
Prince's fangs

Due to an act of betrayal, Prince Robert was removed from his family, home, and country. He would have to fight hard to survive a world he has never known. First problem, escaping from the men who have ripped him away. Second problem, basic survival. Third problem, where was he and how can he get home? Will he find any friends to help him get home or is he doomed? ..... ..... From Chapter 15 Jacob shifted uncomfortably on the bed. " Honestly, I do not know. I do not know what magic my kidnappers used." Surprise ran through the healers face, " You were kidnapped?" Jacob rolled his eyes and snorted, " Of course! Do you think a human child would be here by choice?"

Katrina_Prest · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Heart of wild woods

Deep within the forest an old man with grey skin, slightly pointed ears, piercing blue eyes, and warring leathers and furs sat in front of several younger people while he taught them what he knew. He suddenly stopped speaking as his eyes seemed to cloud over and he stood and walked away without a word to his students. The students started talking to each other about what could have possibly distracted the master from his lesson on becoming one with an animal form. Not that they were interested in the lecture, most just wanted to actually try the technique without the boring talk. 

As they were talking a giant hawk flew down from the sky, shifted into a young woman and rushed after the master. The old man stopped at a small pond, where he sat down and started staring into the pond's depth. The young girl also in leathers and furs stood close by with a worried look on her face. She knew that magic from the outside work had just entered the woods. Normally the old man would have already ordered the deaths of those who dared to enter their home with spells at the ready, however he was strangely silent. It was as if he was looking for some answers within the pond.

The girl started shuffling from foot to foot, her anxiety getting the best of her. She remembered the fire and death that the mages outside their lands could cause and she just wanted the order to destroy the threat to finally come. 

The master sighed deeply and then looked at the girl behind him before speaking in a soft and clear voice, " Lena, you must trace the energy back to its source."

The girl cheered inwardly, however what The master said next surprised her. " Do not kill them." The master looked at her sternly as he said this, " You are to follow them, as well as to study the nature spell that is being used. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to learn a skill that I can not teach you."

Lena looked at her teacher with wide eyes disbelief. How could he say that he could not teach something? He was the head of the woods, leader of all druids within  these lands.

Seeing her disbelieving stare the druids chuckled heartily. " The reason I do not know this kind of nature magic is because it is only taught in the mountains of the dwarves." He paused and turned to look into the pond. " I have only seen the magic of the stone people once." He looked back at the bright young girl before him. She mastered every lesson after careful study of it. She would never attempt a spell of any kind until she understood it completely. Which was why he wanted her to go. She could bring one of the secrets of the mountain to their people. The only question was whether she could be objective enough to leave a potentially dangerous spell be.

Lena closed her mouth and thought about the masters request. The unusual magic could harm everyone here and yet knowing such magic could also protect them all in the future. She was torn. To fight magic, people needed magic. That was the way of the world. They either learned or they died. She closed her eyes, her finger curled into a tight fist as she battled herself. 

The master watched and said nothing. Each person had their own internal struggles to go through. Even old men like him. It was best to let her figure it out on her own. Lena's eyes opened and she bowed to her master. " As you wish." She turned on the spot, changed into a wolf, and ran through the woods as if demons were on her tail. The master smiled for a few minutes before returning to his lesson of shape shifting.

Meanwhile, the cart the Prince was in bumped and banged down a poorly kept road within the woods. He cursed a thousand times as yet another bruise seemed to end up on his already tender butt, as well as his shoulders and knees that had hit boxes within the cart during the last hour or so of travel. No one in or around the wagon even noticed that they suddenly had a shadow following them through the forest.

Lena stalked the cart the way she would a deer. She could see no less than six humans, however, she could smell more. There was a seventh human within the wagon. That person was most likely the mage that she must observe. It was several hours of carefully stalking her prey before they stopped at a small clearing near the road. Lena watched with a mixture of fear and determination as the man driving the wagon went into the back for several minutes. She held her breath while waiting for the threat.

Prince Jacob sighed in relief when the cart stopped. He may never be able to sit down straight again. Of course his favorite kidnapper came in and dragged him up and out of the wagon. He couldn't help rolling his eyes at the detestable mage. 

As the driver came out, Lena couldn't resist moving behind a big tree. Shock ran through her when she finally saw what she thought would be an all powerful mage. The driver brought out a human boy who had his hands tied around his back. She could see bruises covering his arms and legs. The boy couldn't have been much older then thirteen. He had long raven black hair that was clearly matted. It was clear that this lad couldn't be a mage. Magic didn't show itself until the age of sixteen. This child still had three or maybe four more years before magic sang within him, if it did at all.