
One who call genius

[The fist to serve is candidate Nakiri Alice]

With small wooden bento boxes occupying both hands, Alice makes her way toward the judging table.

Opening the cover of the boxes, everyone in the hall was met with a colorful array of one size bite food.

"Are those... caviar on top?"

The bento box has three-row with four small space that holds the food in them

The first row has two sets of dishes, the first set is a salad. the two salad is just a slice of cucumber and carrot with a white sphere on top of them. And the second is a small, lightly fried fish with lemon.

The second row is the only difference, it fills with rice and beef rolls, and resting on top of the is a dark-brown sphere.

The third is row is for dessert, two identical fluffy filled cookies settle in the first two spaces. The last two spaces have a slice of banana with some kind of gold caviar on top, place in a paper for easy pickup.

"Look, the director is grinning!"

Hearing a sudden shout from the audience seat, the other judges turn the middle seat and true enough.

"It's quite the attractive arrangement of small dishes, especially with those unknown spheres."

Senzaemon Nakiri was complimenting the esthetic of the bento and showing his rarely see grins.

"Since you have the salad in the upper left, do you want us to start eating from there and make us way down?"

Alice put her hand together and answer with a smile, "that right. I hope you enjoy it, I put every skill I have in it."

Following her advice, the judges begin the eating process with the two slices of cucumber and carrot.

Biting down on the sphere along with the sliced vegetables, the inside of their mouth were splashes with the taste of tangy yogurt, mix with herbs.

"Oh, this sphere is tzatziki sauce!"

Next was the small fry fish, coat with light batters, "The fish is so soft!"

They could hardly taste the bone in the fish, and it inside was filled with eggs. Not only that, but it also clears out piquant after taste of the tzatziki sauce.

"Now, for the second row and main of the bento."

Biting down on the beef and rice rolls, Oizumi Kakinoshin's palate was once again spattered from the sphere that comes with the rolls.

"This too!"

The umami of the roast beef, combined with the concentrated sauce work so well together to give it a rich flavor.

As the judge was joyfully eating her food, Alice takes the chance to explain the setting of her bento.

"Think of eating a complete blow than just a roll. I want to avoid the trouble of people getting their hand dirty or using utensils, while also making the food looks pretty as possible...so I turn all the sauce into those cute spherical."

Now, for the final row, the dessert. The fist was the cookie with the fill with a mass of small bubbles green tea inside, which was very appealing to the taste buds of the five elder judge.

"This is a wonderful light dessert after the fattest and rich rolls!"

The judges didn't bother asking Alice how she forms the tea into a foam since they already know how it makes. It is a waste of time when there is already a machine that lets you turn basically anything into foams so easily is selling in the market.

Finally, they reach the final dish. A banana slice, serve with a bunch of glistening golden caviar on top.

"It's rum!"

The moment their teeth make contact with the caviar, it pops and melts into liquids with the delicious taste of rum cocktails.

"This rum caviar is so mild, it's perfect for a non-drinker."

Now that he tasted all the dishes in the bento, Senzaemon was impressive with it.

It as though being in a high-end class restaurant, eating a full course meal, one at a time with the other judges and the excitement of looking forward to the next dishes, they going to eat.

"He has gone bare chest!" the students shout out when the clothes on Totsuki's director body fall off, showing his appreciation for the food.

Putting his clothes back on, Senzaemon gazes at his granddaughter, "Thank you, Alice. That more than a bento, it was a perfect meal. It seems molecular gastronomy cooking serves you well."

"Thank you, grandfather. It was Lovin-kun who inspire me to create this bento today."

Hearing her statement, everyone looks toward the white hair girl with curiosity and their eyes, asking for an answer.

"You see, at first I was going to make Temari sushi, but I decided that wasn't good enough. If the theme was sushi, it could also work there and it wouldn't be real bento."

As the people listen to Alice's explanation, their eyes wide in astonish and their back slowly damps in sweet.

"I might not personally see how Lovin-kun cook but if what I hear about him and the 100 scores in the preliminary is real, I have to come up with something better.

That when I got the idea of filling the bento that gives it eater the experience of a full set of meals, from light appetizer to full and rich main and then cooling down with light desserts.

This bento was different from the Temair bento that I was first going to make, which rely heavily upon being cold. This bento can be eaten at any time without losing its flavor."

"That's Nakiri Alice's true strength."

"How can such chef be the same age as us."

When Alice's explanation end, the first-year students who were listening. Looking at her with fear and hopelessness in their gazes, believing they could never be better than her.

"Hey, Yukihira. You think you could win against her?" on the Polar Star dorm group, Takumi queries his rival, sitting beside him.

From what he saw so far, he not confident if he could beat Alice if he the one going up against her right now.

"I'm not sure. If she was going with her Temari sushi, I might win. With this bento, I just don't know."

"Damn it..." on the other side, Ikumi utter in a low voice.

Just when she thought, she got better since the camp when they first met. Alice jumps one step above her.

"I see..." Senzaemon replies, observing his granddaughter closely.

Because of Erina's rather brutal training when she was small, by the hand of her father and not wanting her to end up like her mother, he has paid close attention to her and not a lot toward Alice.

The girl has improved just overnight and has come far, all because of Lovin. He not sure if he should thank the boy or be mad at him for catching another one of his granddaughters in his clutch.

"Alice might win this..."

Overlooking from above, Erina was surprised at her cousin's growth. It's true if Alice has gone with

the Temari bento, she would've definitely lost. Now, she not so sure.

"What do you mean, Erina-sama?" Hisako asked, standing behind her.

"Well, I don't see how Lovin-kun could come up with a bento idea better than her."

ah..........no mistake, right?

FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts