
Chapter 24 - Jack of all Trades VS Masters of One

What Chronos generated year was it? 

I didn't know but what I knew was that I had successfully embodied all my domains. I was a full Primordial now, though I already was when I embodied the seas… but well, you get my point.

I was the Primordial of Seas, sea monsters, the Underworld Rivers, the Heart, Ice and Snow, Metal, Elements, Natural Disasters, Destructions, Energy, Matter, Wolves, Heroes, Loyalty, Betrayal, Vengeance and Weapons. That's an awful lot of domains, right? 

So do I switch to each domain as if changing clothes to use them? I'm sure that's what you want to ask. But think of it like this, you want to travel but you have only one bag and lots of clothes,

What do you do? You buy a new bag of course, but that's not where I'm heading. You compress the clothes inside… What?! You mean only me does that? Anyway, that's just how it is, every domain is jam-packed into one form. We don't have a different throne for each domain, every domain is represented in one throne. How was my embodiment crash course? It's not properly explained? Ok, let me waste some of my saliva.

Take Apollo or Hermes for example, they are the Gods with the most domains right? You don't see an Apollo 1, 2, 3, and a Hermes 1,2, 3 each body with a different domain, the power is concentrated into one form. So in their Divine Form, they're like one huge mixture of colors.

After every successful embodiment, I fought with Aether or the other Primordials to test my strength. At my third embodiment, I could already hold him down successfully though not for long. 

At my fifth embodiment, I could already stomp him since then the other primordials avoided fighting with me using excuses:

Ouranos: sorry Perce, some pieces of me are still floating around the universe, I have to gather them *he put on a show of anger* CURSE YOU KRONOS!!!

Uh-uh, what a bad excuse, as if he'd not gathered them all, anyway I excused him.

Erebos: Nyx just gave birth, so Uhm, uhm, I've got to stay by her side, *scratches head furiously*

How do you feel using my ignorance against me? 

Chronos: I've got to watch episode 750 of Doctor Who, he's a Time Lord.

Why do you say that like that should automatically excuse you? You're excused.

Tartarus: I've got to patch Tartarus, you know? A hole was torn in it, from their escape.

The only one with a valid excuse.

But how did he feel saying he wanted to patch himself?

That was how they all escaped fighting with me all through the years I spent embodying my domains. 

But seriously, I feel like my perception just shot through the roof.

Man, I felt like a newborn mole that witnessed the sun for the first time.

Why didn't I know the air tasted so sweet? (Now that I'm narrating this, I realized I just tasted Aether and Ouranos ಥ‿ಥ 


Did grass always have pictures of Gaea in them?

Why was I seeing little Chronos's everywhere?

I could see the Primordials in everything… Did I miss them that much?

Did snakes always have this fleshy color? 

Why is this snake 🐍 ere-?

Till I looked up, 

"Why the hell are you naked, idiot?!"

It was Aether, he was the owner of the snake. 

You asked, why didn't I see the legs?

Well, the snake was all I saw.

He flashed a silly grin, thank Chaos, I was more handsome than him.

"You know, doings", he gave me a you- know- what- i- mean look.

Sorry Aether, I don't know what you mean, I'm an innocent flower untainted by the dirt of the world.

"My best bro had finally embodied his domains, ain't no bitch gonna hold me down", 

Suddenly, day broke with an intensity never seen before, a newly created planet that had never seen the light of day witnessed one today. It was a bad experience for it.

The light of day…

It was beautiful, 

It was glaring, 

It burned,

And it was angry…

Poor Aether.

"You called me a bitch?! After I let you hit again after 4000 years?! You're never hitting aga-"

"Chill, darling, that's a harsh decision to make, this rake has transversed through plenty of weeds and flowers and I've found no one has nectar as sweet as yours, don't push me back to that again", replied Aether soulfully.

"Aawwwwnn, Darling", this was Hemera, so easily placated. 

I'm ashamed of you Aether, beguiling an innocent girl such as this.

How can you guys ignore a handsome coat rack such as me and perform this cringeworthy show in front of me?

"To end it all, how about you call me an asshole in return?", Aether said, smiling like a wolf who finally cornered his prey.

I didn't know why, but that grin put me off, then I knew why…

"Tch, trying to deceive me, you think I've not realized you got off to my insults?", said Hemera pouting.

This bastard wanted to get off in front of me? 

And Hemera looked like a little coaxing would make her insult him…

"Heyyo, stop! Stop! Stop please!", I shouted in horror, "Hey Hemera, long time no see", long time no see".


Is it just me or did Aether just tch? So he did want to cum in front of me. I could never look at him the same way again.

"Hi Percy, when did you get here?", I could tell she meant it.

Pain, my heart. 

My presence wasn't felt (╥﹏╥)

I've been here all along, you didn't see me, you didn't feel me?

What a way to hurt a narcissistic person, Hemera ಥ‿ಥ

I was the fucking highest in the room, how could my presence not have been felt?

Is this the power of love? 

"I'm been here all along, Hem *sniff*"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you"

Ooof, another arrow to the heart. 

"Anyway, bye Percy and Honey, put some clothes on, you're naked", she flashed out.

Aether snapped his fingers and clothes appeared on him.

What was that saying again?

When the wife hurts you, beat up the husband.



"Let's spar", I said cracking my fingers.

"Hahahahaha!, You think I didn't expect this, I've called for backup", he laughed and said like those villains that are two or three steps ahead of the hero.

Then I felt it,   presences, not as strong as mine individually but Primordiallic nonetheless.

"Hey, Percy, congrats on your successful embodiment".

It was Ouranos, Tartarus, Erebus, Chronos, Eros, Gaea, Nyx, Hemera (why did you go in the first place?), Ananke.

This was the backup? 

Aether, why don't we talk this out?

I've lost my touch 😢. The jokes are so cringey 😂😂😂