
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 78: Reading the remaining notification and changes in destination (2)

"Cultivator no. 300 has died, cultivator no. 296,297, 298, 299. You will form a squad of four people.

If any of you object then tell me l will try to fix your problems" The leader announced as he crushed the badge into countless small fragments.

Only pure silence remained on the battlefield and those who wanted to object were grateful because they didn't voice out their objects or else they would have met the same fate as the cultivator.

"Thank god we didn't voice out our opinions" Almost all of the cultivators who were thinking about voicing out their own opinions early.

Some of the cultivators were whispering among themselves, soon a thunderous voice resounded in their ears which caused them to stop talking.

"I will take silence as a yes, you all are to form a squad of 5 in the next 20 minutes if I don't see your organization then I will be your worst nightmare" The leader announced his voice carrying powerful authority.

All of the soldiers nodded their heads in approval. They started to form the squads of 5. Within a few seconds, the squads of 5 were successfully formed.

The leader just nodded his head slightly when he saw that the squads of five were formed.

Then he announced.

"Scatter and bring me the head of the person responsible for destroying this base.

Also don't worry you don't have to fight him, you will just have to note down his coordinates and send it to me" The leader of the cultivators roared at the top of his lungs.

With that order, thousands and thousands of cultivators went in different directions throughout the entire forest.

The cultivators have a fearful look on their faces because they know that the person they are searching for is much more powerful than they are.

If they got too close to him then chances of death are almost certain. Even though the leader said that they would be generously rewarded even if they managed to get some information.

They still couldn't help but doubt that the leader would kill them if they showed no courage to fight.

Most of them are secretly praying that they don't find him because they are certain.

At the same time, in the deepest depths of the forest. There is a cave with a little light.

Henry was residing inside this cave with Lucy beside him sleeping soundly. She looked really cute sleeping.

"She looks so cute when sleeping, I almost want to pull two of her cheeks," Henry muttered under his breath as he looked at Lucy's puffy cheeks.

A moment later, he shook his head, he decided not to pull her cheeks since it would disturb her sleep.

He was about to lie down and go to sleep but then he remembered something important.

"Well before going to sleep, let me read all the notifications" Henry muttered under his breath

He opened his interface and began to scroll through the notifications, he skipped the useless notifications and read the useful ones only.

(You have received a curse.

1) Blessings in disguise.

You have received an unknown curse from an unknown figure to stop you from growing stronger too quickly. The curse will stop you from growing any stronger when you reach a certain cultivation realm.

The curse will act like chains that hinder your movements, in this case, your strength.

Chains can break when the conditions and situation are right, and so is your curse. Find a cure to the curse and unleash your full potential. Hence, reaching your peak!!) (You have received blessings from an unknown figure.

1) Calmness.

You will be able to stay calm in any situation, allowing you to strategize properly and unleash 100 percent of your powers.)

When Henry read the lines of words, he started to frown and fell into deep thought.

"I have been cursed by a mysterious figure but why, I am just a normal human being. Maybe it has something to do with the arrival of the system in the entire world.

But why am I the only one" Henry kept thinking about this but all of a sudden, he was pulled away from his thinking.

The sound of another notification appearing in his retina resounded throughout his ears.

He snapped out of his thoughts and immediately opened up notifications to see the message. Since he is still in enemy territory anything can go wrong.

Hence, he is still on his guard.

"I must read the notification first since the enemy's reinforcements could be searching for me. If they find it then I will die for sure" He muttered under his breath.

A second later, he started to read the notification, his fears had come true.

(You have received an emergency quest.

1) Escape.

You are surrounded by thousands of cultivators, their cultivation realm ranging from the Basic Qi gathering realm to the Basic Qi core formation realm. The commander and leader of the army have a much higher cultivation realm than yourself.

Death is certain without a doubt if you fight them, currently, they are searching for you and if they find you then you will suffer a fate worse than death

Requirements: Escape to the nearest city where they won't be able to enter.

Rewards: Unknown

Penalty: DEATH)

When Henry read the lines of words, he immediately became alerted especially when he read that the commanders of the army were continuously searching for him.

"The commanders are searching for me, this isn't good at all, if my location is exposed then my death will be certain.

The nearest city is at least a few dozen miles away which will take me at least 10 hours to reach, should I head there now.

What should I do??" Henry muttered under his breath as he analyzed every pro and con of leaving early.

However, there was one crucial piece of information that Henry remained unaware of, a piece that would prove to be vital for his escape from the dire situation he found himself in.

Unbeknownst to him, a relentless search was underway to track his whereabouts.

A total of 600 squads, each comprising five skilled cultivators, had been deployed with the sole mission of finding Henry.

Their task was to meticulously comb through every inch of the territory, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit…

"If I escape now with Lucy then it might become a little bit difficult for them to spot us in this night.

So leaving for the city right now would be the best choice.

I have also made a decision that I won't be joining any sect anymore" Henry muttered under his breath as he analyzed everything.

Joining the sect won't be too beneficial to him in the current situation. He wanted to join the sect previously because of experience and for resources.

However, in the current chaotic situation, resources might cut or stop the supply of resources to the outer sect disciple which would slow down his growth considerably.

So not joining the sect is the best option.

Little did he know that 600 squads of 5 cultivators were searching every crook and nanny of the forest. Leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit.

This lack of information might cause him to be exposed and possibly surrounded

He tried to wake Lucy up but she didn't respond. Henry kept trying for the next few minutes, and after that, she started to run her eyes.

She kept rubbing her eyes for the next few seconds, she stopped rubbing her eyes a few seconds later.

She analyzed Henry from head to toe, then she embraced him without any warning. She started to cry out loud.

"Big brother thank God you are alright, If something were to happen to you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself"Lucy cried out loudly.