
Primordial Status

A World Brimming With Spiritual Qi. A World Filled With Unknown Abilities. A System From Heaven. A New Story Appears. "What cultivation level are you now Yuki?" asked the Instructor with a curious gaze. "I am at level 4 magi- , I mean Golden Core Realm!" Yuki replied while almost stuttering.

Yuki_Ranger · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Arcadia Magic Academy

As the glistening light orb made its way toward the administration building, Yuki's mind began to race with worry. He suddenly remembered a crucial fact - he had no magic. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks - how would he be able to survive at the academy without any magical abilities? The thought filled him with a sense of dread and uncertainty, leaving him wondering what he could possibly do to make up for his lack of magical talents.

As he finally arrived at his destination, his gaze was met with a grand structure, painted entirely in a pristine white hue. The building emanated an aura of enchantment, as if it were a place where anything could happen. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was some sort of protective barrier enveloping the infrastructure of the entire edifice, shielding it from any potential harm. 

He entered the building and walked toward the desk where a young man was standing idly by.

"Is this the reception desk where I can register to work here?" Yuki had inquired.

"Certainly! I am pleased to inform you that there is currently a job opening available at this academy. I can provide you with a form that you can fill out to explore the various positions available and determine which ones you are eligible to apply for. It is important to note that age restrictions apply to certain job categories, so you will need to meet the minimum age requirement in order to qualify for those positions," the receptionist politely stated.

The receptionist gave the form to Yuki, and he filled it out.

"It appears there are only four job openings available at the moment. However, it's worth noting that each of these positions requires a specific prequisite of being an advanced mage. From the form itself, it displayed all the staff positions and ranks of a mage as a list.

These were the ranks of mages: Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Titled, Dawn, Eclipse, Legend, and Special Grade.

Yuki, after finishing the form handout, proceeded to give it to the receptionist.

"The day of your interview will be tomorrow 4-pm evening. Come back at that time to receive your interview.

"What is today's date?"

"The year is 140 circles, January 2nd, Thursday."

"Okay, that's all for now. Thank you." Yuki left as he pondered over his upcoming interview.

Yuki was in a dire situation as he had no place to call home and no financial resources to help himself. His mind was racing with thoughts of his predicament, and he wondered if the System could offer any help to him or if returning home was his only option.

"System, is there a way I could teleport back to my home now?"

[System cannot transfer the host to his original body unless certain conditions are met]

"What are those conditions then?"


"... I might be in trouble then."

[System suggests host to look inside his head for the necessary information about cultivation]

"My head? What does that mean?"

Yuki tried to take a peek inside his mind by thinking inside his head.

"This is.. a cultivation method? The stream of information inside his head displays the 'basic cultivation method,'" Yuki had thought.

Upon receiving an unexpected gift from the System, he couldn't help but feel a little weirded out. However, despite his initial surprise, he held many warm and joyful feelings toward the System. Even though he didn't talk much, he appreciated the System's efforts and the positive impact it had on his life. The gift was a small but meaningful gesture that reminded him of the System's helpfulness and made him feel valued.

What do I do now though? I haven't any place to stay for now. Maybe I could try cultivating on the streets? Yuki knew that cultivation was very important to him, as he currently had no magic or any powers to add on.

"No, I can't do that, I have to find the perfect spot."

Yuki was unaware of the fact that cultivation was a highly revered and sacred practice. It was believed that if a cultivator was disrupted while in the midst of cultivation, it could lead to severe consequences. A cultivator was susceptible to experiencing a severe backlash if disturbed in any way. The repercussions of cultivating incorrectly could result in significant physical and spiritual harm, which was a severe penalty to pay for any mistake.

Yuki had truly made the right decision by searching for a secluded place to cultivate. 

The problem was, where would be a good spot to cultivate?

He knew he had to stay outside because he couldn't go to an inn and stay.

I need to hurry and find a place, its getting dark. 

Is it me, or is it much colder than before?

If there wasn't any context about the city before, there should be now.

The magical city was a sight to behold. It was unlike any other city that Yuki had ever seen before. Everywhere he looked, there were towering buildings made of shimmering crystal and enchanted stone. The streets were paved with cobblestones that seemed to glow softly, casting a warm and welcoming light on the bustling crowds of people that passed by. The air was thick with the scent of magic, and Yuki could feel the hum of powerful spells in the very fabric of the city. Everywhere he looked, there were mages going about their daily business, their robes billowing in the breeze. In the distance, Yuki could see the spires of the magical academy rising up above the city skyline, beckoning him closer with their promise of knowledge and power. As he walked through the city, Yuki couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. This was a place where anything was possible, where the laws of nature were bent and twisted by the sheer force of magic. And yet, despite all the wonder and excitement, there was also a sense of danger lurking around every corner. Yuki knew that in a city like this, there were bound to be dark forces at work, waiting to take advantage of the unwary and the unprepared. 

Luckily he didn't encounter anyone suspicious, at least not up to this point.