
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 40: Infiltrating the cave (3)

"Now is the time to finish this"Henry mumbled softly.

His eyes would start to scan the three cultivators around him and then he would find a way he could end their life.

Henry would close his eyes, then he would start to see blue spots on the different parts of their body.

"Wait a moment, maybe if I am fast enough then I can hit all of the blue spots simultaneously."Henry thought to himself.

He would close his eyes for a second. He would hear the sound of their heart beating furiously in the silent waters.

He would smile and would say.

"I can finish the three of you in the next swing" Henry exclaimed in excitement.

He would increase the spiritual energy input into his sword to the maximum. The sword would be covered in a thin layer of spiritual energy that would be azure blue.

It would be like the water surrounding the sword. Henry would let out cold air from his mouth.

After that, he would charge toward the group of cultivators. He would swing his sword so fast that some of the spiritual energy surrounding the sword would be shaken off.

The shaken spiritual energy would be like water. Henry would hit the blue spot on one of the cultivators.

After he would hit the blue spot with his sword, blue spiritual energy would sweep through the body of the cultivator.

He would let out a roar Henry wouldn't be able to hear since he knows this isn't over.

"Two more to go," Henry mumbled.

The two cultivators would let out a roar.

"Get into a defensive position now, "One of them said loudly.

However, Henry won't be able to hear this in that state. He would at most hear some weird screams.

The sound of their heartbeat would change slightly. They would stop attacking and get in a defensive position.

They would raise their weapons high so that their face and other vital parts would stay protected.

More blue spots would appear on their body and the previous one would disappear.

Henry would ignore this and would increase his spiritual energy input into the sword.

He would start to give his spiritual energy a different shape around his sword. Slowly the spiritual energy around his sword would take a different shape.

"Done now I will then"Henry said calmly.

The spiritual energy around his sword would have gained the shape of a dragon.

He would then focus on the blue spots on the body of the cultivator.

A moment later he would have found the perfect path that would allow him to hit these parts at once at an incredible speed.

He would follow this path and would appear in front of them within a second. He would swing the sword vertically so fast and quickly that before they would have the time to react, the sword would have successfully hit the blue spots on their body.

"Now I will have to hit all the blue spots to finish them off "Henry mumbled

He would keep slashing until he had hit all the blue spots. Whenever he would hit them with his sword it would produce a huge shockwave.

A moment later only one blue spot would be remaining on each of their bodies. In their head.

"If I attack vertically without enough strength I Can easily finish all of them off," Henry mumbled.

He would take a deep breath and would slash the neck of two of them at an incredible speed.

The sword would cut through their neck like they are made up of butter. Their head would be from their neck…

After that, Henry would concentrate less. After that, his vision would begin to change. The scenery would start to change back to normal. He would find himself in the sky instead of the middle of the ocean.

"I have killed the guards but they still take almost 20 percent of my spiritual energy when I was fighting them.

I will have to complete this mission sneakily otherwise it would be impossible to complete it."Henry mumbled as he looked in front of him.

Two people's heads would be served from their bodies and blood would be coming out from them like water that comes from a broken dam.

"They are dead," Henry mumbled as he looked below him.

Two bodies were lying on the ground but their state is much better than these two bodies.

Henry would just let out a sigh, he would spot Lucy at a distance. He would scan her body from head to toe.

"She doesn't like that she is traumatized by this scene even a little bit. I think she must have experienced such things a lot so it doesn't affect her now.

I should signal her to go head somewhere else because if someone were to notice their body here.

They would search this place so that she doesn't get caught she should hide somewhere else" Henry mumbled softly.

Henry would signal her to his somewhere else. She would understand the signal and would nod her head.

Henry would close his eyes to see if he could sense the presence of anyone inside the cave, he wouldn't so he would let out a sigh.

"Ok the coast is clear now I can enter, "Henry said softly.

He would slowly start to walk towards the entrance of the cave. A moment later he would reach the entrance.

Before he would enter he would take a peek inside and look for any traps inside the cave.

"I will have to confirm that there are any traps here so I must look carefully.

He would continue to scan the cave for the next 15 minutes. After he would be sure there aren't any traps at the entrance.

"Ok there isn't any trap at the entrance"Henry mumbled.

He would take the first step inside, his footsteps would echo through the entire cave. This would cause him to frown and quickly retract his feet.

"If there is such an echo every step that I take then won't I get caught quite easily due to the echo? I won't be able to fight everyone present here.

Wait when the four cultivators were walking then there wasn't any echo. So maybe if I wear their shoes there won't be any echo."Henry thought to himself as he started to think of a solution.

He would then head toward the nearest body of the cultivator and would scan his body.

He would spot the shoes of the cultivator and would take them down.

"These shows look normal but I will still give them a try," Henry mumbled as he lit the shoe.

He would appear in front of the entrance of the cave once again. Then he would take a step forward.

However, an echo would resound through the cave. This would cause him to frown a little bit.

"What am I doing wrong?"Henry questioned himself as he took out the shoe.

He would stare at the shoe for the next few minutes and would examine it.

A minute later he would notice a small crystal at the bottom of the two shoes. He would try to channel some spiritual energy into the crystal.

It won't absorb it but instead, it would make the spiritual energy cover the entire shoe.

"I think I have found what am I doing wrong" Henry mumbled with a smile on his face.

He would put the shoe on, he would channel the spiritual energy into the sword. A thin layer of spiritual energy would surround the shoe.

He would take a step forward but nothing would happen. When he would see this, Henry would let out a sigh of relief.

"So this is the trick"Henry mumbled

He would then start to walk around the place carefully. As he would walk deeper into the cave, he would hear the sound of water dripping from the food of the cave. As he would walk he would notice something unusual about the place.

"The spiritual energy in this place is really thin, also it feels like the spiritual energy in this place is flowing in a certain direction.

Let me see if the spiritual energy around in this place is flowing in a certain direction" Henry mumbled.

He would close his eyes, then he would try to sense the flow of spiritual energy in this cave.

A moment later he would mutter while keeping his eyes closed.

"It is flowing in a certain direction if I were to follow it then maybe I can find the spiritual energy absorber, "Henry thought to himself.

However, as he would be about to open his eyes after determining the flow is spiritual energy.

He would feel someone's presence who is looking at him calmly.

"Who is there?"Henry asked as he took out his sword.

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