
Prince's fangs

Due to an act of betrayal, Prince Robert was removed from his family, home, and country. He would have to fight hard to survive a world he has never known. First problem, escaping from the men who have ripped him away. Second problem, basic survival. Third problem, where was he and how can he get home? Will he find any friends to help him get home or is he doomed? ..... ..... From Chapter 15 Jacob shifted uncomfortably on the bed. " Honestly, I do not know. I do not know what magic my kidnappers used." Surprise ran through the healers face, " You were kidnapped?" Jacob rolled his eyes and snorted, " Of course! Do you think a human child would be here by choice?"

Katrina_Prest · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 10: Dwarves Revenge

Before Jacob knew it, a month had gone past. Things didn't change for him. He was still stuck traveling with his kidnappers. 

Meanwhile, Stonefist sat in the middle of his secret vault with his eyes closed and slowly breathing in and out. Most people thought that dwarves were incapable of mediation techniques such as this one. They would probably be shocked by such behavior. However, Stonefist wasn't meditating. He was sending his magical power through the stone around, searching for the hidden stones he placed within the wagon that had left a month ago.

The kidnappers had not returned his beloved to him and now was the time to send them to the stone for their lies and dishonor. He was not angry at the human king, in fact the man had earned his and many dwarves respect. Would this respect stop him from killing ten human fools who were stupid enough to give him their names? No! They will go to the stone for their crimes. He finally found what he was searching for and he activated the spell. The monsters unleashed would never stop until all ten of his foes were dead.

Nighttime in wild woods was beyond creepy. There was no sound of any kind near the people camped in a clearing just off the dirt road. Jacob was still sitting by the fire when all of a sudden huge stone golems came out of the earth and started killing the people around him. The Prince didn't have a warrior's reaction time yet, so before he could move even an inch, the monsters were gone. They seemed to disappear through the earth from whence they came as quickly as they formed. If Jacob could have traced the magic, he would have realized that the beasts only left the area where he was at. 

Lena watched the spell trigger and was ready to defend herself and the forest if need be. The huge stone monsters quickly crushed the adult humans before said humans had a chance to really react. Then she watched them meld back into the earth. She followed the magical trail until it left the forest. Then she went to report to the head druid. 

Jacob tried to stand up. His legs wobbled and his teeth chattered. He could feel his whole body shaking in fear. He finally made it to one of the giant trees and began to throw up. The camp was in shambles. Blood and body parts were practically everywhere. This was his first time seeing a dead body before. His parents hadn't even let him see his dead pets and now he was staring at the remains of his captures. He should be happy. He was free. He could go home. Yet all he could feel was fear and horror.

As for the golems, they hunted down the other four mages who had split into different directions. By mornings light all four would be crushed regardless of where they were. The towns and city cryers would tell everyone about the giant rock creatures that appeared without warning, killed and then disappeared again. 

By morning Stonefist finally stood with a triumphant look upon his bearded face. He dusted himself off and then went to see King Leo. Perhaps the humans he sent looking for his beloved would have good news today. If not, well, he would end up raiding a few places himself. Dwarves were not fond of sitting idle after all.

Back in the druids cove Lena reports on everything she witnessed to her teacher. 

" Did you have time to learn the spell's secret?" 

Lena shook her head and her teacher frowned as he looked into the moonlit pool. The moons were waning. Soon darkness and demons would transverse the land.

" What about the child you saw? Does he live?"

Lena blinked and turned into her own thoughts. She remembered the boy sitting beside the fire. The golems went around the boy as if he did not matter, but they never touched him. Did that mean he still lived? Maybe yes and maybe no. It all depended on the child's intelligence and a bit of luck. These woods were full of intelligent beasts who love eating people.

" The stone creatures never touched him. Of course this does not mean that he is living at this moment. That much blood is bound to attract predators."

The old man nodded and looked back into the lake. Lena sighed, sifted into her fastest bird form and flew back to what was left of the human campsite. If the boy lived, he needed to be brought to the circle before the moons hid and the demons attacked.

At the campsite, Prince Jacob found a dagger and managed to finally cut the ropes binding his hands. It was not easy to do when he couldn't stop shaking, however he would die too if he had no hands to eat and drink with. Once that was done, he looked through the wagon for things he could easily carry and would help him survive until he reached home. He kept the dagger and found a small pack, which he filled with dried rations and extra clothing.

Apparently his kidnappers had been thinking ahead and brought clothes that would fit him for all types of weather. He threw only one outfit for each season into the bag. If he had to wear them all during winter then so be it. He honestly hoped to be home before then, however his father taught him to plan for the worst. He filled a waterskin up, grabbed a bedroll and then left the wagon. He could hear things moving in the dark now. He wasn't sure if it was his mind playing tricks on him or not, but he wasn't taking chances.

He jumped down and quickly headed for the horses. He threw all the horse blankets on the back of one horse, untied it from the tree and then lept on top of the horse. He felt that he didn't have time to waste. As for the other horse, he cut the rains with a sword he picked up on his way to them.  Once that was set, he headed down the dirt road back the way the wagon had come from, or at least he hoped. He couldn't see that well, so he was mostly trusting the horse to get him away from the grisly scene.

I am trying to catch up on writing. Originally I planned on a chapter a week and then the holidays ruined that plan, so here's another chapter. If you want more per week, I'll try, but no promises. My 3 year old likes to spend a lot of time with mommy and since I want to spend time with him, writing will always be secondary

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