
Primordial Wars

The battlefield of good and evil is eternal, the string of fate will spin, and the scales of destiny will teeter. Only karma will maintain the balance of power in the end.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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135 Chs


22 days went by in what felt like a breath for these old Eternal realm monsters. They decided that they'd break through on planet Vedra in the northern most part within their universe, it was a large uninhabited planet mainly because the planet was a floating ball of magma that somehow had a membrane of spirit energy that kept it condensed.

The spirit energy membrane was extremely dense. When this planet was first discovered the people that found it thought there might be treasure or an opportunity on this planet so they spend hundreds of years attempting to break through the membrane yet they we're unable to even scratch the surface.

These we're Eternal Realm powerhouse's of this universe unable to scratch the surface. That was enough to attest to the ability to survive their breakthrough past the Eternal realm.

Finally another 3 days passed and on the 25th day they met on planet Vedra. They both arrived with a fleet of flying space crafts that surrounded the planet to make sure their breakthrough isn't disturbed.

They both told their fleets and commanders that they found a way into the planet Vedra and would be looking for a treasure and everyone would benefit greatly from the profits.

Hearing this their respective fleets and commanders became excited. With everything settled they finally came face to face alone on the planets surface with everything settled they sat down back to back to begin the exchange of energy, surprisingly as soon as they began the exchange of energy they felt a spark and their Divine Spirit World becoming connected as if it were 1 divine spirit world.

The divine spirit world is like the residence of one's soul for all beings few people have a divine spirit world most people usually only have a divine sea, but all Shinigami's have a divine spirit world which is a huge statement of the Shinigami world's power.

One entity every 3 or four eras would be selected as a Shinigami candidate other than that new Shinigami usually just appeared, birthed from the ether as a completely living creature with intelligence and the only purpose to live life in whatever way seemed to align with fate and karma. Outside of the Shinigami world theses people were rumored to be geniuses that had been claimed by Shinigami and reincarnated as one themselves.

The divine sea usually awakens in a person once they reach the soul ascension stage of the mortal realm, until then when a human awakens, they usually have a spirit sea, but the odd thing was all Shinigami were born with a divine spirit world when they popped into existence.

Such a phenomena was totally unheard of in any other part of the cosmos, luckily there were only about 3-5 new Shinigami every hundred billion years or so, still with how long they've existed possibly more than a few hundred trillion years it's hard to say they now on this day they weren't the shadow overlord of the entire cosmos.

Luckily there were a few shadow powers that could rival them one in particular was an odd bunch that most believed was just a group of gods that got together to monopolize certain industries like the Shinigami.

They were renowned because they were made up of the merger of 5 ancient families which in turn allowed them to birth many geniuses and a population far surpassing that of the Shinigami's. The Shinigami had a decent number of the highest quality member you could get while the alliance of holy gods had a great number of respective geniuses and a number that could rival the number of high-quality geniuses like the ones the Shinigami world brought into existence.

On planet Vedra Wo Shie and Lui Marime felt their divine spirit world fully connect and then a large amount of spirit energy gathered into every pore and cell of their bodies.

They then began to feel as if their bodies were merging into one, first their organs as their two heartbeats became one thumping heart, then their bones, blood and muscles fused as one followed by their meridians and dantain which happened in an instant but felt like an eternity because the mind-numbing level of pain as their body of one fell to the ground lifelessly.

Planet Vedra seemed to shiver in excitement and the barrier of spirit energy had broken at that moment sensing their breakthrough and all the spirit energy in the barrier flowed into their body as the core of magma burst and exploded under the cloudy sky filled with black and white thunder causing everything in a huge part of the north of the Shinigami realm to turn red for a while still flashing with world ending black and white lightning streaking through the sky, the black lightning seemed strong enough to destroy a large world while the white lightning would come with a calming energy so strong it made facing death feel like everything was still okay in the world.

When the spirit energy membrane burst a golden sun and a silver moon necklace flew out and the golden sun shined brightly and began absorbing the energy of their fused body while at the same time the silver moon necklace also started absorbing the energy of their fused body, the spirit energy and the magma that was actually just an extremely large amount of condensed spirit energy. So condensed that rather than turning to water or a solid it became a thick liquid substance and condensed so tightly that it's temperature rose exponentially leaving the magma like substance.

That was when each necklace began absorbing the dense spirit energy magma, and you could see their bodies reforming around them Wo Shui was like a bronze statue with red around the black iris of his eye that faded to purple then blue somehow looking like a planet with an eerie aura out in the abyss of the cosmos. His hair was short and black and he had the face of a god he was like a heavy low burning flame that wouldn't go out under the fiercest winds.