
Primordial Smith

A young smithing fanatic died while crafting an old sword because of an accident. But he didn't go to Hell or Heaven. When he opened his eyes again, he became 8 years old in a primordial tribe. There is cultivation, Qi, monsters, stone carving, and smithing, and most importantly; there are nude girls everywhere!!! 1 chapter/day + mass release whenever I saved enough chapters. *My main language not English and I am using grammary to find my mistakes, when you see a mistake, if you can leave a comment it will be great. *I found the cover photo on net, owner of the photo can reach to me if wants me to not use, if permitted thanks for it *I don't like to stop on cliffhangers so there maybe a day or two without chapters and 4-5 maybe more chapters will be available in the same time *I got the inspiration of this novel from a novel that I forgot it's name (mc got transported to primordial world and became a burning horn tribesmen or something like that) *Tags: Cultivation, Harem, Polygamy, Transmigration, Another wolrd, System, Monsters, R-18... maybe more (I can'be forgot to write here or didn't remember at all)

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18 Chs

Alchemy and Cultivation (part 1)

After waking up and cleaning, Black immediately opened his missions to see his Daily missions. 'Open the missions, system.'


[Main mission (3)];

{Comes Riches with Strength!}

+Became a (Beginner) Foundation laying cultivator.

-Rewards: Rewards will be given according to your performance.

Daily Missions:


+You need to Show the people horses is yours. Make stables so your pets won't be eaten.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+This hut does not fit a transmigrator, right? Look around, there is nothing around your hut. Built as you like. Built your own house.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+Use the pelts in making something.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+Try to craft stone weapons and see the difference with smithing.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+Hunt animals or monsters to get rewards.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.]

'I was going to try my leveled up Alchemy today, pity there is ni missions about alchemy.' Thought Black. 'But stables and house mission come right at the time. I don't know if I can make in a day the house, but even if I don't manage to finish it today and mission go to waste, I will need to make a house. Stables is a must too. Everyone here eats meat all the time, I don't want my pets to killed. İf my house in an empty clearing not close to the other houses, my pets already have eaten probably.'

After thinking about this stuff and looking over the missions, Black tooks the feeding bottle and milked one of his horse. Then he feeds the tiger cub and put him in sleep in the hut. Then he goes to the pelts to look.

'Hmm, they're ready to salt and sun-dry. But they won't be ready for today's mission I guess. Whatever, let's start eating. After cultivating an hour or two, we can make stables.'

Black thought and take the caracal meat from his inventory and make soup. After eating and cultivating 2 times and cleaning himself, he goes to look at the trees. He only used one tree and big pieces of branches making the bed. There is still 2 whole tree and a lot of branches. He needs to make a place horses can rest and eating and drinking water from a trough. He first makes timbers with the trees and column with the branches. Then, he made the skeleton of the stable with the columns. He made it very big. Because the horses are cultivating, they can still grow probably. So, Black makes it so, Stables can take at least 25 horses in size of Black Wind. And make the roof of the stable 7-8 meters from the ground. Because he can't reach that high, he became obliged to make stairs.

After completing the skeleton and fixing with adhesive, Black let it dry and cut the timbers according to the skeleton. After finishing that, he realized adhesive still didn't dry, so he takes the leaves and placed them to make resting places for the horses and take the residual timber pieces to make troughs for them to eat and drink. After adhesive dried, Black started to assemble the stable and fixing with adhesive completely. He made emblems in three closed walls of the stables, too.

After completing the stable, Black tried to see the stable's stats.

[Horse Stable (Black) (Can grow)

Made from İron tree woods and leaves. Won't rot and can grow thanks to the horses staying inside. Absorbing the auras inside horses when they're cultivating, it will slowly strengthen itself automatically. When it absorbed enough aura to level up, you can add materials to enlarge.

Specialty; Aura; İt will automatically collect qi from the World and make a qi rich field around it. Horses staying inside can speed up their cultivation and it will help them keep their health. Whenever a horse staying inside sick, wounded and have a physical problem, it will infuse qi to their body to help them. 25 animal or 10 monster can stay inside.

*Note; You need to save the horses that will be staying. Otherwise, they won't get the benefits of staying inside and won't help the stables grow.

Saved animals/monsters; 0/25-0/10]

'İt can grow? İs there something like that, system?' Black shocked seeing the stats of the stable.

[Yes, host. This is a normal occurrence. One of the reasons black grade take the name half-treasure is this, too. Most of the black grade things can collect qi from the World, sometimes, they will have the ability to grow. Collected qi will help to strengthen the object. Grades come about thanks to the qi, under black grade, objects have a little amount of qi, but starting from black grade, even objects can 'cultivate'. Of course, this is just a saying, they will take qi inside and became better. Example of a herb; When they need 100 years to mature, thanks to the qi, they can mature in just 10 years or so. This is the same. But this is rare, you can see from your bed, although it is a black grade, it can't grow.]

'Oh, something like Sun Wukong, huh? He takes the spiritual qi from the World for a long time, he was a stone first, then with the spiritual qi, he born from a stone and became a monkey. At least, I know like that. So system, how about the things in the shop? Are they growing or you sell two different versions?'

[There are 2 versions, host. You may be realized but, the price goes up systematically most of the time. Example; White grade something is priced 50 system points, gray 100, green 200 or so. When comes to Back grade, there will be 2 different prices, one without grow at 3200 and another 5000 system points. Plus, at the black grade, you can look at the stats of the object you want to buy to see it's ability.]

'Looking at the stats of the things in the shop is better. I don't need to buy randomly. Now, let's receive our reward. There is not much timber left. Pelts still in processing and I can only complete the hunting mission today, I guess. We can receive our reward, then look at the recipe I received. Open the missions, system.'


[Main mission (3)];

{Comes Riches with Strength!}

+Became a (Beginner) Foundation laying cultivator.

-Rewards: Rewards will be given according to your performance.

Daily Missions:

{Stables!} (Completed!)

+You need to Show the people horses is yours. Make stables so your pets won't be eaten.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance. (There is one reward packet waiting to collect.)


+This hut does not fit a transmigrator, right? Look around, there is nothing around your hut. Built as you like. Built your own house.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+Use the pelts in making something.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+Try to craft stone weapons and see the difference with smithing.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.


+Hunt animals or monsters to get rewards.

-Rewards; Rewards will be given according to your performance.]

'Collect the reward and open the reward packet, system.'

[Your reward collected and deposited on your inventory, host. Do you wish to open 'Rewards packet' x1?]



[Reward packet x1 opened;

+Water Well (Black)]

'What is this reward, system? Will you dig a well for me?' After seeing the reward, Black didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

[No, host. You need to choose an already dug well or a pit. After that, the system will transform that well/pit. Attention to host, choose carefully. After placing your water well, you can't change.]

'Then what does this well do? Don't tell me I will fish in it like the mc in a certain novel? İf so, that will be awesome. He caught pretty awesome things when I am reading.'

[You can't see the stats of the objects in your inventory, host. You need to see them with your eyes to look at their stats. System won't help you with that.]

'You're forcing me to dig a pit, right? Okay then, you made me really curious with your mystery, Show me shovels and pickaxes I can afford. I will dig a pit.' Said, Black. Although he is acting recklessly, he wants to see if there is a special thing about the well. İn the end, this is a black grade well. He still didn't check on his cauldron and doesn't know it is black grade, too. Otherwise, he will take a look at his cauldron first thing in the morning.

[Shovels and Pickaxes under 600 system points;

+ Stone Shovel (White) - 50sp

+ Stone Shovel (Gray) - 100sp

+ Stone Shovel (Green) - 200sp

+ Stone Shovel (Blue) - 400sp

+Stone Pickaxe (White) - 50sp

+Stone Pickaxe (Gray) - 100sp

+Stone Pickaxe (Green) - 200sp

+Stone Pickaxe (Blue) - 400sp ]

'I am really poor. Buy White grade one each, system.'

[Do you wish to buy 'Stone Shovel (White) x1 and 'Stone Pickaxe (White)' x1 for a total 100 system points? You have 600 system points right now.]

'Yes, buy it.' After buying the shovel and pickaxe, Black take out them from his inventory and looked around to pick a place to dig. His house on a little hill. Because the tribe people like to stay close to the mountains and his hut in the edges of the tribe, there is no house other than his hut around it. He built the stable a little far from his hut so he can build a nice house on the original place of the hut. He started to imagine how big he will make the house and, for being sure, started digging beside the stable.

Because of his stats almost same with 3 adult male from the Earth together, he dug pretty fast. İn no time, he digs a pit around 5 meters deep.

'So system, is this pit good enough to place the Water Well? Lets place and see'

[Do you wish to place 'Water Well (Black) in here, host? Take notice, you can't take back your decision.]


'Yes, place it' After Black said that, in the pit, he dug just now, an old type of well appeared. İt looks like made from Stones placing on top of each other. 'Now, let's see what specialty have this well'

[Water Well (Black)

A water well that can create water.

Specialty; Spiritual Water; Collecting the qi, nutrients, and minerals around its 100 meters Radius, will create spiritual water. Spiritual water is better than normal water and has more nutrients and minerals as well as qi. İt can create 10 liters of water and has 10.000 liters capacity.]

'İt is a pity can't grow. Let's see the cauldron and the recipe right now.' Black sighed with pity. He was expecting to have another growable black grade object. He took out the cauldron and looked at its appearance first. İt is made from stone and has three legs. İt has a cover and two handles on both sides. İt is an oval shape and has plants and animals designs over it. İt is looking like an art, not a thing to use. Black admired the cauldron a little and looked at its stats.

[Stone Alchemy Cauldron (Black) (Can Grow)

Alchemy cauldron sculpted from a complete spiritual rock. When its cover placed, nothing can go in or out. İt has no capacity, as long as alchemy material, it can take limitless amount inside of it but take attention, after not using the materials inside over an hour, it will absorb the materials.

Ability; Absorbing; When this cauldron used, it will absorb the residual qi, herbs and the failed products to grow. After repeated usage, because of the absorbed materials, it will start to strengthen the products effect, herbal strength. İt will always stay clean.]

'Wow, I didn't know this is a black grade. And even can grow. Why is this system? The bed I made obviously worse than stables. But rewards don't add to each other.' Black asked the system seeing the stats of the cauldron.

[Because getting the trees and taming the horses and let them carry the trees all counted as for making the bed, host. Rewards will be given according to your 'performance'. All of that counted as your effort to make the bed.]

'So, even getting the materials counted and not only look at the results, huh? I need to remember this. When I am making missions, it can be useful information' Black thought and took out the alchemy recipe from inventory. A leather scroll come to his hand. After Black opens and looked at the recipe, his face without his control fell.

'What language is this, system? I can't read it' İn the scroll, you can see there is writing something but, Black even recognize the language.

[This is the language of your tribe, host. Because you take the memories of the previous owner of the body, you can understand and speak and because memories fused together, you won't feel different. But the previous owner of the body doesn't know how to read and write so, you don't too. You can buy the 'Tribal language (writing language)' for 500 system points or let the system translate the recipe for 50 system points.]

'You're pricing even the translation? You are a rip-off system. Just buy the language and let my system points fall to rock bottom.' Said Black while laughing. System points didn't stay even hours in his hands.

[Do you wish to buy 'Tribal language (writing language)' for 500 system points? You have 500 system points left.]


'Yes' After Black said that he looked over to the recipe again, this time he can understand just looking. İt is like he learned to read and write in seconds.

[Alchemy recipe;

-Blood and qi pill; Collecting the nutrients and qi from consumables to make cultivation pill. According to the ingredients you use, there will be different results. When you make the pill from meat, even herbivorous animals/monsters can take. The pill won't be digested normally and needs cultivation to take effect. You can ground and add to the water/milk of your pets. There won't be a problem.


+Consumable; meat, milk, egg, honey, bones, blood, fruits, plants or herbs and the like

+Water; according to the amount of consumable used (Spiritual water will have better effects)

+Blood fruit; 100kg consumable needs one piece of fruit


Place a liter of water for every 10kg of consumables you will use, start to heat and after water started boiling, place the consumables inside. Let it be cooked 2 minutes for every liter of water. After cooked enough, crush enough blood fruit and shake the cauldron 5 minutes over the fire. Blood fruit help collecting the nutrients in a place. The finished product will become something like a dough, take the dough and roll in small pieces. Then place under the sun for an hour. (You can choose the size every pill have, as long as it isn't bigger than a baby fist)]

'Wow, with this and the help of the stable, horses will evolve to became monsters in no time' Said Black and looked at his inventory to start preparing. There is 1450kg boar meat, 300kg alpha, 930kg wolf meat, and 470kg Caracal meat. Because he didn't take the bones, blood, and visceral, he wasted a lot of things. When taking the pelts too, there won't be left much. Plus, he ate too, so only the boar meat a lot. Then he looked at his pear stash, there is a 50kg pearl in the side. For a complete 3200kg consumables.

Black goes to the well and looked, there is already 10 liters of water. So he took the cauldron and go to the creek. He can easily see the stats of the caıldron to see what is inside so, he only placed the cauldron inside the creek and take it out when he sees there is a 310 liters water. He didn't even need something to measure the amount of water or the weights. They're writing in the stats page already.

After filling water from the creek, Black took the 10 liters spiritual water from the well and pour inside the cauldron, too. Then he placed the cauldron to over a fire and waited. Cauldron takes the heat under perfectly inside, so boiling that amount of water won't be a problem. Only after 20 minutes or so, water started to boil, so he immediately placed every consumable on his inventory inside the cauldron and placed its cover on it.

Because it needs to cook 2 minutes for every liter of water, that will be 640 minutes or 10 hours 40 min. Black placed enough wood over the fire in a shape it will continue to burn for hours, then he looked up. 'This need to cook for hours, I don't need to touch it. Let's go hunting. With the horses's and the coming tiger cub's cultivation, we will need a monstrous amount of nutrients. This time, I will not clean the games out in the field. We can come back and clean here, at the same time, we can collect the blood too.'

I realised I didn't explain the world, talking about the tribe, people, outlook and the like. I am going to slowly explain in the future chapters.

İf you found a writing mistake or you have advices to give, please write in comments.

Thanks to the advice of @MrSnow, I changed the mission section a little and, become much better, I think.

There was a math problem in this chapter :) Thanks to @Adypoker, I find it after he pointed out I made a mistake

Tunahancreators' thoughts