
Primordium - A Lycan Story

Vivian has always been kind of a rebel. She was always described as a spoilt brat of rich parents who always believed in going all out. She was outspoken and a colorful vocabulary that would put the pirates at shame. Aiden, her best friend cum boyfriend, was her only moral compass. He knew how to handle her and keep her grounded. The Lycan virus outbreak changed everything. It wrecked her. She lost him in the midst of this chaos. Being forced to go back to the institution was her only chance to find her lost love. She would do anything to find her love even if she had to start a war between the two species Nicholas was a man of very few words. He preferred observing and listening rather that talk nonsense. He had always been ambitious and a stickler for rules. Orphaned at a very young age he knew he had to make a name for himself just to find a purpose and a position in life. The Lycan virus outbreak changed everything. It saved him. He was now among the royals he had a purpose in life. Everything he ever wanted. He would do everything to keep a peace between the two species, even if he would have to kill a few people on the way.

canukepasecrt · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"I was in middle school. Noah was a sophomore. He was good at everything, studies and sports both. I admired him. Our parents were both working and my brother Issac and I were very naughty kids" Iris said tears rolling down her cheeks at the memory.

"You dont have to."

"No I want to. Its high time someone heard the truth. And who better than my Socius" She said smiling sadly at me.

Maybe it was the bond but I really didn't like seeing her sad. I could feel her sadness. I wanted to take it away like she took mine but I still don't know how it works.

"You are helping already," She said smiling genuinely.

"How? I am not doing anything?"

"Just by listening to it. You are not ready to share my emotions yet. As a Lupine everything about us is amplified. You won't be able to handle my emotions."

"Like - " I wanted to say like how I got almost suffocated to death by her emotions earlier. But I didn't want to sad her again.

"Yes like earlier. I am sorry I lost control of my emotions!"

How did she know what i was thinking? Can she read minds now too?

"How -"

"No I can't read minds," She said chuckling.

I just looked at her skeptically not believing her.

"You are very easy to read. Your face is an open book. I bet you are terrible at poker" She said laughing harder.

"I will have you know poker is a very silly game. And poker is terrible at me" I said defending myself.

"That didn't even make sense," She said laughing.

"Whatever! Your face makes no sense" I said glaring.

She raised her hand in surrender.

"Anyway, Noah was the one who usually had to babysit us, but that day he had a date with a girl he really liked. He bribed us with pizza and TV. We let him go. Issac and I had a pizza eating competition and he won. So he got the remote. He was watching some fighting that I didn't like. So I went to my room to play with Mr. marbles, my teddy bear with a big heart in the middle that played a pre recorded message. Noah gave it to me on my birthday. "

"Hey! i had one too. It was a limited edition. Seb had given it to me too. But- But they were very pricy. How did he afford it?"

"Noah had saved money from the games he won being a quarterback."

"Wow! He really might have been good. I mean Seb whined about having spent so much on it as I just gave him his laptop back. Which I had previously stolen. I had planned on a science experiment with it. I wanted to see what would happen if I placed a laptop on the stove. But I didn't do that. I gave it to him, but he kept whining that ungrateful brat!" She looked at me shocked.


"Nothing! Just making a mental note on what to expect from you on birthdays"

"I just don't like to give gifts. I don't believe in this faulty system. That being said I also accept cash on birthdays" I told her seriously.

She was staring at me probably deciding whether to take me seriously or not.

"So, as I was saying Noah was really good, and it also helped that our parents were rich-"

"You guys were rich? Then why was he working at our company at such a low wage?"

"We lost all the money after the operation - "

"What operation?" I asked confused.

"You will understand everything if just shut for a minute and listen to me," She said annoyed.

"Well, you are bad at storytelling. Do you know who was good at storyteller? My Nana was - Umm alright continue with your story" I decided to shut it before she got all wolf on me again.

"Like I was saying, that day I got pissed at Noah and threw Mr. Marbles out of the window. After I cooled down I realized my mistake I tried searching for him only to find that he got stuck on one of the higher branches of the tree. Then 10 year old me had a wonderful idea to jump off the window on the tree to retrieve my teddy. It wasn't a bright idea as I fell two storey on the ground. I don't remember much what happened after that but they were able to save me. But part of me still wished I died that day because that day was the last day anybody in our family ever saw happiness." She said crying.

I hugged her. I am not usually a hugger, I just go blank when people cry so this may be due to the bond.

"I was in a coma for 6 months. After I came to my senses we found out i was a quadriplegic. My family blamed it on themselves. My parents thought that only if they were little attentive to us. Noah thought if he was there that day instead of his date then this might not have happened. And Issac well as Issac and I were closest he just became selectively mute. He almost never spoke other than when he visited me. I destroyed my family." She started crying harder.

"It's ok. It's ok. It's not your fault. You were 10. Well, clearly you haven't known me long to know I have done far worse things." I said joking.

"Well, why don't I doubt that?" She said after she stopped crying.


"Anyway stop interrupting me. The home where I stayed had decided to let me go as I was turning 18. And my parents couldn't afford to spend it anymore. Noah was desperate. So..."

She didn't have to complete a sentence for me to get what she was insinuating.

"That's a very bold accusation Iris." I said seriously.

"Why else would he mess up like that if he didn't get paid? Besides after everything I found out shit load of money in his account which was supposed to be empty. Anyway, we will discuss it later we have more pressing matters at hand."

She looked at me expectantly. I just shrugged not knowing what to say.

"As our classes start next week, By tonight all the Plebs would arrive. Tomorrow Mr. Bennet will choose the Socius for everyone."

"I thought I already have a socius."

"Yes. That wasn't supposed to happen" She said slowly.

"Iris I am pleading you to tell things as if I am 5 year old, please. If you keep being cryptic I am going to cry like one I swear"

"See I knew who you were. You are the daughter of the Johnsons. You are kind of like on the top of the list for Socius. I knew when everyone finds out who I am no one would want to be my Socius and without one I would turn into a furcifien. So I decided to make you my Socius before anybody could."

"How does someone become a Socius anyway."

"Umm, I was hoping you wouldn't ask that" She said looking away.

"How?" I asked her seriously.

"Remember when I hugged you, I hadn't actually hugged you that hard you were feeling suffocated because I injected you with my blood."

"You did what?" I got up not believing her. I started to panic what if I turned into a wolf?

"No, you won't turn into a wolf. Turning into a wolf is much more complicated. You just become bonded to the wolf whose blood runs through your blood. You body just thinks it's a foreign object like a virus and tries to fight hence you felt like you were choking."

I just stared at her. I understood where she was coming from. I think I now get the picture except for her elaborate idea that her brother might be paid to do this. This might be the bond as I am not that understanding or forgiving, or maybe I am just too tired and want this to end. So I shocked even myself when I said the next words.

"I understand why you did what you did, but from now things are going to change. Since I am your Socius I will obviously find out when you are lying to me, so no more deception. You have to be truthful to me about everything. If I ever find out you have been doing your deception again I will make it my mission to break the bond and make you suffer. Understood?"

"So does that mean we are friends?" She atarted jumping with joy again.

How does she manage to turn from a scary wolf to sad human to a happy puppy in a span of an hour i would nevr know.