
Primordial Shadow: Dungeon of Eternal Darkness

"Amid darkness, there is only more darkness. Either you were born into the light or forced to suffer for all eternity." Austin never expected anything good from his life that was shrouded in poverty and abandonment. He was an unwelcomed Soul navigating in a world devoid of mercy. However, when his miserable life finally changed for the better, tragedy struck, he was killed and forced into a void of darkness, left to suffer. As if Fate was not finished toying with his Soul, he was given a glimmer of light amidst the darkness, he was chosen to save a world that would soon face destruction. Reborn into a world of swords and magic as the Progenitor of the Night Elves, Austin, now renamed Nyx, must traverse a world that contains Beings with unimaginable Power. Follow Nyx along his journey from a naive, crazy, and untrusting infant plagued by his past to an overpowered omniverse ruling nepotist. ================================================================== Discord: https://discord.gg/brW2kKAptf ================================================================== Note: The cover was made using Bing AI (Copilot) ==================================================================

OGC · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A New Beginning [Part 1]

Back to the present. On the seventh day of the Heavenly Punishment, four days after Evangeline visited the Alucard Royal Castle. 

In the back garden of the Royal Castle, a devilishly handsome man in his late twenties stood with a similar-looking, yet middle-aged version next to him as they looked up at the entirely pitch-black sky. 

The man, who seemed to be in his late twenties, had untamed short red hair cascading around his chiseled, angular face, framing his piercing blood-red eyes.

He wore only sleek black pants. His muscular physique with well-defined eight-pack abs were on full display for the world to see.

The older of the two, presumably the man's father, exuded an air of serene authority and was clothed in a flawlessly tailored white suit. A striking red tie, matching belt, and polished boots, all in the same bold blood-red color, adorned his ensemble. His hair, reminiscent of freshly spilled blood, was tied back into a ponytail, further adorned with a blood-red twelve-pointed jeweled crown showcasing his status as the King of the Alucard Kingdom. 

"This is the seventh day." The older of the two commented as he continued to gaze at the billowing darkness above.

"I can feel it. It should be anytime now." The bare-chested man said with an excited smile. For the past seven days, the world of Arcadia was blanketed in absolute darkness. Not even the sun or moon could bring light to their world. Until recently, his son had been labeled as an Abomination, Forbidden Existence, Heaven Defier, and many other titles. To say Hujarar was furious was an understatement. Which father would be happy their son was being denounced by the world? Many had even wanted his son to be killed. Only recently, after the Heavenly Virtue of Purity made the truth known to the inhabitants of Arcadia, did they stop cursing his son and shift their wrath to Albert. Despite Evangeline's words, many had been skeptical at first; however, after pictures of Albert's transformation were sent around the world, no one dared to curse his son. Instead, they sent letters filed with apologies, gifts, and well wishes to his wife and soon-to-be-born son.

'My son, you have brought many great surprises even before your birth.' Hujarar smiled wryly. His son had yet to be born; however, he was even more of a troublemaker than when he was a teenager.

While he was lost in thought, hurried footsteps came from behind him followed by an excited female's voice.

[Your Highness, come quickly! Her Highness will soon be giving birth.] 

"Father, let's go meet my s-." Hujarar stopped speaking and smiled wryly when he noticed his father was nowhere to be seen. 

"Haah, it seems father is more excited to see my son than I am." Though he said that, internally, he was beyond excited for his son's birth.


In one of the many bedrooms in the Royal Castle, on a king-sized bed, a stunning woman in her late twenties with cascading blonde hair down to her thighs lay. Framing her face were pointed ears that peaked out beneath her hair, big, expressive light-green eyes, long eyelashes, full and well-defined lips, and high cheekbones. Further accentuated by a well-proportioned curvy body that could make any woman envious.

"Fuck! ELAINE, call the healers! Who said this would be easy!?" The woman cursed through sobs, "… Damn, why does this hurt!?"

"Lady Elizabeth, please breathe in and out. It will be over soon." Royal Physician Elaine tried to soothe her Princess. 

"YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO!" Elizabeth screamed in anger. 


Outside of the room, three men were pacing back and forth. 

At first, the three men were excited by the birth of their new family member; however, over time, their excited expressions shifted to worry.

"Damn it, why the fuck is it taking so long?" A blonde-haired man similar to the woman giving birth said while pulling his hair. He was slim and beautiful, a common trait of all Elves. 

The two red-haired men did not respond, they were used to his complaining after an hour-long wait. They were more preoccupied by the torture-filled screams coming from inside the room. If not for their trust in Elaine, they would have thought she was brutally torturing Elizabeth. Thankfully, there was a sound barrier otherwise everyone in the entire Castle and possibly the entire Royal Capital would have been alerted. 

Two hours later… 

"What's taking so long!?" Max said as he paced back and forth even faster. 

"Can you stop making us worried?" Vlad berated. Max's words were not helping his state of mind. His anxiety had increased to the max.

"W-what if something happens to Sugar Plum and little Licht" Max continued worriedly. His mind couldn't help but think of the worst possible scenario.

"Both of you sit down and wait." Hujarar said, "Nothing will happen!" 

Three hours later… 

Four hours later… 


Hearing the door open, the three men looked over with bated anticipation as an elderly hunched-backed woman came out dressed in a white doctor's outfit.

Seeing the three pairs of nervous, yet anticipated eyes, Elaine wanted to tease them but decided against it. 

"Her Highness has given birth-."


Before Elaine could finish, the waiting area had become empty. 


"My son!" Hujarar said while lovingly looking at his son.

"My grandson, he looks just like me." Max remarked with shining eyes after noticing the baby had long, pointy ears characteristic of Elves.

Vlad frowned after hearing what Max said.

"Damn old man, how about you clean your eyes before speaking? He looks just like me." 

Max felt the urge to keel over from the absurdity. While stifling a laugh, he spoke, "Pfft, my little Licht looking like you? Haah, does he have red hair? Red eyes? Does he have sickly pale skin?

"All of you shut up!" Elizabeth reprimanded and with a loving gaze toward her baby, she said, "Besides he looks just like me." 

Vlad, Hujarar, and Max wanted to retort back but decided against it after they were sharply glared at. 

Instead, they settled for crowding around the bed as Elizabeth held the newborn in her arms. "Max, is it normal for a newborn not to cry?" Vlad asked worriedly as he gazed at the chubby silver-haired blue-eyed baby, who was in his daughter-in-law's arms.

"...I don't know, when Sugar Plum was born, she cried quite a lot" Max replied unconfidently. He tried to recall exactly what happened back then, but gave up. It was too long ago.

"Hahaha, of course, he would not cry, that's because he's my son." Hujarar said smugly with his chin raised, completely forgetting the nickname that haunted him to this day. 

Vlad looked at his laughing son as if he was an idiot. 

"I do not want to hear it from Crybaby Hujarar." Vlad could still remember how much Hujarar used to cry over every little thing. A baby crying made sense, but a ten-year-old crying over spilled milk…? Sure… but what about a few hundred-year-old man crying?

Finally the MC is back!


Special thanks to:

aldesse = 3 Power Stones

Francis_Oks - 1 Power Stones

T505 = 1 Power Stones

Sarfaraz_Khan_6847 = 1 Power Stones


PS: Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/brW2kKAptf

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