
(Chapter 2)Plans for the future

Alex started to make plans for the future. He know what he wants to be in the future. To base himself in Hollywood you need to have certain strength. And he had a plan for that.

Alex with the help of Ruth started writing short stories and sent them to various newspapers. He didn't select the stories that are complex but the stories that are for children. His first story published in "Los Angeles Times" named "TOY STORY". The readers liked it and the newspaper got 5000 letters asking more stories from the author. And he got a check for 750$.

He continued writing for LA Times. He got published "TOY STORY 2" and "TOY STORY 3" and he got 1500$ and 2250$ for them. He wrote them not for money but for copyrights as they are going to be a billion dollar franchise.

He took care of orphanage with that money. He continued writing and the LA Times continued publishing. They never knew the author was a 4-year-old boy and warden Ruth Jackson just thought that he was a talented boy.

And even if anybody found about it there were always geniuses in the world anyway.

He wrote "Finding Nemo", "The Incredibles", "Monster Inc.", "The Lion King", "Shrek 2", "Shrek 3", "Kungfu Panda" etc. His remuneration for each story rose to 5000$.

It was not easy writing these stories. Coverting them from pictures to prose was a great difficulty but Alex drew the main characters to introduce them to readers.

The time passed slowly . It was 1976 and Alex was eight. He grew healthy and handsome boy. Ruth Jackson opened an account for him in the bank to deposit his money. Life was going leisurely but it didn't last.

One day Ruth got heart attack and the doctors said she had to take it easy. So a new warden was appointed. Her name was Brenda Jones and she was the meanest old lady he had ever seen. She soon found about Alex's situation and tried to coax him to appoint her as the guardian.

Alex flat out refused. Brenda with the help of the security locked him in the narrow basement of orphanage without any food. Though Alex practiced martial arts he was still a boy and he couldn't bear the hunger.

Four days passed and every day is like hell but he still didn't give in. One night he broke from the basement and ran away. Alex didn't remember how long he ran but he broke down for the lack of energy.

After a long time Alex conciousness is back and he opened his eyes to see a beautiful face.

She smiled and said, "Are you okay? "

He shook his head to clear it and asked, "What happened ?"

" I found you unconscious on my way to jogging and brought you my home. You've been unconscious for three days. The doctor said you may have not eaten anything for five days." she said with concern.

He simply nodded.

"By the way my name is Kim Basinger. Yours?" she asked with a beautiful smile.

" Alexander King. Call me Alex."

And then he remembered where he saw her. She is a popular actress and an Oscar winner for best supporting actress.

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