
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 48:The ripping sword's loyalty (1)

"So master your consciousness is still alive, that means you are possessed by someone. Master, make your willpower stronger, then I am sure you would be able to take control of your body"The voice resounded through his ears.

Henry looked at the one who spoke with eyes full of shock and disbelief. Henry kept looking at him for the past few seconds.

A long sword that's giving off a powerful aura that's strong enough to slice the strongest metal in half looked at him.

"You are a sword, can swords even speak? Moreover, you look a lot familiar to me, and judging from that you are calling me master.

Are you the ripping sword, if you are, why are you here, and what is this place?"Henry asked with a serious look on his face.

The sword remained silent for some time but all of a sudden. The sword intent of the sword got stronger and the sword intent started to surround them.

"What are you doing???"Henry asked as he blinked his eyes in confusion.

The sword intent around them got thicker and thicker with each passing second.

A second later it goes so thick that if someone weaker than the Advance Qi refinement realm touches it they would get shredded into countless pieces.

"This is needed or else you won't be safe here. Look at your right master "The sword mumbled as he pointed in a certain direction.

Henry turned towards his right, and as he turned to his right he spotted something.

"This…." Henry blinked in confusion.

A spirit covered in heavy armor could be seen charging towards something through the sword intent.

However, before they could reach their target. They are torn to shreds by the intent of the ripping sword.

Henry got an idea of who they were following but he didn't want to believe it.

"Were they after me??"Henry asked the ripping sword.

The sword immediately replied.

"Yes, they are after you, "The sword said to him.

Henry was about to ask his sword about it but then all of a sudden he decided to try something.

"Wait let me see if I can open the system because as far as I know the system is infused with my soul so no matter where I am I can still access the system, "Henry thought to himself.

He immediately decided to see if the system would work or not. He crossed his fingers and said.

"Open Interface!!"Henry screamed in his mind.

After that lines of words appeared in his retina. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Aha It works, let me see the notification, ''Henry muttered under his breath.

He opened up the notification tab. Immediately his vision was bombarded with a sea of lines of words.

He would scroll through the useless lines of words. Immediately he started to read the line of words very carefully after scrolling through the useless ones.

(The power of your bloodline has been activated too greatly by an unknown entity. When you died this unknown entity arrived at the realm between life and death. Took advantage of your desire to live to activate the power of your bloodline to greatly

Your body cannot handle such great


Hence the beast-like features of your bloodline have taken control of your body and wiped away your emotions, reasoning, and intelligence.

You are nothing more than a wild beast at the moment.)

(The unknown entity has teleported you away from the middle of life and death. It has teleported you into the realm of internal slumber where those you enter a coma, trance or receive certain enlightenment come here.)

(Due to the arrival of this unknown entity so soon that means that certain events of the universe have been brought forward. Hence, the system must also take action against it sooner)

(The system has decided to enter the lives of all living beings to allow them to grow stronger in a certain time to prepare them for the unknown)

( 2/100 percent completed

46/100 percent completed

88/100 percent completed

100/100 percent has been completed.

Ding-Ding the system has entered the lives of all living things on this planet.

Notice there are going to be certain changes in your interface.)

When Henry finished reading the lines of words, he was beyond shocked.

"The system has entered the lives of all living beings but why did it do that? Is that unknown entity so powerful that even the system is cautious about it?

Now I know that the system probably takes action when the world as a whole is in danger. However, what is that danger?

Regardless, the world is going to go through drastic changes."Henry mumbled under his breath.

Henry decided to open his interface to see the changes.

"OPEN INTERFACE" Henry muttered.

One after another lines of words started to appear on his retina.

(Name:Henry Gold Coin Balance:OO

Title:The Successor of the Heavenly Primordial Saint

Cultivation technique: Heavenly three paths and immortal.

Heavenly three paths and immortal Rank:Chaotic Monarch

Cultivation realm: Early-stage Advance Qi Refinement realm

Body cultivation: Early-stage Advance Qi Reinforcement realm

Physique:Heaven devouring Diamond body

Heaven devouring Diamond body Rank: Mythical grade (Effect of the blessings of the Heavenly Primordial Saint.) :

Bloodline:The seal on your bloodline has gotten weaker due to the unknown entity Note:Your bloodline is sealed because your body is too weak to handle its power. It will be unlocked when you reach a certain cultivation realm.

Mastery of weapons: Amateur Swordsman

Martial art techniques: Mythical beast creation.

Daily Quests.

Optional Quests:

Potential:????????? Note: Your potential is so great that even the system can analyze it. You almost have unlimited potential.


1) Auction house.

2) Heavenly Shop.

3) Public shop

Features of the system.

1)Augmented Reality

2) Passive Recovery




Note:Gain control of your body to see the names of the features and its description.)

Henry spotted a lot of changes in his interface. The thing that made him excited most is the addition of more features to the system.

"The features of the system must be op but I will have to get out of here first before I can see their description, "Henry thought to himself.

Then all of sudden a dinging resound in his ears. Lines of words started to appear on his retina.

(Ding-Ding Emergency quest has been issued.

Emergency quest: Escape from the eternal realm of slumber.

Difficulty:A- rank


You have found yourself in the realm of eternal slumber when you opened your eyes due to the calming aura of the ripping sword. Now you are surrounded by complete darkness.

You will have to overcome the obstacles and trials this realm has to escape. You must look for any clues that will allow you to escape. The ripping sword is your partner who will help you escape and return to your body

You are given a clue by the system to help you escape.


1)You can't escape by yourself or only with the ripping sword's help. You need something else's or someone's help to escape.

Time limit to complete this quest: 2 weeks according to the time of this realm.

Penalty:Your consciousness will be trapped here forever. You won't be truly dead but at the same time you will.)

Henry read the lines of words on his retina. At this moment he realized how grave a situation he is in.

He let out a sigh, he turned his attention to the ripping sword. He has a few questions to ask the sword.

"So Ripping Sword, how did you manage to wake me up?"Henry asked.

The sword didn't even take a minute to reply.

"You are only awakened in this realm because I helped you calm your mind. So you regained a few of your emotions, hence you regained your consciousness here.

However, you will fall into slumber as soon as I will run out of aura in the world of the living

Also, master you at most will stay awake for the next 2 weeks in this realm since the time flows differently."The sword replied without a ting of lies.

Henry fell into deep thought after hearing the ripping sword's words. He closed his eyes and started to think about what he did.

A moment later he discovered something really helpful.