
Primordial Traveling in Multiverse

Nixx099 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

~Random Coffee Shop~

"So what is it? Your decision I mean." Said Lucas.



'Well, looks like it's time for us to meet. Sung Jin-Woo,' said Lucas with a smile.

Lucas called out his system and said, "Hey System, you have everything, right?"

{Yes, I am!}

Lucas smiled and said, "Find Sung Jin-Woo's number and call em'"


{Sung Jin-woo's number found! Now, calling Sung Jin-Woo}

After a few moments of waiting for Jin-Woo to pick up, he finally pick up.

"Yo, How's your mother? Is she okay, now?"

Jin-Woo seems to already know that the man on the other line is the one who helped his mother, but he decides to play dumb to ensure that it is indeed the one who helped his mother.

"So what? Who are you anyways? How do you also know my number?"

"Don't be such a jerk, please. After all, I was the one who healed your mother. As for why I got your phone number, I guess it's because of Jarvis."

Lucas decided to call his system "Jarvis"

"Jarvis? Well whatever, can you meet me at St. 274? To prove me that you really are the one who healed my mother."

(A/N: Idk if St. 274 really exist, it's just random bs i came up with)

"Well, fine. Tomorrow, meet me there tomorrow." Said Lucas with a wide grin.

~Tomorrow morning~

Lucas could be seen via a coffee shop window wearing a suit and enjoying his coffee.

When Sung Jin-Woo arrived, he instantly noticed Lucas, who was sitting near the window because the place was nearly empty. He walked right up to him and sat in the chair hurriedly.

"You made me wait, Sung Jin-Woo," Lucas remarked.

"You never informed me what time I should arrive," Jin-Woo said calmly.

"Hahahahaha! So let's not spend any more time and let me show you what I'm talking about, "Lucas stated.

Lucas felt he had to prove himself, that he wasn't just any healer, so he brought a knife with him.

Lucas then reached for his sharp knife and placed his hand on the table. With a big smile on his face, he then pointed it in his palms and chopped his hands without hesitation. Blood was dropping on the floor as a lot of blood was gushing out.

As Lucas let go of the knife and raised his hands to his right hand, a green aura swirled around his left hand, and a new hand regenerated from his right hand, which surprised but bewildered Sung Jin-Woo. Sung Jin-Woo swallowed again as he was taken aback.

"So was that enough? Y'know healers can't heal themselves but you see, I'm unique!!"

Jin-Woo claimed that was plenty, but he still had suspicions about Lucas. Jin-Woo then questioned of Lucas as to why no one had seen him in the hospital.

"Why? Hmm..well I'm not just a simple healer! I guess I'm also an assassin? Well, anyhow, you still owe me. I need to get going now."

If what Lucas stated is true, then this is his (Jin- woo's) opportunity! He no longer has to face that S-rank hunter, and he is no longer a threat to him. He would die if he ever met Dong-Su today. So he didn't waste the opportunity and said, "If you're truly an assassin, could you assassinate someone named "Dong-Su"?"

Lucas: "What's up with that? Why would I do such a thing? Would I be able to benefit from it? What exactly can you offer?"

Jin-Woo: "I'll think about it, so please kill him for now."

Lucas: "Well, I'm about to kill him. Jarvis has given me a 'Quest' to kill him, as well as a 'Reward.'"

Jin-Woo: "Who is Jarvis? Is he your boss?"

Lucas looked at Jin-Woo and laughed.

Lucas: "Oh, my goodness! Boss?! I'm the boss! You also have Jarvis, don't you?"

When Lucas noticed Jin-Woo's puzzled expression, he grinned again and continued, "Isn't your Jarvis also giving you 'Quests' and 'Rewards'? Anyways, see you later. I'll email you a photograph of Dong-Su's head."

Jin-Woo was startled, which drove him to rise from his seat; but, just as he was ready to ask a question, Lucas vanished.

'Could he also have a 'System'?" Jin-Woo thought.

Lucas went to register as a hunter after meeting with Jin-Woo. Of course, he's an S-rank hunter, and the world has learned that Korea has a new S-ranker! Many believe his power is on a national level, while others disagree since they have yet to see Lucas's abilities.

After brushing his teeth, Lucas awoke. He walked downstairs to cook for Soo-Hyun, like he did every day. Soo-Hyun was awakened by the smells of the food he had prepared. While they talked, Lucas and Soo-Hyun ate together

Soo-Hyun: "I've seen the news. New S-ranker, eh?"

Lucas: "Hehehe..Well, it's nothing.."

Soo-Hyun: "Will you left the house when you finally have enough money to buy your own house?" Soo-Hyun said with a sad tone on her voice.

Lucas noticed this and said, "No, How could I let someone who can't cook alone? You might burn the house! Hahahaha!"

Lucas: "Well, I have a flight to America this week. I left a food on the refrigerator, that should last a week or two."

Lucas seeing the sad expression of Soo-Hyun again, he said, "Don't worry I'll be back soon!"

After that Soo-Hyun went for her work.

Lucas then returned to his room and prepared the things he need.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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