on my waterbending at all isn't completely true. As most tend to forget there is water all around us all the time, the moisture in the air, the water that collects in soil, the water that runs through plants, and even the water that makes up both animals and people. What I've been trying to do is sense the water in my immediate surroundings and it honestly has been going surprisingly well, I have been able to sense the water in the air around me at an area of around six feet and I can keep that active pretty much all day. This seems to be a bit of a stone wall to me at the moment that I just cannot seem to break past, but I am hoping as I gain a deeper understanding of water and what it truly is on a spiritual level. That I will be able to break past this block I'm stuck at the moment.

However, sensing water in the ground and in plants has proven to be extremely more difficult, partly because I am almost always inside and therefor don't have access to such things that I can try on. But I think it is more than that it's like the water in plants are apart of a whole and to be able to bend it in anyway you have to separate it from its current identity or find a way to work with the identity that the water has temporarily taken on in this case being a part of a plant.

The water that makes up parts of the body in both humans and animals is infinitely harder to bend. Because not only is the water apart of a bigger whole but that whole is sentient and such can resist the attempt of another trying to influence it, even if subconsciously shrugging away the pain that they might feel. Therefor resisting which in turns makes the water in the body resist and trying to manipulate something that is actively resisting you is immensely harder than water that is just naturally in the environment.

Sunspear, Dorne 282AC

We are currently in the fifth moon of the year 282AC and I am currently four name days, this year so far has not been a good one because at the very start of the year Prince Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna Stark. He had previously insulted my House by naming her his Queen of Love and Beauty at the tourney of Harrenhal instead of his wife Elia Martell, my aunt, on what the maestars have taken to calling the day the smiles died. Though I didn't really pay attention to it all when it happened as it has no affect on me or my plans for the future, and even if it did I couldn't exactly do anything about it.

Anyway, the kidnapping of Lyanna Stark led to Brandon Stark heir to the North the ride down to Kingslanding from Riverrun to demand Prince Rhaegar's head, like an absolute idiot, and instead got himself thrown in the Black Cells. This prompted his farther the Warden of the North Lord Rickard Stark to also ride to Kingslanding to try and free his son. This sadly did not go in his favour as after demanding a trial by combat the Mad King named his champion as wildfire, and so Brandon Stark watched as his father burned alive right in front of him. Meanwhile, Brandon was desperately trying to reach for a sword in the slim hope that he could save his father but as a direct consequence of this was that the device around his neck tightened more every time he struggled. Brandon Stark ended up strangling himself to death trying to save his father as he was burned to death.

And so, with these events the rebellion started, and battles have been fought mostly in the Riverlands with both sides of the war winning some fights and losing others. However, the rebels appear to be doing slightly better as time goes on as they have been able to persuade more and more Houses to their side as time goes on.