
Primordial Soul's Rebirth

Author Note: This story is only for those who like reading about overpowered protagonists, as our MC is going to be more than just overpowered. He is going to thrash anyone who comes in his way while enjoying his life. Also, it's a world travel novel, for those who have an interest in world travel. ................................................................ The story is about a person who has lived through many lives, seen incredible things, and become one of the strongest, if not the strongest beings around. Although he struggles to remember his past, he is determined to grow even stronger by utilizing his personal system, as that would bring back his memories. He has one main mission: to enjoy life to the fullest, and he is absolutely committed to achieving it. Follow through the journey as he becomes the strongest (again?) and regains his memory while also enjoying his life along with his system and some other people. ................................................................. A castle will give you guys 6 bonus chapters plus 2 chapters that are released daily—a total of 8 chapters. ................................................................. Power stones and golden tickets are much appreciated, so if you could, then please donate them to this book.

Cosmic_Ceaser · Fantasy
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384 Chs

CHAPTER 4 – The first quest.

It was approximately noon when Alex received the quest and the quest was about someone he knew very well, or at least the previous 'he' knew her very well.

When Alex still lived in the orphanage, he had a girl he had a large crush on. If we were to use the right word, then it would be that he was a simp for her, it was so bad that if she said that she loved him and asked him to die for her, then he might do just that.

During his time at the orphanage, Alex was treated differently by everyone - some were scared, some were jealous, some hated him, and some loved him, among others.

However, there was one girl who stood out; she never cared about others' opinions and treated him like a brother. Whenever he was alone, she would come and sit by his side, reassuring him that she would protect him from anyone, even if he didn't need her help.

She played a significant role in ensuring he was not bullied at the orphanage, as she became an S-rank Raider when the Gates appeared five years ago.

From his childhood to the present, Alex has never experienced a true friendship. Therefore, when he found someone who treated him kindly, he began to develop feelings for her. However, he struggled with expressing these emotions, as she was the first person he had ever loved.

Five years ago, when the Gates appeared, the said girl awakened her power she turned out to have very strong power along with being an S-ranked Raider.

This was the reason why, upon opening her guild and assuming the role of guild master in a guild that is now one of the top-ranking guilds in Orange Country, she had very little time to visit the orphanage due to her newfound fame.

During her interview one day, the host inquired if she had someone she loved, to which she responded affirmatively. This revelation made Alex somewhat nervous.

However, the host then broke out of her surprise and asked the girl for the name of the person she loved, to which she replied, "His name is Alex."

Upon hearing her words, Alex was initially overwhelmed with happiness to the point of feeling like crying. However, this joy was short-lived as she introduced him as her little brother, given that he was a year younger than her.

With this realization sinking in, he understood that she never viewed him as a man, but rather as her brother. Despite this revelation, he still harboured thoughts of confessing his feelings to her when they next met.

Unfortunately, a fragment of his remaining determination shattered when the host of the show inquired about the type of man the girl would consider dating.

The girl responded that she would prefer her partner to be stronger than her so that he could assist her in times of need. She emphasized the importance of him not being passive in their relationship and mentioned that her feelings would ultimately depend on the individual and her personal liking towards him.

Realizing that his dream of being with her would never materialize, he made the decision to leave the orphanage. He understood that he could never surpass her in strength and that he often found himself taking a passive role in their conversations.

Additionally, while she did like him, it was in a brotherly manner, further diminishing his chances of success.

He left without informing anyone of his destination, believing that she wouldn't be able to locate him.

He no longer wished to remain here, knowing that if he were to see her smile at him again and scold him as if he were her younger brother, he might do something regrettable, something he shouldn't do.

Despite still loving her deeply, more than anything else, he chose to distance himself to prevent causing her harm. When the previous Alex passed away, these memories, along with his intense love for the girl, were transferred to the new Alex.

This could have posed a problem if it were someone else, but Alex possessed a significantly stronger mind. Even if those emotions did affect him, he wasn't consumed by love for that girl as he was in the memories. Nevertheless, he did hold affection for her.

Therefore, he was somewhat taken aback by the quest he received.

[New Quest: -

Quest objective: Tell Alice that Alex has died, and you are someone else who will be living in this body.

Reward: 20000 points.

Penalty: ---]

The girl's name was Alice; she did not have a last name as it was given to her by the orphanage, unlike him who carried his name like some sort of product information.

As he looked at the Quest, he knew it was a challenging one. Despite the fact that it would be easy to simply kill Alice after revealing himself to her, he did not want to do that.

Even though the intense love he felt for the previous one had faded, indicating that he did not love her as deeply as before, he still had feelings for her. He also recognized her high potential, as he could easily sense people's potential, although he did not know why.

'Are all the quests like this?' He asked Sophia after deciding he would try not to harm her. He hoped she wouldn't react harshly, but he understood that her care for Alex made it unlikely.

[No, this is your first quest and that is why it's like that. Some quests give you a single task, some give you multiple tasks, some give you task/s along with a bonus task and some tasks might be a simple task such as moving a single step.

The rewards also vary according to the quests and this one has a high reward because it is a mental quest and also your first quest.]

"I see, so quests that are not related to physical fights or movements are more rewarding. Is that correct?" Alex inquired, demonstrating his understanding of the concept.

[Yes.] Sophia replied simply while also harbouring curiosity about how he would tackle this particular quest.

Despite their undisclosed relationship thus far, Sophia had been present with him in all his past lives and was aware that in each life, he had at least two to three women.

Alex understood that Sophia was not the one who assigned him the quest, nor did she have any control over the system.

She was simply a spirit who could assist him, akin to a receptionist at a shop. Consequently, he refrained from bombarding her with numerous questions.


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