
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Immortal King Progenitor

Chapter 13: Immortal King Progenitor

"Remember this kid, everyone thinks their form of governance is better than the other, but the truth is that the only winner is the one controlling everyone else."

"That is why you will never be king."

I looked at the king confused and not understanding what he meant, "But eventually you'll die. You might be a super, but you can still die."

That's right, it doesn't matter how strong he is. I'm a super too now and eventually he'll die and leave me the crown. Unless his son chooses to take it, but I've never even met the guy. I don't even know if that's what he wants.

"Normally that would be the case, but there's something you didn't realize. My ability, unlike what some people believe, doesn't have to do with space. In fact that's more like me trying to remaster my old abilities from earth. Back when I was an esper."

Everything he says is filled with question marks but I need to know, "What is your ability then?"


Immortality? You mean… he can't die? 

"I know it's shocking, but that's how it is. Don't get me wrong kid. If somebody hit me hard enough I'd die, but as for aging? Not gonna happen." 

I sat there flabbergasted. His ability is immortality? All I got was a freaking online shopping app. I would've stayed silent for longer if somebody didn't squeeze my cheeks. I was about to complain when I realized it was the cute waitress. 

She gave us two drinks even though I don't remember ordering anything. I got a drink that looked slightly brown and clear. I took a sip, and realized that it was just apple juice. I look over and realize the old guy is just drinking a beer while watching the news.

"Last question. What is this place? The world, this town… everything about this world is odd."

The king still doesn't look at me. He just stares at the TV. I was about to snap at him before he put his hand up and pointed to the screen, "Watch."

I looked in the direction he was pointing. When I stared at the screen I saw a reporter speaking in words I didn't understand with text beneath her that were just as confusing. So I looked at the image and noticed a barrier. The camera panned from a distance but it was clear that whatever was in there, people wanted in. It was constantly being bombarded by every kind of attack imaginable and yet nothing could pierce through.

"They've been trying to do that for thousands of years now. Most likely much longer than that, I'm sure."

I looked back at him and asked, "What are they doing?" 

"That. That is a long story, but basically, inside that barrier lies all the secrets of our universe. In fact, it holds the very universe itself. The universal core to be exact. You see, this place. These lands, we're not actually on a planet. More like an insanely massive dimension that seemingly has no real end to it. And I have dedicated my entire life to monopolizing it, and in the very center of it all lies that barrier, and the core inside of it."

I looked back at him confused and shocked. How can such a place like this exist? "Then who are they? The people trying to break that barrier."

"Don't worry about them, they're harmless. It's the people that stand above them that scares me, and they should scare you too."

I wanted to ask more but suddenly the waitress came back to our table with a plate of food. She put it on the table, winked at the old man and walked away. I looked at the food trying to ignore the perverted old man looking back at her and saw that it was a plate of chicken nuggets and fries.

"What about here? Who are these people?"

"Here? This is the central continent. You'll hear about it alot because it matters. It's the largest continent in the known world, and every inch of it is covered top to bottom in steel and concrete. The people who live here are the same people trying to drill a hole into that barrier. Before you ask, no they're not from this world and they aren't from ours, and no I don't know where they're from."

Once we're done here we get up and as I was about to begin walking again the old man told me to hold up. He proceeded to grab a harness and wrap me in it.

"What are you doing?" 

"Easier this way. C'mon." Now he's picked me up without my say.

"Thank you for the food Sherry. It's as good as it was yesterday."

I knew he's been here before, he definitely asked for the dragon shaped chicken nuggets before hand on purpose.

"Why are you treating me like a child?"

"Because you are."

Didn't we just have a long conversation about earth? What is he talking about?

"I get that you're over a hundred years old but that doesn't mean I'm a child. I was 19 when I died."

The old man looked at me and asked a serious question, "Do you know why I brought you here?" He's ignoring me completely.

"To talk about earth?"

He held me in the air, took me outside and before I knew it we were flying in the sky. In minutes we were staring down at the city and still going higher. 

"I feel like I'm going to puke."


I look down in reluctance, thankful I don't have a fear of heights and look around. All I can see in every direction are buildings, skyscrapers, flying cars and transport ships flying in and out from every direction.

"Some say these lands are stolen, but that's not actually true. The truth is that there are no true natives to this world. Everyone comes from somewhere, but that doesn't mean what they're doing isn't stealing."

"Who are they stealing from?" 


I look back at this crazy old man, "You don't own the world. Nobody does."

"Do you want to know my real name? It's king. Technically my full title is king king Grove. I am the king Progenitor. Everything that falls under the sun belongs to me. The land, the sky, the seas. Even the gods must kneel to a king. Don't worry, you can laugh, it sounds funny."

Despite saying that, he wasn't laughing, not really. Yet somehow I didn't doubt his ability, I didn't think for a second that he was unable to do as he promised. Something in me deep down told me it was possible. He already had a god listening to him, why would these people be any different.

"All people are equal. Equal under me."

King looked down at me, he didn't say a word. He just stopped looking at the vast land underneath him and stared at me. "Do you want to help me?"

I looked back at him, not understanding where he was coming from. "Why would I help you?"

"You would get the one thing everyone wants. Power. You're a super now, you can feel the fire burning in your blood can't you? It's the universe's way of pushing you. She's a heartless beast, isn't she? But it feels good. It feels right."

He's right, even now I can feel a fire in my stomach. It's this burning sensation, this desire to win. The desire to be on top. "How?"

"I told you. I'm the King Progenitor."

I wanted to ask for more information but suddenly I heard a notification on my system screen. 


"What is this?"

"Think of it like a pay to win ability, I only give this ability to those I trust, but if you want more than you'll have to sign a soul binding contract and pay a fine to go up in rank. The highest you can get is ArchDuke."

I looked at my status screen to see what it was all about and it was surprisingly simple, but the screen definitely looked different. This one was black and gold with a green outline to it. It had a bunch of crazy stuff locked, leaving with me only a few strange skills such as [PLOT OF LAND LVL 1] and [CONSTRUCTION LVL 1.] 

Apparently they were for village building. I needed a plot of land to make a small garden and some supplies to build a couple houses. I thought I would need iron but that doesn't seem to be the case. Probably because this is the basic set.

There is a small counter on the bottom right that says residents. 

"When do we get started?"

"What? You don't. You need proper training in magic and statecraft. That's why I brought you here."

"To get lunch?" I knew that comment would annoy him but I had to ask.

"That, and I have some business to attend to. You're coming with me."

King waved his hands and opened a portal again right before walking through, he told me, "We're going to meet with the supreme magistrate. Aka the guy in charge of all this."

"For what?"

"You want to be king someday don't you? These people want to take that away from you. We'll make sure they know they'll burn if they try."

With those ominous words out the way we walk through the portal and we're faced with a startling sight.