
Prince of Eternal Darkness

Prince of Eternal Darkness is a thrilling fantasy novel that takes readers on a captivating journey through a cultivation world where demons and monks unleash unimaginable power. The story follows the talented and enigmatic protagonist, Shiv, who finds himself betrayed by his beloved girlfriend, Aria, after a thousand years of companionship. In this extraordinary world, cultivators harness the elements, defy gravity, and engage in epic battles that can reshape mountains with a single strike. Shiv, known as one of the most gifted individuals the realm has ever seen, stands at the pinnacle of his abilities, revered and respected by all.

Arpit_Pathak_1053 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11: Trials of the Mountain

Standing at the foot of the majestic mountain range, Shiv's eyes scanned the expanse before him, taking in the grandeur and mystique of the towering peaks that seemed to touch the heavens. With each step he took towards the mountains, a sense of anticipation mingled with trepidation coursed through his veins. He knew that within the depths of this wilderness, both danger and opportunity awaited.

Approaching the outpost that guarded the mountain's entrance, Shiv was met by a vigilant group of sentinels, their expressions marked by years of experience and caution. As he presented his badge, a symbol of his lineage and belonging to the esteemed Lin family, Shiv felt a surge of pride and determination. The guards, well-aware of the perils lurking within the untamed expanse, offered him solemn words of warning, emphasizing the need for unwavering vigilance.

Stepping beyond the threshold, Shiv found himself enveloped by an enchanted forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets and the air hummed with latent energy. The soft sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting ethereal patterns upon the forest floor. It was amidst this serene beauty that the harmony was disrupted by the approach of his first adversaries—the formidable trio of Qi Refining stage wild boars.

As the beasts charged, their powerful muscles rippling with raw strength, Shiv's senses sharpened. He unsheathed his sword, the blade gleaming with a quiet intensity, ready to dance with the winds of battle. The clash of steel and primal fury echoed through the forest as Shiv's nimble footwork guided his movements, matching the wild boars' relentless onslaught with his own determination.

With a flicker of agility, one of the boars gracefully evaded Shiv's initial strike, displaying an uncanny grace for a creature of its size. Undeterred, Shiv swiftly adjusted his stance, a testament to his honed reflexes. In a blur of motion, the boar lunged towards him, claws poised to rend flesh. Anticipating the attack, Shiv's sword intercepted the creature's assault, the clash reverberating through the forest.

Gritting his teeth against the force of the impact, Shiv channeled his inner strength, pushing back against the onslaught. In a moment of fierce retaliation, he delivered a thunderous punch, connecting with the boar's side, unleashing a shockwave of power. The boar soared through the air, its surprised squeal reverberating through the forest, before crashing to the ground in a cloud of dust.

Embracing the opportunity, Shiv swiftly pivoted, his blade singing through the air with a fluid grace. With a single, precise strike, he brought the full weight of his determination crashing down upon the injured boar. The clash of steel and the final cry of the vanquished beast merged into a symphony of triumph.

The forest seemed to hold its breath, witnessing Shiv's victory over the formidable adversaries. In that triumphant moment, a surge of exhilaration coursed through his veins, his heart pounding in sync with the rhythm of the wild. The system's resonant chime broke the silence, echoing his accomplishment and granting him 20 experience points—a tangible reminder of his growth and progress.