
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 38: Don't Ask For More Of These. I Didn't Want To Do It. R18*

Chapter 38: Don't Ask For More Of These. I Didn't Want To Do It. R18*

I stopped messing around, but I kept my hands in the same location while she just stared at me. She looked a little angry but more than that she didn't want to stop.

"Lora, you need to be more gentle. You need to… open up a little more."

Heh, puns.

She understood what I meant and let go of my hand. She tried to look away but I held her face gently and stared at her quivering red eyes.

I couldn't help but tease her just a little, I just wanted to eat her up and steal her away. Behind that cold facade stood a soft spoken girl who wanted to be pampered, but I wasn't interested in spoiling her. I wanted to break her.

Wait… No, I don't. 

(Careful kid. You're letting your bloodlust out. Things like this happen when your soul has bathed in the demon world unguarded. You get… hungrier.)

Is that it? The feeling I've had for her is just that? Lust? No, that's exactly what it is. Deep down I always knew that, but even so I'm not going to stop now.

I just stared into her eyes and I knew that whatever feeling this was didn't matter. As long as she was mine. Maybe that was lust, but I couldn't help but admit that I definitely felt something for her.

I kissed her on the cheek and on the nose and on her forehead until I removed my hand from her pearly gates.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing, I just felt like spoiling you."

She looked at me and chuckled a little.

"You need to work on what you call 'spoiling' a little more."

I couldn't help but agree with her. I look back at my glistening hands and all I can think of is putting my head where my hands just were, but even I wasn't stupid enough to just jump in there without thinking.

"Lora, relax your body and be gentle."


I got on my knees and slowly removed everything else until I saw the one thing I was looking for. She had some hair but I wasn't surprised. She didn't come in here prepared for this and honestly I like it better this way. 

I rubbed my thumb gently around her lips until I finally decided to dig in. I didn't go too hard at first, this was her first time after all. I just brushed lightly in certain areas until I decided to pull her lips a little so I could explore her cave some more.

I heard her gently moan until I started to stick my tongue in more. She made a louder gasp as I suddenly reached deeper in but she quickly calmed down. 

I didn't like that, so I placed her thigh on my shoulder and I could visibly feel her try to force my head deeper in. I knew this was dangerous but I just couldn't help myself. At least now I knew that she wanted me to go harder.

So that's what I did, I went deeper and I rubbed her red bean in a circular motion. I could tell what she wanted simply by how much she was trying to kill me. The closer she was to squeezing my skull the more I knew she was into this. She was strangely easy to maneuver around. 

After a minute of a life and death struggle she finally began to squeeze with all her might and I could tell exactly why. I was in a position where I could escape, but I honestly didn't want to. Instead I let everything wash down my throat and took everything in. 

I've been at it for a while now and I was getting tired of being the only one losing out here. Then again I haven't lost much.

I managed to remove her leg from my shoulder. Fortunately it didn't seem hard, her legs looked like they were made of jello and she was on the verge of falling on her knees.

"From that satisfied expression on your face you almost look like you're finished. A bit rude don't you think?"

She looked at me dazed and confused, it seemed like she was in her own little world. So I held her by the waist and kissed her until I was satisfied. I still had her scent on my tongue but that's something she had to live with.

I looked in her eyes and licked my lips a little. After a second she finally snapped out of it and looked down.

"What do I do?"

As soon as she said that, I felt like taking advantage of the situation. 

"Just hold it in your hands. Gentle. Good, now rub up and down until I say stop."

I said I would take advantage but I'm still healing from when she almost ripped my tongue off, there is no way I want her fangs anywhere near my brother.

So I just had to live with this. 

I leaned against the wall and watched her go. She started slowly until I started rubbing her head. I don't know why but I just wanted to mess with her hair a little. After I did that she began to speed up. I guess she enjoyed having her head rubbed? 

She kept going faster until I told her to slow down. I was worried she would give me road burns at this rate. I was already weary of her claws but it seemed she knew better than to nick me.

After another minute of her massage I finally felt like I was about to explode. I didn't want her mouth anywhere near me but I couldn't fight the desire for some fanservice.

"Lora, open your mouth."

She looked up confused but she ultimately did it. Good thing too because the moment she looked at me was the moment I felt like releasing. Unfortunately her aim was a little off but I still got my fanservice. 

She was covered in white. I guess I forgot all about [REGENERATION.] I didn't know it could do this. Good to know.

"My mother told me that the more a man unloads the more he wants her. I wonder if there was any truth in that?"

She smirked a little. I wanted to deny it, but what would I gain in doing that?

"Well she was right."

I grabbed a wet rag and I cleaned her off while enjoying a little foreplay. She really did get it everywhere, yet even now I was still in the mood for another round.

I sat on the bed and beckoned her to come over. She stood in front of me and placed her sister right over my face. I couldn't help but make a slight joke.

"Hello again beautiful."

She chuckled a little until I placed her on my lap. We kissed for a while until I whispered into her ears.

"I want you." 

I felt her shiver a little, I could smell her sweat and her hair. She still had some of my scent on her but I didn't mind. I just wanted my scent in her now.

She held my brother in her hands, caressing the tip with her thumb as she looked into my eyes. She smiled sweetly, as I kissed her some more.

After another minute of kissing she finally got up and grabbed my brother in her hands and guided it her direction. I watched my tip slowly enter her and realized I was missing the best part.

I looked up at her and realized she was in slight pain.

"What's wrong? I thought it wasn't that big?"

She opened her mouth and pouted.

"That's not what I meant. I just figured with your shitty personality it would be bigger."

"Are you calling me… cocky?"

She wasn't focused on my stupid pun, she was still halfway through. She stopped for a second until she lowered herself again.

She looked a little uncomfortable so I used [PAIN RESPONSE LVL 5] on her. It helped relieve any pain and discomfort and left plenty of room for pleasure. I got this skill after years of training under my family. It helps alleviate pain.

It seemed to help her out a lot, she seemed more at ease and she slipped down in no time. The thing about Alora isn't the fact that she's tall. Since she's not human, she's actually just big. Her father is actually quite large but according to him he's pretty short among demon kind and so is her daughter. 

You might be wondering then… Why tell anyone this? Simple. It's because I fit nice and snug. If she were human, I would have a whole inch or two sticking to the wind, but since her race is known for being large, it means that her insides are too.

Like her heart. Yeah. Her heart.

Now she sat at the base, and I was debating whether or not I should reconsider the marriage.

I looked into her eyes and they looked a bit hazy. 


Her eyes began to refocus and she seemed to be looking into my eyes now.

"I'm inside you."

She blushed a little and she held my head in her arms. We stayed like this for a while but I was still ready to go. I grabbed her tail and asked her to wrap it around me. I didn't realize I had a thing for tails until today, but I'm not arguing.

She did as I asked and she held on while I grabbed her ass and lifted her up a little. After enjoying the soft tender sensation I decided to release her. She came crashing down on me ever so slightly, but enough for her to moan in pleasure.

"Do you want me to go again, or would you like to take the initiative?"

"Mmm fine."

She started moving more until it felt like she was almost hopping. She bounced on my lap with her tail around my waist and I could feel her squeeze me even tighter.

This feeling was amazing. The view was amazing. Her taste was amazing. 

After staying like this for a few minutes I felt like I was going to shoot another load but I had to stop myself. There was no way we were going to end that quickly. I told her to stop and laid her on the bed with her tail still wrapped around me.

We stopped moving but I continued caressing her and even blowing into her ears. She seemed to like that. 

After a few minutes of teasing I took the initiative and began thrusting my way in. I heard her moan and she started calling my name. After a few minutes I started calling out her name as well. She seemed to really like that.


Well shit.