
Primordial Tempest: The Saga of Nico Silva

In a world where magic reigns supreme, Nico Silva discovers he possesses a rare and powerful form of magic known as Entropy magic. As he grapples with the immense scope of his abilities, Nico embarks on a journey of self-discovery and mastery alongside his twin sister, Noelle. However, dark forces seek to exploit his power, forcing Nico to confront enemies and uncover secrets while protecting his loved ones. With destiny hanging in the balance, Nico must embrace his power and navigate a treacherous world of magic and intrigue. [A/N: FUCK Canon MC will not join Black Bulls.]

BigyBoi · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Today was the day of the Magic Knights entrance exam. Nico awoke before dawn, the first rays of morning sunlight spilling through the ornate windows of his bedchamber in the royal palace. He stretched languidly, feeling the anticipation coursing through his veins as he propped himself up on one elbow. This was the day so many young mages had been training arduous years to reach - their chance to earn admission into the kingdom's illustrious magical knight orders.

After breakfast, Nico made his way to Nozel's office. The palace was a maze of grand hallways and towering statues, each one telling a story of the kingdom's rich history. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. He was a part of this history now, a member of the royal family, about to embark on his journey as a Magic Knight.

He knocked on the door to Nozel's office, "Yo, brother, do I also need to participate in the exam?" he asked, trying to keep his voice casual.

Nozel looked up from his desk, his eyes serious. "No, you are royalty. You will be joining my squad," he said, his voice firm and authoritative.

A sense of relief washed over Nico. He had always admired Nozel and was looking forward to proving himself as a member of Nozel's squad. But a thought nagged at him, "What about Noelle?" he asked, concern creeping into his voice.

"I have plans for her, trust me," Nozel replied, his voice softer now. Nico could see the concern in his brother's eyes. He knew Nozel cared for Noelle, even if he didn't always show it.

Nico had tried to teach Noelle how to control her magic. Although somewhat fruitful, the result was not what he wanted. 'Perhaps I am just a bad teacher,' Nico thought. He knew about this world and how Noelle would improve on the Black Bulls. So although he didn't want to leave her to a different squad, he knew it was the best way for her.

"Okay, I trust you. Can I also go see the entrance exam with you?" Nico asked, eager to see the other young mages in action.

"Very well," Nozel acquiesced with a resigned grunt, already turning his attentions back towards the looming stacks of paperwork and ledgers adorning his desk. "We depart for the exam grounds in a few hours. Do try to present yourself properly befitting today's gravity."

A sly grin tugged at Nico's lips as he pivoted on his heel towards the exit. "When have I ever acted otherwise?"

Nozel's only reply was a weary, dismissive sigh as the door clicked shut behind him.

As they were going to the exam site, they met Fuegoleon and his younger brother Leopold. Nico had interacted with Leopold before and they were friends. The four of them made their way to the grand arena where the Magic Knights exam was being held.

The arena was a sight to behold. It was a massive structure, built from white stone that gleamed in the sunlight. The stands were filled with spectators, their excited chatter filling the air. In the center of the arena, the young mages were gathered, their faces a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The final part of the exam was 1v1 battles. It happened the same as in the story with Asta beating the Sekke guy. Seeing his antimagic sword, Nico wondered out loud, "Hmm, antimagic. I wonder how it would fare against my magic?"

Nozel's head whipped around, eyes narrowing at his younger brother. "And how did you deduce it was anti-magic so quickly?"

Nico simply shrugged, the ghost of a smile playing across his lips. "Well, the kid clearly has no mana signature of his own, yet he can negate spells as thoroughly as he does. It stands to reason his sword must draw upon some higher anti-magical principles to manifest such effects."

The other captains murmured in a mixture of surprise and consternation at Nico's sharp deductions, their own minds clearly still struggling to process this unprecedented new paradigm unfolding in their arena. As expected, the exams soon reached their conclusion - with Asta joining the Black Bulls squad under Yami's tutelage and his friendly rival Yuno finding a place amongst the Golden Dawn's elite ranks

After the exam concluded, Nico accompanied Nozel and a new Silver Eagle member back to the squad's headquarters, greeting the other knights. Nebra and Solid shot Nico resentful looks when Nozel allowed him to join officially, but a stern glare from their eldest brother silenced their protests.

The next morning, Nico received an unexpected summons delivered by one of the household staff. He quickly made his way to Nozel's personal office, admitting himself after a sharp rap of his knuckles against the heavy door.

"You sent for me, Brother?" Nico began as he crossed over the threshold.

Nozel sat hunched over his broad desk as usual, fingers steepled beneath his chin as he assessed Nico with those piercing indigo eyes. After a long moment's consideration, he gave a slow nod.

"Indeed. We are deploying you on your first mission as a full-fledged member of my Magic Knights today." A faint smile played across Nozel's chiseled features. "Knowing your...unique proclivities for seeking out challenges, I've selected an assignment I think will make for a demanding inaugural test of your skills."

Nico felt his pulse start to quicken as eager anticipation thrummed through his nerves. This was it - his first true field mission as a magic knight of the Clover Kingdom. A chance to finally put his rigorous training and Nozel's tutelage into practice on the field of battle itself.

Squaring his shoulders, Nico met his brother's gaze levelly and nodded once. "I'm ready, Nozel. Let's see what you and the kingdom has in store for me."