
Prince Of Love

This story begins with a vampire prince who has lived for One thousand five hundred years. He encounters a girl who turns out to be the very girl he has been searching for all these years. How will their story unfold? Why has the prince been searching for this girl? What will happen next? Read on if you are curious about their tale...

Rindw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

9. Confidential Document

In the middle of the night, while Xinjian was still engrossed in his laptop, the sudden ring of the phone broke the silence.




"What's up?" Xinjian asked, his voice slightly tense.

"Bro, I've brought the document you wanted," someone on the other end of the phone replied, their tone urgent yet reassuring.

"Really? Is it complete?" he asked again, leaning forward in anticipation.

"Of course, just come over and see," the person answered confidently.

"Okay, I'm coming now," Xinjian said, already rising from his seat.

"Wait, you didn't tell Dad about this, right?" Xinjian asked to make sure, his voice lowering to a whisper.

"Don't worry, I haven't said anything to Dad," the person on the phone replied, sounding sincere.

"Okay... I'll be the one to tell him once this matter is settled," Xinjian said before ending the call.

After the call ended, Xinjian immediately stood up and walked over to Yujie's bed.

The dim light from the laptop cast a soft glow in the room, highlighting Yujie's peaceful face as she slept soundly.

For a few minutes, Xinjian just stood there silently, his mind racing. Then, he moved closer, his footsteps barely audible on the carpet. Leaning down, he whispered something in her ear, his breath warm against her skin.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I have to go because this concerns you."

"Sleep tight, beautiful, I'll be back soon," he said softly, his voice filled with a mix of love and concern, careful not to wake her.

After making sure Yujie was still asleep, Xinjian gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, straightened up, and quietly left the room.

He moved swiftly through the dark mansion, each step measured and deliberate, before heading out into the night towards his palace.


At the Vampire Kingdom

Upon arriving at the palace, Xinjian immediately sought out Wang Jie.

He moved through the dimly lit halls with a sense of urgency, hoping his father wouldn't notice his presence.

His father's questions were always probing, and tonight, Xinjian wasn't in the mood to explain everything.

Once he located Wang Jie in one of the study rooms, he approached him at once.

"How did it go, my friend?" Xinjian asked, his voice low but insistent.

"Here, read it for yourself," Wang Jie said, handing over a paper document that Xinjian had requested earlier.

Xinjian eagerly took it, his eyes scanning the contents meticulously.

He had asked Wang Jie, his most trusted friend, for help with this delicate matter because only Wang Jie had the skills and discretion needed.

"Alright... Your next task, I want you to eliminate all his assets along with his life," Xinjian said, his expression turning deadly serious.

"Alright, that can be arranged," Wang Jie replied calmly, as if discussing a mundane chore.

"But when should I do it? Now, tomorrow, or later?" Wang Jie asked, his tone equally composed.

"Do not act until he leaves his lair to meet me. I don't like to disturb, and I don't like to be disturbed. Let it be for now, wait until he provokes me," Xinjian explained, his voice icy and measured.

"Alright, alright," Wang Jie replied, nodding his head in understanding.

"There's one thing I want to convey," he added, his tone shifting slightly.

"Speak," Xinjian responded, his curiosity piqued.

"My advice, you don't need to destroy his company because..." Wang Jie's voice trailed off, leaving the thought hanging in the air, thick with implication.

"Why?" Xinjian asked, a bit irritated, as Wang Jie didn't come straight to the point.

"Because it's not his company, it belongs to his ex-wife, who plans to pass it down to her daughter when she turns nineteen. And that daughter is your woman," Wang Jie explained.

"Hmm... I'm starting to understand what he's planning," Xinjian said with a wicked smile spreading across his face

"What are you planning to do?" Wang Jie asked, curiosity lighting up his eyes.

"I'll have my spies eliminate the takeover documents," Xinjian said seriously, his expression hardening.

"Alright, so my task is to wait for that old man to make his move?" Wang Jie asked to confirm.

"Yes, but... wait, I think I smell a vampire heading this way," Xinjian said, sniffing the air slowly, his senses sharp.


"Wang Jie!" the king's voice boomed, calling his name with authority.

"Damn, it's Father," Wang Jie said, startled, his eyes widening in alarm.

"Oh no, what do we do!" Xinjian exclaimed nervously, glancing around for a place to hide.

"Wang Jie! I've heard you talking to someone, who is it?" the king shouted again, his voice closer and more insistent.

"Xinjian! Just hide for now. If you disappear, Father will be able to smell your scent. Hide first, and I'll cover your scent with my power," Wang Jie said, sharing his brother's nervousness.

"Hide where? There's no place to hide here!" Xinjian replied, panicking.

"Behind that door over there!" Wang Jie answered, pointing to a door nearby.

"Wang Jie! Did you not hear your father calling?" the king's voice grew louder as he approached.

"Yes, Father!" Wang Jie responded, his voice trembling slightly.

"Hurry up, or Father will catch you," Wang Jie said urgently, pushing Xinjian towards the hiding spot.

"Alright, alright," Xinjian muttered, quickly moving behind the door to conceal himself.

Wang Jie then used his power to mask Xinjian's scent so their father wouldn't detect him.

Just as expected, their father appeared suddenly, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the room.

"What's the matter, Father?" Wang Jie asked, attempting to appear calm with a nervous grin.

"Are you hiding something from me?" his father asked, suspicion clear in his eyes.

"No, Father, hiding what?" Wang Jie replied, trying to sound innocent.

"Then who were you talking to just now?" the king demanded, his tone sharp.

"No one, Father. I was just here by myself," Wang Jie insisted.

"Alright, I believe you. I'm going to rest now," the king said, his suspicion seemingly easing as he turned and walked away.

"Phew... that was close. It's safe now, bro. Father's gone," Wang Jie said, exhaling deeply.

"Alright, I'll leave now before Father comes back. If anything happens, just call me," Xinjian said, stepping out from behind the door, his eyes darting around nervously.

"Okay," Wang Jie replied simply, nodding.

After that, Xinjian quickly left the palace, disappearing into the night and returning to the human world.

He moved silently and swiftly, his mind focused on his next steps.

If it weren't for his deep feelings for his girl, he might have indulged in hunting for victims, satisfying his darker urges.

But tonight, his priorities lay elsewhere.


In the morning

Upon waking up, Yujie discovered that Xinjian was not in the room.

"He always leaves me alone," she muttered irritably.

"It's so dull in here. I'll step out... besides, Brother Xinjian isn't here," she said with a smile as she exited the room.

As she stepped out, the familiar sight of guards and servants bowing respectfully met her eyes.

In her innocence, she reciprocated their gestures every time.

"Oh my goodness, they never cease to do that. My back is starting to ache," she grumbled softly, rubbing her sore muscles.

"Hmm... I seem to have been wandering around here for quite some time. Should I ask for assistance?" she pondered aloud.

"Excuse me…" she called out when she spotted a passing female servant.

"Yes, Miss, is there something I can assist you with?" the servant replied politely, inclining her head in respect.

"Oh God... another bow?" she thought to herself, feeling a twinge of discomfort.

Reluctantly, she returned the gesture once more.

"Could you please escort me downstairs? I feel like I've been wandering aimlessly around here," she said, her tone pleading.

"Of course, Miss. I'd be delighted to accompany you. Allow me," the servant replied warmly.

Yujie nodded graciously.

After descending several flights of stairs, they finally reached the ground floor.

"Have we arrived?" Yujie inquired politely.

"Yes, Miss. I'll bid you farewell now. I must return to my duties," the servant said politely.

"Thank you very much," Yujie replied with gratitude.

As she watched the servant leave, Yujie continued her leisurely stroll, relishing every moment and sensation.

"Xinjian truly lives in luxury," she murmured with a sense of pride.

She continued walking until she arrived at the exquisitely landscaped back garden, reminiscent of a scene from a fairy tale.

The garden was adorned with an abundance of lush plants and vibrant flowers, each corner a picturesque marvel. The soothing sound of a fountain in the center added to the enchanting atmosphere.

"Wow... these flowers are simply breathtaking. I'm spoiled for choice because they're all so stunning," Yujie exclaimed joyfully.

Since childhood, she had always possessed a deep affinity for flowers.