
Back at Polar Star

In the Tōtsuki Culinary Academy's parking ground, Lovin step out the bus with his dorm member, included Ikumi.

"That was a fun camping, right guys?" Lovin asked cheerfully.

"No way...I've never been more dried up in my whole life," Marui replied, still looking like a skinny, pale person that just started recovering.

Unfortunately the other didn't share his happy attitude, even after a night of rest, their body was still sore for the extra work they have to do because of him.

"Well, I'm just glad we all got through the camp, it was so hard and stressful, I was close to giving up hope," Megumi said, smiling.

"Yeah, because of him," Ikumi said while pulling on the culprit's cheek, the one who turns the already hard training camp into agonizing one.

"Ouch...at least you learn a lesson on always giving you best at everything you do and more importantly you learn how amazing I am and the prince title wasn't for show."

Lovin said while rubbing his cheek and when he about to continue with his speech, Yuki starts pulling him away to their dorm with the other Polar Star dorm member follow after them.

"Bye Ikumi." Ryoko and Megumi said their goodbye to the meat specialist.

"Don't forget to tell me when our club is finished being built, Ikumi!" Lovin shout as he was being dragged away.


Ikumi replied, her voice somewhat weak. Even though the camp was strenuous, it was the most time she gets to spend with him and it kind of feel lonely now that is over.


As the Polar Star dorm member make their way back to their dorm, they find Soma waiting for them on the side of the route.


"Oh, Soma-kun, where were you?" asked Megumi, running toward him.

"I got a ride back with the hotel's cars"

After that, they continue their way back and were welcomed back by Isshiki who only in his pink apron.

"Welcome back everyone, I'm so glad you all passed!"

"Did you know, there is a rumor going around since yesterday.? It sees a student in Totuski was able to create the Dragon Beard Noodles during the training camp, the new suddenly explode on the net and it sees to be truths as there many who confirm it."

Isshiki said as he leads the group toward the kitchen, "I sure will like to meet a student who that amazing."

He stops when he feels the people behind weren't following anymore and turn back to find them with sunk expression, well except for Soma and Lovin.

"What wrong? I thought you'll be surprised to know there someone like that in this school and it's first-year like you."

"Well...the person you talking about is right here" Yuki motion at Lovin, "And the person who almost failed every student because of that noodle."

Isshiki eyes lit up and he starts to pat Lovin's shoulder with praises and tears,

"Oh my, that wonderful Lovin-kun! I always knew you were something special and with you around, Polar Star's name will rise again, all of you!"


"Hey, Soma. You're back, come help."

When the group got to the kitchen, they find unfamiliar, red-haired man cooking.

"Sure..." Soma casually replied, thinking they were in Yukihira until he notices where they are,

"Wait! What are you doing here dad?!"

Everyone was surprised to learn that he was Soma's dad and then he was also the former second seat of the Elite Ten; Saiba Joichiro.

While still cooking, Joichiro looks around toward the group of students and eyes stop at the black hair transfer student.

"You must be Lovin?"

"That right" Lovin nod in reply.

"Soma told me about you...I know you just got back for the camp but if not too much trouble, will you make that fried rice that you made in your entrance exam?"

Before he even replied, Lovin washes his hand before taking out a wok from the cabinets and take his position stand beside him.

"Sure, I don't mind at all."

"Some, what they talking about?" with no idea of what happening, Megumi asked the other person who in the know.

"Oh, that. Lovin made this golden fried rice to passed his entrance exam when Nakiri was the one judging and it also the reason he got along with her, because of that dish."


"Well, let's have a toast!" Joichiro said holding up a glass of drink and the foods he cooked already laid out on the table, along with the fried rice, enough for everyone.


After taking his drink, the first thing Joichiro did was getting a spoonful of the golden fried rice.

"Let's see how this tastes."

When the fried rice touches his tongue, he can feel the egg texture, securely encasing the rice just as his wife's dish was. And when he bit down on it, it releases the trap umami all at once like a flood. Even though it doesn't have the crazy spice that his wife used to put in, it still tastes familiar, bringing him to tears.

The other just watch and didn't eat any of the food yet. They want to see what his reaction was but was stunned when he has tears forming in his eyes.

"Thank you, Lovin. It was truly delicious" Joichiro smile and wipe the tear from his eyes.

"Is it really that good?... That former second seat is crying." Yuki question and take a bit of the fried rice, followed by her dorm mate.

Their reaction wasn't tearing like Soma and his dad were, but nevertheless, it still gives them a powerful impact. It was like being comfortably wrapped in a warm blanket during a cold winter night.

"Oh wow, that was awesome!"

After the experience with golden fried rice was over, everyone got back to the celebration of surviving the training camp.


FlyingPeacockcreators' thoughts