

[Read "Re: Felony" instead. This was just a trial run, as I was messing around a bit. The other one has been polished, characters remodelled and given depth with an enriched world building] He was an average joe. A twist of fate—changed his life. He thought it was his mission to lead humanity to prosperity but little did he know, his noble goals were nothing but self-imposed righteousness—shackles he put on himself to hide the messy reality of his filthy soul. Dying again, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. Finding himself in the body of a newborn again, a question appeared in his mind—What am I supposed to do? "I want to unchain myself..." As he advances further in a universe where abominations roam free, and the ruling deities are the last bastion of light—various questions haunted him along the way. Why me? What is the filthiness hidden inside the fickle heart of humans? As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky diplomacy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunts him? Will he peer deep into his Spirit? Or will be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires?

AverageJoe · Fantasy
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12 Chs


With some difficulty, Charlotte averted her eyes and poured some oil into her hand, placing the bottle on the bedside table.

She rubbed her hands and lightly placed them over his chest. Her eyes slightly glazed over, feeling the masculine outline.

She gently traced her soft hands. Enjoying the unusual warmth, Kole closed his eyes.

Dexterously, moving her hands over his chest, Charlotte, gave a light massage. However, her eyes were still on that package that growing by the minute under her careful ministrations.

"Charlotte," Kole muttered, "Have you been holding back… because of me?"

Kole had many thoughts churning inside his head. It looks like he may have not realized it because of the other problems that he had faced ever since he came to this world.

However, now that he had a chance to get things straight, he would make sure that the little happiness he gets shouldn't be drowned out by sorrow…

Charlotte didn't say anything as she carefully massaged his chest and slowly moved her soft hands down to his abs.


Carefully, her hands drifted down to his ankles and then slowly moved upwards.

With each stroke of hers, Kole felt his body relaxing—the fatigue leaving his body and mind. It was pure bliss.

Her nimble fingers reached his thighs, however, the towel covered most of the package, as such, she pushed it upwards, very slowly to ensure Kole doesn't realize it.

"Charlotte? I command you to answer me!" Kole couldn't take it anymore and grabbed her soft hands.

"M-master… I-…" She averted her eyes.

She was just a maid. How could she impose on her master?

This wasn't Kole's first rodeo! He pulled her onto the bed in one swift move.

Surprised—Or too shocked by the sudden change, she didn't know what to say… Charlotte just opened her eyes wide.

"I want to know what you are thinking… Charlotte! Everything!

"Aren't you my personal maid, to follow my every command? Then tell me!"

Kole slowly started removing her maid uniform, but his hands were too experienced in this department and Charlotte didn't realize when she was only left in her black lingerie.

Looking at his cute maid, her pale soft skin, and natural curves; Kole felt his blood boiling!

"Master!" She cried out loud, her eyes as wide as saucers!

"Enough, Charlotte!" Kole's tone grew stricter, he gave a quick soft peck on her lips. His hands moved towards those beautiful mounds of flesh that weren't too big but weren't too small either—covered in black bra. He lightly groped with a gentle press—squeezing gently—however, that seemed to squash all the air out of Charlotte's lungs!


With a loud moan, her back arched up as her entire body shivered while waterfall broke near her nether regions!

The fragrance of her love juices that squirted out filled the chambers. And when Kole saw her shaking sporadically and as her panties slowly became drenched in hot water, for a moment, he couldn't trust his eyes.

What was this? Such a massive orga*m from a little squeeze? Is she just that sensitive or maybe something's really wrong with her?... Kole's watched the most erotic scene of his life—slack-jawed, in sheer disbelief!

"Hahh~… Hah!~" Her panting calmed down. It was only then, she opened her misty eyes to look at Kole—who by now, recovered himself and maintained a neutral expression as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

Seeing his calm eyes, Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief. She thought he would deem her a sl*t… luckily none of that happened.

Or maybe it wasn't her own thoughts but the results of intaking The Creation Seed that would keep her self-esteem at the lowest to entice her into becoming an abomination…

"M-Master…" Breathing deeply, she resolved herself, "I-I like you…"

She said it. However, she didn't say the entire thing…

If she revealed all her secrets, she would have to dig a hole and bury herself in shame…

When Kole didn't reply, she turned to glance back at him, but all she saw was a slight smile tugged at his lips.

"Master?" Her heartbeat skipped a beat.

Did she screw up?

Kole leaned back on the bed, staring at the ceiling…

He said gently as a smirk etched over his face, "Then what are you waiting for… We have all the night to ourselves, have we not?"

Charlotte was too stupefied. Even though she didn't hear any similar confession, she could feel the sincerity in his acceptance.

Her heart warmed. She quickly glanced back at the monster hidden beneath the towel. With a low gulp, she took some more oil from the oil bottle and crawled between his legs.

Kole smiled lightly.

Slowly he felt his towel being taken off and soft hands stroking the proud angry dragon that had already taken its final form!

The gentle stroking helped him relax a little, however, he soon realized… it may not be his first time but it was not the same for Charlotte.

He sat up and before Charlotte could protest he pushed her onto the bed. In the meantime…


The bra dropped as the beautiful soft flesh with pink erect nipples appeared in Kole's eyes.

However, before anything he had to relax her nervous self.


Kole kissed her lips!

At first, Charlotte resisted a little instinctively, but soon, she relaxed feeling the familiar warmth.

Their lips mashed together as Kole's tongue poked at the entrance of her teeth.

Slightly startled, Charlotte hurriedly made way for the snaky intruder. Within moments their tongues were coiled like snakes as they exchanged saliva like passionate lovers.

Feeling Charlotte relax, Kole broke the kiss and gently nibbled on her ears, and neck and move down to her breasts.

Charlotte had her eyes closed, her mind in the midst of a storm!


Kole devoured her breasts and licked them all over like a hungry beast. On the other hand, the cute maid moaned, her mind in a different realm of pleasure.

When Kole felt he had given enough attention to both rabbits, he sensually traced his tongue over her flat abdomen—A tingling sensation rocked Charlotte's mind!

Kole's eyes fell on the drenched panties. He nimbly removed it as his eyes burned with fervor.

The pink petals, trickling with shiny droplets made his heart pump even more blood and his already rock-hard dragon became even angrier.

In his numbness, Kole poked his tongue and traced a long lick, almost all on instinct!

"Ohhh!~ Fuu*ckk!!~"

A dam broke…