
Primordial Sovereign: The Human King's Dawn

In a universe torn by endless conflict and chaos, devoid of dreams, hope, freedom, and love, desperate for salvation. Where celestials engage in a cosmic war for authority, conquest, or pleasure, treating others as mere puppets in their cosmic games. The mortal realm succumbs to the dominance of dragons, angels, demons, spirits, elves, and other higher beings, enslaving the lower species. A human awakens amid this chaos, with no memory of his past, belonging to the inferior race, destined to be a slave—a mere pawn in the unfolding drama. Driven by a strong desire to break free from the chains of slavery and live a life of liberty, he finds himself entangled in a storm of abnormal fate involving gods, hidden forces, and a mysterious cosmic scheme. Embark on his journey of survival as he unravels the mystery behind his shattered memories—a quest marked by relentless struggles, unseen challenges, bloodshed, heart-wrenching choices filled with irredeemable losses, abnormal irregularities, and unanswered mysteries. Witness the dawn of a legend, a king, and a sovereign who will bring dreams and hopes. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ [The Cover Page is AI generate] This is my first novel, and I earnestly seek your support and encouragement. Your likes, comments, and reviews hold immense value for me. I urge you to take a moment to read the initial 30 to 40 chapters.

Foolish_lord_77 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Mysterious Guide (1)

With newfound determination guiding me through every step, I took one last glance around the vast room, filled with luxury, and the air around it carried the essence of luxury and royal charm.

I took a deep breath, whispering to myself, 'Time to go.' Elsa's advice echoed in my mind as I stepped out of the room.

Crossing the threshold, a blinding light enveloped me, blurring my vision. At that moment, I felt a fleeting sense of weightlessness. Opening my eyes, I found myself in a vast expanse of starry night.

This unexpected change of events stunned me and left me bewildered and uneasy.

Struggling to restore composure, I took deep breaths, trying to regain equilibrium from this astonishing transformation.

However, the aftermath was overwhelming; I couldn't calm my nerves. Without thought, I sat on the ground, legs crossed, eyes closed, taking deep breaths. Soon, an old woman's song echoed within me, similar to the whisper from that unknown void.

Surprisingly, hearing that song brought peace and comfort.

After a few moments, I reopened my eyes, rational thoughts returning. 'What the hell was that?' unable to find any common sense or any understanding about what just happened.

I sighed, 'Haha, I really need to do something about my memory, or else I will always live in a world of confusion and loss,' I said to myself as I stretched my body.

Soon a sudden realization hit me as I asked myself, 'Where am I?'.

Despite the desire to explore, Elsa's caution about encountering other seraphlings left me uneasy. Her warning to avoid high-level seraphlings made me realize that I had nowhere to go, leaving me with only one choice which is to patiently wait for the arrival of the mentioned guide.

Admiring the celestial, starlit night and the crystal blue moon, I couldn't help but murmur, "Beautiful, such a lovely sky," my voice carried away by the gentle night breeze.

"Indeed, it is beautiful, a beauty of cursed," a voice suddenly emerged from behind me, its gentle tone breaking the silence.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as my senses jolted into an instinctual flight-or-fight response, leaving me momentarily breathless and on edge.

"Wow! Slow down; I am not your enemy, but your guide," a mysterious figure stated with a warm smile.

"A guide? Huh!" I gasped, my hand instinctively clutching my chest. "How many more shocks can one person endure in a day? I might just die because of it."

The mysterious figure, seemingly undisturbed, inquired, "Are you feeling calmer now?"

"Somewhat, but how can I be sure you are my guide?" I asked.

"Look around; only we are here in this VIP section," the man replied, his voice carrying a subtle undertone of amusement. "Believe it or not, without any knowledge, you'd struggle to find your way without me. Plus, what were your facial expressions when you experienced that teleportation? Priceless."

"Wait, you were here before I arrived?" I asked, noticing the man's ever-present, annoying smile. 'That infuriating smile,' feeling helpless, I sighed. 'Well, he is right; I can't just roam.'

"Ok, fine, guide me," I said, glancing around. Amid my observations, another wave of shock hit me. "Oh, shoot. All these surprises are going to be the end of me."

In awe, I gazed at the immense floating structure, radiating a celestial aura, cloaked in royal magnificence, dominating the skyline. "What in the world is that?" I asked the mysterious guide.

"That is the celestial hospital, where all races of heaven come to heal, the same place where you were healed by Madam Elsa," the man replied.

However, before I could ask any further questions, he said with an urgent tone, "Currently, we are in the waiting area for high-class species, so your questions can be answered later. But for now, let's move swiftly since we are part of the lowest class; lingering here may lead to an unpleasant turn of events."

He tapped on his wrist, and soon a floating square-shaped object appeared out of nowhere.

"Come on! Jump in," he said as he walked toward it, urging me to step onto the floating platform.

As an aspiring author, I’m eager to receive feedback on my first novel. Please, if you come across any grammatical errors or notice any plot holes in the story, don’t hesitate to comment and share your insights. Your input is highly valuable for my writing journey

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