

[Read "Re: Felony" instead. This was just a trial run, as I was messing around a bit. The other one has been polished, characters remodelled and given depth with an enriched world building] He was an average joe. A twist of fate—changed his life. He thought it was his mission to lead humanity to prosperity but little did he know, his noble goals were nothing but self-imposed righteousness—shackles he put on himself to hide the messy reality of his filthy soul. Dying again, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. Finding himself in the body of a newborn again, a question appeared in his mind—What am I supposed to do? "I want to unchain myself..." As he advances further in a universe where abominations roam free, and the ruling deities are the last bastion of light—various questions haunted him along the way. Why me? What is the filthiness hidden inside the fickle heart of humans? As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky diplomacy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunts him? Will he peer deep into his Spirit? Or will be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires?

AverageJoe · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Haiya! Haiya!

A young man, with a lean muscular physique, was moving his waist back and forth as sweat oozed from his forehead. His wet short black hair swayed slightly as it trickled with moisture.

The maids of Akerse manor blushed heavily when they saw their young master half-naked as his muscles tightened—showcasing his athletic build flawlessly. His low groans were a testimony to his hard work and dedication.

If not for the fact that maids could see what was happening with their own eyes—there would be vile rumors spreading throughout Akerse Duchy and later to the entirety of the Irae Kingdom.

The young man was none other than Kole Akerse—Sole heir, to Akerse Duchy. He was doing push-ups in the open garden of Akerse manor in the capital city of Irae—Stormwatch.

With a low groan, Kole finally gave up and sprawled on the soft grass—gasping for breath.

"Master…" A sweet voice floated in his ears.

Kole looked up and saw a beautiful girl in a French maid costume carrying a fluffy towel and a gourd filled with water in her arms. She was Charlotte—Kole's personal maid.

Charlotte's eyes were soft brown, and her black curly hair cascaded down her smooth back. Her figure was slightly on the petite side but not too much. Her smooth soft curves were certainly discernible to all. She had a small nose, a very good-looking face, and an innocent charm. The way she moved her small pink lips when she said—'Master' enticed Kole to fall into depravity but he controlled himself… so as to not hurt her, unintentionally.

Kole has had many partners in his previous life as the King of a nation, as such, his body was not controlled by instincts—otherwise, he would've already eaten Charlotte.

"Charlotte, thanks!" He took the towel and wiped his face.

"It is my duty, master." Charlotte bowed with a soft smile hanging on her lips.

Kole didn't say anything to her overly polite attitude. He simply took the gourd from her hands and drank water.

"Master, you must get ready for your upcoming Awakening ceremony. It is due in two hours."

Kole nodded slightly, "Yeah, I know."

Charlotte smiled as she continued, "By the way, I suggest not partaking in breakfast."

"What?" A surprised expression appeared on his face, "What do you mean?"

"As I said—Avoid breakfast before the Awakening ceremony."

"Why?" With the same skeptical look, Kole inquired.

Charlotte's face tinged with red, "I heard that sometimes bodily functions don't work properly during the Awakening. Sooo…" She didn't continue and lowered her head in embarrassment.

"…" An even more baffling expression appeared on Kole's face, his mouth parted but was unable to make a single sound—too lost in the incredulity of the situation.

With a light cough, he changed the topic, "How did your Awakening go? It was last year, wasn't it?"

The maid beamed, "It went really well, master!"

Kole nodded as a slight smile appeared on his face, "Hum. I heard—With your talent, you could've been hired by the Royal Palace. So, why did you choose to stay here, Charl?"

"Master!?" Charlotte blushed, ever-so-slightly. She lowered her head further and to escape from embarrassment, she snatched the gourd and towel back from Kole's hand as she ran back into the manor with brisk steps.

"Hahaha." Kole couldn't help but laugh out loud as he saw her cute expressions. He knew she had developed feelings for him over the years. After all, she was only a year older than him and she has been his personal maid for the past 6 years. It was inevitable for such a thing to occur.

However, before Kole could think about progressing his relationship with Charlotte—A wild Royal Decree appeared!

He could only curse the King in his heart but with his measly strength, he can only accept it with a bitter smile.

Shaking his head to replace the sour atmosphere, Kole stood up and was about to walk toward the nearest maid to order some food when he remembered Charlotte's warning.

A gloomy glint flashed in Kole's deep black eyes, as dark as the abyss itself.

Damm*t. You should've told me earlier—before I started my usual training! Just wait for some time, and I'll punish you for being so clumsy!... With a low snort, Kole went back to his room. As he stepped into the bathroom to take a bath, he noticed hot water was already filled in the tub.

Charlotte was slightly bent over, pouring some scented liquid into the bathtub which produced lather and a honied fragrance wafted in the air.

Though she may forget some things, she is diligent and sincere in her work… A slight smile appeared on Kole's face and he saw her cute plump butt, outlining itself over the short skirt—as if provocating him to act. Along with the dim light, sweet odor, and hot steamy bathroom, his bestial instincts flared up.

To hell with restraints! To hell with my purpose in life! To hell with all!… Kole inhaled deeply as his nostrils flared up.

Letting out a hot turbid breath, "Charlotte…" A low guttural sound came right from the back of his throat.

"Master?!" Charlotte craned her head a little, as she looked back at her master, slightly surprised.

"Didn't you say it would be bad to eat breakfast before the Awakening ceremony because there are chances of unwanted stuff throwing itself out?"

Vaguely confused, Charlotte nodded nonetheless, "Yes?"

Seeing her nod, a smirk appeared on Kole's face, "Hum. For a man, there are other things that shouldn't leak out as well… Otherwise it would be too embarrassing…"

Charlotte paused. For some inexplicable reason, she felt as if she was prey—standing in front of a hunter. Her hands stopped as her brows scrunched up into a cute frown. She straightened herself as she turned around completely.

"Master?" Her confusion was evident.

Kole's hands went to the buttons of his pants—His aura rapidly changing to one full of authority, his tone containing a majesty that he never displayed as Kole ordered with a predatory grin: "Kneel."

With that being said, he dropped his pants.