
Primordium - A Lycan Story

Vivian has always been kind of a rebel. She was always described as a spoilt brat of rich parents who always believed in going all out. She was outspoken and a colorful vocabulary that would put the pirates at shame. Aiden, her best friend cum boyfriend, was her only moral compass. He knew how to handle her and keep her grounded. The Lycan virus outbreak changed everything. It wrecked her. She lost him in the midst of this chaos. Being forced to go back to the institution was her only chance to find her lost love. She would do anything to find her love even if she had to start a war between the two species Nicholas was a man of very few words. He preferred observing and listening rather that talk nonsense. He had always been ambitious and a stickler for rules. Orphaned at a very young age he knew he had to make a name for himself just to find a purpose and a position in life. The Lycan virus outbreak changed everything. It saved him. He was now among the royals he had a purpose in life. Everything he ever wanted. He would do everything to keep a peace between the two species, even if he would have to kill a few people on the way.

canukepasecrt · Fantasy
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7 Chs

SpongeBob SquarePants

The Lupines are really gross. Iris said that the guy was like a brother to her but then I saw pure lust in his eyes when she was naked in the forest. They may not be blood-related but when you call someone your brother you don't lust for each other.

Anyway, I have had enough of this shit for one day. The room was really nice made of huge blocks of stone. It really looked like a cave, if not for the huge window that looked upon the forest. All my stuff had already been bought in. Two identical beds on either side of the room with a long table in the middle. Two laptops sat in the middle along with few other craps that I could care less about. I decided that I needed a shower. Brushing through my tangled mess of hair I heard someone shouting, normally I wouldn't have bothered but I felt a little something that I am sure was due to the bond.

I hate it!!

The sight that greeted me when I ran outside almost made the sandwiches I had in the forest make an entrance. Iris was hugging that guy with her hands and legs wrapped around him and he was holding her like a small kid and smiling.

What the hell!

"You lupines are weird!" I said to no one in particular. I said it slowly but having enhanced senses they heard it.

I was about to walk away when he called me.

"Wait!" He shouted.

I probably would have walked away if I wasn't shocked when he suddenly asked me to wait. I folded my arms and went to tap my foot to look intimidating but I probably looked like a kid asking for a toy. Then he said something that just left me speechless,

"Are those SpongeBob pants?"

Is he serious? I know I look like a kid but did he really have to rub that on my face? I wanted to slap him, beat the shit out of him. He would have become a writhing mess of pulp if Iris wouldn't have pulled me to our room.

Oh who am I kidding, I probably wouldn't have even managed to touch a hair on his head, but I can imagine it right!

"Vi!" Iris shouted to get my attention

"What!" I snapped irritated.

"Are you alright? You seem homicidal" She said slowly.

I looked at her confused. Was i thinking out loud again?

"Bond." She said to clear my confusion.

"Right! Is there a way you can not always read in my emotion? It's creepy"

"Mr. Bennet will be teaching us that. I have not learned it yet."

"Of course you only managed to learn how to bond with unsuspecting poor innocent humans." I came out harsher than I intended it too.

Before I could let her know I wasn't serious there was a knock on our door.

Probably that idiot to talk about my pajama's again. I stormed towards the door before Iris could, to give him a piece of my mind.

"I love Sponge Bob, to hell with your judgemental self!" I shouted opening the door without looking who was on the other side.

"I know and I am not judging," Said the amusing voice of the person I wish I didn't have to face until ever.

We stood there looking at each other lost in thoughts.

I looked at him clearly in the light now. He looks similar. But he has changed a lot. He wasn't the cute boy that had the whole school crazy but he had turned into a sexy man. Yes, a man I don't know how else to describe his changes. Somehow he had managed to look matured and sexy.

A part of me wanted to wrap my arms around him and let him calm and heal me the way he always did, another part of my wanted to take a knife and peel the skin that touched the other girl slowly and painfully.

"Reg Aiden? Did you need anything?" Iris said before I could react probably sensing my homicidal tendency again.

"Iris? Yes," He finally said as if sensing her presence now.

"Ok?" She replied not knowing what he wanted. I didn't know either.

"I would like to talk to Vi. Alone" He added as an afterthought.

"Sure. She was just getting changed. I will bring her to your room in 5 minutes?" Iris said.

"Alright." He said walking away.

"I don't want to talk to him," I said as he closed the door behind him.

"I know. Listen to me clearly. There are things in our word that you don't know." She said rummaging through my clothes. Normally I would have flipped but right now I am too pissed to care.

" Whatever made you think I care," I said standing up. She threw a sweatpant and a t-shirt for me to wear. I was about to decline when she raised her hand for me to stop.

"Even if you don't care, you will be staying here so there are few things you need to know. Now I have only 4 minutes so listen and don't interrupt. Aiden is a Regiliun like Nick, they are kind of Royals. They are training to lead their packs. So we have to listen to them. I don't really know your history with him, but I know enough to know it is important for you and him. Where these clothes, please. We Lupines have high sexual needs so if you don't want to sleep with him, wear it. I don't know what he wants to talk about but keep the bond open so that I know whenever you need me. Okay"

"In case you haven't noticed I don't know how to block it yet," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well smartass you wouldn't even know if you were blocking it. You have the tendency to go numb when you are hurting. Don't do that. Because as soon as I feel that I will come running and that won't be good. Now let's go, Reg Aiden is very particular about puntuality"

"Well atlest that hasn't changed. He has always been an ass about being on time."

We walked towards his door behing a pillar. Everything in me wanted to turn around and hide beneath a quilt on my warm bed, but Iris firm hand on my wrist wouldn't let me.

"It will be alright. I will always be with you, through the bond." She said to me honestly. She let me feel her honesty through the bond. Suddenly i also felt a surge of strenth that i knew wasn't mine.

"Thank you" I said to her equallu honest.

I then knocked the door to my personal hell.

How are you guys doing? What do you think is Aiden upto??

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