
Primordial Orc's Journey

While exploring an ancient temple Jukha finds a stone that fused into his soul, giving him the ability to travel to different worlds. The mc is not some reincarnated person. He will be kinda evil but not some trash that kills and tortures for pleasure. He basically does whatever he wants when he wants. I like strong characters so I will make him strong but he will have his weaknesses. I got the inspiration by I Hunt Protagonists by BlackSwordsman1234. Update schedule will be the biggest amount of horse piss on this site Cover is not mine

TheNumberOneDumbo · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Meeting Vampires

I'm kinda wondering if this is going too slow


(Christoph POV)

'Damn dirty mutt, having us run around all over fucking England. If only Emil and Lucy chose someone else I could be at home listening to my music. Fuck, I'm 1300 years old and I'm running through the forest like a peasant.' Running through the forest there were 20 of us. A little too much in my opinion, but Emil has always said "Never underestimate your enemy, no matter the race." I get what he's saying, but is there really a need for 5 High-level vampires and 15 Medium/Low-level vampires just for a Medium-level werewolf? Werewolves are physically stronger and faster than us, but we have our magic. Emil and Lucy treat the other races with respect and see them as equals to vampires, I don't see it. I mean, look at werewolves, they lost the war against us hundreds of years ago and now are just scattered packs around Europe. Whatever, I'll just follow orders, those 2 are just too strong.

"Tallin, did you find the mutt?" Looking at the bat flying down from the sky and transform I see an average looking man. Well, by vampire standards he's kind of, ugly. But he does have real talent for scouting, stealth, and tracking. Perhaps when he's older he can become a good assassin. When he's on the ground he has a disgusted look on his face.

"I-I did. But he's already dead."

I was surprised because the only dangerous things in this forest that could pose a threat to the mutt would be a Minotaur. But Minotaur's are all strength no speed so he should have been able to run away.

"What was it, a Minotaur? Or was it perhaps some stray devil, or fallen angel?" I asked with a tinge of hope to my voice. If that was the case we can turn around and go home early.

(A/N: I would assume there are devils and angels outside of Japan, right?)

However that was quickly extinguished when Tallin shook his head and said "I have no idea what it was. When I got there the werewolf was trying to talk to some kind of human? I have no idea what he was. He was about 9ft tall, giant muscles, he had wings unlike those of angels or devils, a long dangerous looking tail, he also had a bunch of tattoos that were moving around his body. Here, I used my magic to make a video."

After he said that Tallin used his magic to make a screen out of a combination of mist and darkness. Watching the video we saw the mutt we were chasing talking towards the 'thing'. Some of the women with us were disgusted hearing the lustful voice on the mutt. How dare that filth lust over vampire women. Looking closely at the 'thing's' response we see him tilt his head as if confused. It seems as though he doesn't speak English, it might be hard to communicate with him. We see the mutt charge at him and watch how easily he beats the mutt.

"So easily beaten, and physically at that." That was to be expected considering the muscles I suppose, but how could he keep up the the mutt's speed. As much as I hate to say, the mutt truly was fast. Then came the disgusting part, the beast started eating him, not even saving the bones. One of the lower vampires even gagged a bit. Then the video stopped and Tallin continued speaking.

"When I was flying away I saw him walking towards this direction, but in my opinion, I don't think he has a clue where he was going. When he finished, eating, he was looking around as if where to go, then just started walking. What should we do now?" The way he asked was like he wanted to leave. I can understand that. Hmm, perhaps he's only physically strong, but weak against magic. If that's the case then we can easily subdue him, however, I shouldn't become arrogant and underestimate him. Emil's words are still in my head about that. Besides, who knows if he's weak against magic or not.

"Alright, here's the plan, we're going to try and communicate with him. Though he doesn't understand English by the looks of the video, perhaps he knows other languages. If we end up fighting stay away from him, I believe he might be weak to magic based on how he killed the mutt but we never know. We have to hurry though, the sun is coming up soon." After giving my orders to the rest we started walking towards him following behind Tallin.

"There he is!" Tallin pointed him out and there he was, let's hope this goes well.

(Jukha POV)

Off in the distance I see a couple of people. If I had to guess, going by the cold aura, pale skin, and the magic they are releasing, they seem to be vampires. Even though I never bothered to learn spells, I sometimes use my magic for some things. At least these vampires look a lot better than the last ones I saw on my old world.

One of the vampires, who I assumed was the leader, stepped up and started speaking different languages, one of them was the same as what the wolf used. Vampires live long lives so they naturally know every language, let me try speaking Orcish, though, I don't think they'll know it.

"Hey little blood suckers, can you understand this? I must say, the women in your group are very, pretty." I say with undisguised lust oozing from my eyes.

(3rd person POV)

After Jukha had spoken there was visibly confusion on everyone's face. In their long lives, they have never heard this kind of language. Coupled with his deep voice, the language sounded so, barbaric. When he finished talking he was looking at the women with heavy lust pouring out of his eyes, not even trying to hide his thoughts at all. The women were slightly disgusted watching this creature look at them with such heavy lust. After all, most of them still believe themselves to be the superior race, so having such a lowly creature look at them as such infuriates some of them. The High-leveled vampires didn't care and had aloof expressions, but the Low-level ones already wanted to rip him apart, just waiting for the order.

(A/N: Jukha isn't the best looking, I would say above-average, but certainly not handsome.)

Christoph had already exhausted practically every known language on earth and when he heard Jukha speaking, he was as confused as everyone else. 'What on Earth kind of language was that. He looks like a barbarian and speaks like one. Will he fight us as he fought the mutt?' Christoph was hoping it wouldn't, it's easy to draw conclusions from a video, but being close to him Christoph could feel the power. He certainly has magic as well, not concealing it in any way.

Just when Christoph thought a fight might break out, Jukha spoke in extremely broken English.

"I-z-n-oc-s-ea-k. T-ae-ch?" It was extremely hard to understand but Christoph could make out something like "I no speak, Teach?" Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in, Christoph looked up at the giant creature and put on a genuine smile and waved for him to follow. After Jukha thought for a few seconds he nodded and started following the vampire group to wherever they were going. Jukha's thought process was something like 'If they betray me, I'll just kill the men and rape the women.' Jukha might not be the smartest, but he was smarter than the average orc by far. He either has a great fight, getting stronger and gets to fuck, or he learns languages and more about this world, both seem good to him.

Looking down at his watch Christoph said "Alright let's start running back to the castle, the sun will be rising in a few hours"

After he said that the vampires and Jukha started running through the forest. At first Christoph thought they would have to go slow for him, but surprisingly, he ran just as fast as them. It was quite a sight seeing a giant man like him running that fast. After running for about 2 hours the group finally approached what appeared to be mix between a castle and a mansion. After entering the front door Christoph told the group to go ahead while he leads the guest to the waiting room. While walking through the mansion Jukha could be seen looking around like a country bumpkin finally visiting the city.

(Jukha POV)

This place is very nice, it's certainly different from the mansions I've been to in my old world. I've seen a few things that I didn't really understand though. We passed by a room that had the door open and when I looked inside I saw a weird black glass thingy sitting on the wall. After that I saw someone on the couch take a weird object and push a few buttons and the glass turned on like magic! Truly, a new world! After staring at the, what I later learned was the T.V, I felt someone tap me on the arm. Looking down I saw the vampire that spoke languages to me. He gestured to follow him and I did as such.

A few minutes later and we entered a room filled with objects. If I had to guess, this was a room made for people to wait in. The vampire gestured to wait here, but before he left I gave him my name, might as well.

"Jukha" I pointed to myself with my voice laced with pride and arrogance.

The vampire looked at me for a few moments with a blank face before pointing at himself.

"Christoph." After that he left the room. Looking around the room I found another one of those glass screen thingies. Walking up to it I tried to make it work like the other person. I started poking it seeing if it would turn on and nothing happened, I then thought back to that object that person used. Looking around I found it lying on a table in front of the couch. Picking it up the confusion could be seen on my face looking at all the buttons.

"What the fuck is this shit. How the fuck does this work?" After spending a few minutes pressing buttons the screen finally turned on, and that, was the first time I learned of the joy of modern technology!

I suck at writing

And I'm ugly too


TheNumberOneDumbocreators' thoughts