
Prince of blood

Damon Bane a vampire prince of House Strom who ascended his late father's throne Thorn Bane the most heartless and feared ruler of House Storm. A clash between the two kingdoms of Fae Fawn and Noxus caused a great rift of chaos and war against both kingdoms where blood spilled with innocence. A child is born having a mixed blood of both kingdoms. Only he could restore and bring back the balance of the kingdom of Fae Fawn and Noxus back together again. What will happen when he finds out he's not the chosen one and gets misled by a half-Blood from Noxus? Will he fall in love with her or destroy her when the need arises?

Kimberly_Obayi · Fantasy
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5 Chs




In the outskirts of Noxus, Damon received news from one of his spies he had placed;

"My lord a new vampire prowled the night. His name was whispered in fear: **Asher**.

Damon's crimson eyes held anger, his thoughts running wild. He said;

"How did you get this news?" Bittered and angry goes his voice echoing around his chamber.

"One of our... previous captures smelt a foreign scent...which he proved to be true by showing us through a globe" He voiced nervously knowing how Damon's anger can be.

"Ahh! No! it can't be! Why now?!" Damon stood up from his throne, eyes blood red, and fangs reading to kill.

" M..my Lord, If... you could.. calm..." Goes his servant trying not to be shaken by the anger of his king.

" Useless! Why can't you all do something right for once!" Damon lashes out in anger holding his servant's neck.

" P... please, don't...kill...me." Begged his servant gasping for air.

" Gather the rest of the Covens and hunt down this vampire you speak of understood? Don't return until you find him! If you don't consider yourself dead!" He throws him in mid-air landing on a rocky ground.

" Y...yes, my... lord" The servant grunted in pain.

Soon after...

Damon realized he couldn't sleep and that brought great fear in him. His father was ruthless and unrepeantful but he had fear, fear of being overthrown. He must do everything it takes to ensure that never happens.

At Moonrise, Damon decided to go to his secret chamber which he had access to. In this chamber lies the ancient history of the past, a book of old, spells, charms, dark magical artifacts, and a secret vault.

His chamber was lit up with candles, pictures of late vampire kings And queens, adorned with fire torches, and an open vault where the moonlight sips through shining evenly at all sides of the chamber.

Suddenly a great force opened up his chambers as the air blew away the candles. A loud flashing of lightning bolts and thunder flashed in the skies. A shadow appeared transforming into a young woman, her hair covered with a cloak. There she stood face to face with Damon Bane.

Damon gazed firmly at the figure, drawing in silence like a graveyard. Immediately corpses appeared around him and in shock and fear he says;

*"Who are you?"* Damon demanded, frustration gnawing at his soul.

Then, a cloaking spell revealed her true form—a witch's vengeance;

"I am Selena a witch and the protector of Elvandar" She answered a rival to Damon's father, emerged from the shadows. Her eyes blazed with ancient grudges.

"Your father's blood stained my kingdom,"* she hissed. *"Now, you shall pay the price."*

He laughs, clapping his hands in amusement walking closer to her.

" How dare you invade my domain! You drained witch! I am not my father! A mere puppet who has been tangled in the web of brutality!" Damon's eyes turn red and he fangs out like a knife.

" I know that, that's why you would be more dangerous than him. I must stop you before it's too late but first take a look at what your father did to my people!" She takes her hands and places them on the sides of his and immediately Damon's eyes open screaming.

Damon sees the memories of his father's deeds flooded back—the innocent lives sacrificed for power, the screams echoing in Selene's cursed domain. His father was the heir to a legacy of darkness, and Selene would do anything to see him dead.


Asher's life changed the day he stumbled upon Lysandra—a half-blood vampire sorceress with eyes like fractured moonlight. Noxus, a city steeped in darkness, had never seen such an enigma. Her silver hair whispered secrets, and her touch ignited forgotten memories.

The training of Asher in unlocking his full potential as the supreme half-breed of both forgotten kingdoms began. Lysandra putting him in different tests proved more and more that he was the chosen one.

"You're the chosen one,"* Lysandra murmured, her lips brushing against Asher's ear. "But your magic lies dormant, locked away."

" Really? Do you know the reason for that" Asher glanced at her as his eyes shone brightly and he cravings for a taste of excitement.

" Unfortunately I do not know but what I know is that you are truly one of a kind, a God, and a conqueror." She moves in closer to his face, eyes chanting as they both close the gap between them.

Asher's heart raced. He had always felt different, an outsider in a world of blood-soaked power struggles. Now, Lysandra offered hope—a confidante who understood the weight of his destiny.

*"Seek the Oracle,"* she whispered. *"Unlock your true potential."*

" What?" Asher was lost in confusion as his mind only fantasized about Lysandra.

" I said, seek the oracle. It unlocks your true potential" She whispered again, slowly tracing his chest with her index fingers giving a shiver down his spine.

"Oh, of course." He gulped acting nervous.

" Are you okay?" Lysandra asked biting her lips.

" Y..yes I am. We better begin our journey." He tells her shyly walking first before she follows behind.

moments later...

Asher and Lysandra covered themselves with black robes from head to foot, bearly revealing their faces. They reached the entrance of the Immortal Empire where the Oracle Codex lies. In the Oracle Asher would unlock and discover his full potential.

"Who goes there?" A district voice calls out

" We seek to visit the Oracle Codex in search of answers" Lysandra speaks calmly.

" What are your names?" The gatekeeper asked.

" Lysandra and with me Asher" She answered, holding Asher close to her.

" Ok, you may go in." The gatekeeper watches steadily as they both try to make an entrance.

Suddenly Asher gets the attention of the gatekeeper and he sniffs him vigorously.

" Hmm, who are you? " He asked circling his arm.

" I... I'm no one." Asher replies, trembling in fear.

Lysandra notices Asher isn't behind her and she immediately turns back to find him. Before the ggatekegatekeeper couldny further moves she quickly took Asher by her hand.

They both embarked on the journey to find the Oracle and seek answers. Going Through forbidden libraries and forgotten catacombs, they finally reach the entrance of the race—

" We are here ", Lysandra tells him both looking in anticipation of the secrets that lilieithin.

" Are you ready Asher?" She turns to his gaze.

"Ready like never before." He replies, glancing back at her.

*Suspenseful music playing in the background*

To be continued...

I apologies for the short write up. I needed to put my characters actions on the next chapter. Please look forward to next chapter coming soon.

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