

[Read "Re: Felony" instead. This was just a trial run, as I was messing around a bit. The other one has been polished, characters remodelled and given depth with an enriched world building] He was an average joe. A twist of fate—changed his life. He thought it was his mission to lead humanity to prosperity but little did he know, his noble goals were nothing but self-imposed righteousness—shackles he put on himself to hide the messy reality of his filthy soul. Dying again, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. Finding himself in the body of a newborn again, a question appeared in his mind—What am I supposed to do? "I want to unchain myself..." As he advances further in a universe where abominations roam free, and the ruling deities are the last bastion of light—various questions haunted him along the way. Why me? What is the filthiness hidden inside the fickle heart of humans? As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky diplomacy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunts him? Will he peer deep into his Spirit? Or will be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires?

AverageJoe · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Goosebumps crawled all over Kole's body under the gentle sun and cool breeze as he felt an ominous energy originating from that tiny marble.

"Hum…" Little Faneia cleared her throat as she patted her flat chest and boasted proudly, "As you already know, The Creation Seeds are regulated by the House of Tempest—otherwise, a plethora of ghastly abominations would fill the streets.

"However, since your mommy is a Duke, I can get my hands on something this trivial without even blinking an eyelid… Hehe.

"Your mommy is so incredible, right?" Her smile extended as her innocent eyes sparkled.

Kole's eyelids twitched a little but he didn't deny, "Riiightt…"

With some thought, Kole asked what was on his mind in a leveled tone, "But I don't understand why would there be a need to regulate when they can just spread the knowledge to take note of when consuming one?

"The maxim that you spoke of—Don't see, don't hear, and don't speak. If this is spread widely then what is the need to regulate?"

Aren't Churches the usual antagonist of most fantasy novels? Do they want to control the population and not let people gain strength to resist them?... Kole thought with a frown.

Little Faneia snorted, as a solemn look appeared on her tiny face, "You must not have heard about this… since this kind of knowledge is not written in the books you read but there are always a bunch of fools who lose themselves and try things that they shouldn't.

"Also there are powers that entice one into following a path of no return…

"Not to mention—The cannibalistic desires to converge, the greed to grow stronger, the hunger for power…

"All of this—will make Stormwatch and the entire Irae fall into utter depravity—where children would kill their parents, siblings would eye each other as nothing but food for growth and parents would see children as a sheathed blade ready to strike at the opportune moment…

"Don't worry, Mommy will explain everything later."

The more Kole listened the more questions arose in his heart. He has not left the Akerse manor once in his lifetime. How would he know the situation of the common populace?

He didn't know how The Creation Seeds would impact society. He didn't know the reality of this world—A world that revolves around these Seeds of Creation to gain power. However, he controlled his curiosity.

It was not the time to indulge in knowledge exchange!

"Anyways," Little Faneia smiled lightly to change the gloomy atmosphere, "There is no need to think about what ifs!...

"Your hand?" She gestured for Kole to extend his palm.

With some deliberation, Kole did as she asked.

Little Faneia gently picked up the dark marble. After some thought, she raised her other hand and snapped her fingers.

A red esoteric pentagram, with symbols of unknown origin, encircled the edges—forming a string of ciphers—that appeared around the tiny marble with The Creation Seed as the center of a star-shaped pentangle.

An enflamed sanguine glow covered the dark marble, as if—purifying it in the crimson river.

It only took a little more than a second for the spell to vanish as if nothing happened in the first place.

"W-What was that?" A confused Kole asked.

Little Faneia giggled and proclaimed smugly, "Hehe… Your mommy is the best. Don't worry about it. It was a little trick to clear the mental imprints of past owners—whether humans or abominations—to reduce the burden on the psyche. I hardly believe anyone else can achieve the same feat in the entirety of Irae!

She moved her head closer to Kole and put her index finger at her lips, as she gestured 'Shh!', she muttered, "Don't tell anyone. It's a secret…"

Kole nodded. He had no intention of snitching his own mother out…

"However, corruption is still inevitable—only chances of loss could be somewhat lowered…" her face grew solemn as she said the latter half of her part.

After collecting herself, she smiled innocently.

"Here." With that, she placed it on Kole's palm.

Kole quickly broke out of his stupor as he felt that hazardous ball on his hand.

After some thought, Little Faneia backed away and got off the platform. She has done everything she could, now the ball was in Kole's court.

As Kole looked at the ball, his eyes grew heavy…

Why am I even doing this? Mom said I could choose to avoid this Awakening that most aristocratic children go through…

Many avoid it because of the underlying menaces and horrors that come along with the imperatives of Power. I can do the same and live an ordinary life…

Why do I need Power?

Is it to find answers to the questions that surface every now and then in my mind?

Or am I just thirsty for Strength?

Does my greed for Control, Authority, and Influence exceed so much so that I don't even realize it?

What about Wealth? It is hard for me to believe I can live without luxuries.

Women. Yes, I want them as well—the more the merrier. I am a lustful b*astard!

When did my desire for Women reach to degree that I didn't even realize the boundaries of my morals becoming distorted?

Am I really that Insatiable?

Or maybe, I don't want to remain ordinary?...

"Hahaha…" Kole chortled out loud, a grin spreading over his face—His smile reaching his eyes.

I want to experience everything that is beyond the realm of ordinary beings…

Unrivaled Strength!

Enough Wealth to Squander as I Wish!

Living A Pleasurable Life!

An Envious Life…

"Although I want answers—they are but minor side-quests of my lofty ambitions. A pretense to justify my cravings…"

As realizations dawned upon him, he let out a turbid breath of air, "My Spirit has never been pure in the first place…" He shook his head as a bitter laugh echoed.

A fleeting feeling of incongruity developed in the pit of Kole's stomach. He felt like he couldn't recognize himself anymore.

Reincarnating twice, his appearance changed repeatedly, but he has always been able to adjust to the variations in his looks rather quickly…

But now…

The sensation of incompatibility didn't come from his skin but—from his Soul, the very same thing that defines his existence!

He picked up The Creation Seed and observed it with a burning desire.

Kole clenched his fist tight, all in an effort to relieve his turbulent emotions in any way possible.

"I want to unchain myself…!"