
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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133 Chs

Chapter 11:Learning the three heavenly paths and immortal, then beginning to cultivate(2)

"I am surprised by your patience young man"A voice resounded through the entire place.

When Henry heard the voice, he slowly opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes he was greeted by something unexpected.

The darkness surrounding him from before had completely disappeared without a trace.

Now his surroundings were as bright as day. He also noticed something else other than this.

He saw huge pillars that touched the sky from bottom to top.

They were so enormously big that the end of the pillar couldn't be seen. There were endless pillars. Henry was sitting in the middle of two pillars.

He said that there are endless such pillars in front of him.

He enjoyed the scenery for a moment before he opened his mouth and said.

"Who are you?"Henry asked softly.

However, it won't take him too long to get that answer since right after he said these words he heard the voice once again.

"Don't ask something you shouldn't ask. You should just know that you have been given a test to prove yourself worthy of learning the three heavenly paths and immortality.

You have passed the test and now I will give you the cultivation technique.

However, how much you will be able to comprehend will depend on your talent but I am fairly certain that you will be able to comprehend easily.

Now follow the pillars and when you reach the end you will see a book touch that and you will get the cultivation technique"The voice resounded throughout the entire place.

Henry just nodded slightly and then he tried to stand up but he realized his legs were stiff.

"Oh f**k"Henry thought to himself.

This was to be expected since he had been sitting there for a long time.

He won't know how much time has exactly passed. However, he had a feeling that at least a thousand years had passed by.

"I don't know how much time has passed but I believe it must be at least a thousand years, "Henry thought to himself

Henry had expected the voice to answer it but there was any signs of it.

He just sighed and he slowly started to walk after getting rid of the stiffness of his legs.

He continued to walk for some time but then he noticed something weird.

"Weird it feels like my body weight is increasing slowly as I walk, "Henry thought to himself.

Henry won't think about it too much since he believes it can be from sitting in the same position for a long time.

"Maybe my muscles have gotten weaker after sitting in the same position for years," Henry thought to himself with a frown.

Henry continued to walk for some time. Then his body continued to get heavier as he moves forward.

Henry realized that his body is getting heavier without stopping. He immediately knew that something was very wrong.

"Something is wrong, the weight of my body is increasing as I move forward.

That means the gravity around me is increasing as I go deeper into the place"Henry thought to himself as his face became pale.

Henry looked ahead to see if he can see the end, he wasn't able to see the end as far as he can look at the distance, he could only see never-ending pillars.

Then Henry clenched his teeth so hard that they started to bleed. Then he let a curse out loudly.

"Damn, it!!! Even after passing the test of patience, I will still have to give this test."Henry thought to himself as he slowly started to lose his patience.

Henry just calmed himself down since he knows it's no use shouting like crazy.

A moment later Henry calmed down and then he began to think of an idea to make it to the end.

Since if the gravity around him kept increasing then it won't be long before he will fall to the ground and possibly die.

Then Henry decided to open the interface to see anything useful.


Cultivation technique: Heavenly three paths and immortal.

Heavenly three paths and immortal Rank:Chaotic Monarch

Cultivation realm:Late stage Basic Qi core formation realm

Body cultivation: Late-stage Basic Qi core formation realm

Physique:Heaven devouring Diamond body

Heaven devouring Diamond body Rank:Heaven grade:

Bloodline:Sealed Note:Your bloodline is sealed because your body is too weak to handle its power. It will be unlocked when you reach a certain cultivation realm.


Mastery of weapons: Newbie Swordsman

Martial art techniques: Mythical dragon creation.

Daily Quests.

Optional Quests:...

Features of the system:

1)Augmented reality

2) Passive Recovery

Features are restricted In this world)

Henry noticed that his cultivation has gone up slightly from the mid stage to the late stage. However, he knew that it is far from enough for him to survive.

His attention is drawn toward only two things.

He won't even bother to look at the features now since his life is in danger.

(Physical Body Cultivation; Late stage Basic Iq core formation realm.

Physique:Heaven devouring Diamond body Rank:Heaven grade)

Henry's gaze will be focused on this too.

"Maybe if I can increase my physical body cultivation somehow then maybe I will be able to survive.

However, I know I can't do it without cultivation technique so it's out of the options."Henry thought to himself.

Then Henry looked at the description of his physique and his eyes paused on a single paragraph.

(Physique:Heaven devouring Diamond body Rank:Heaven grade


the physique can also use the earth's spiritual energy present in the earth or something similar to make the user's body stronger.)

When Henry realized that he can use Earth's spiritual energy his face will immediately regain all of its colors back.

However, he will soon realize another problem.

"Is there even Earth's spiritual energy present here? I should check,'' Henry thought to himself.

He sat down on the floor and then he tried to take in the spiritual energy present in the ground.

Surprisingly he found earth's spiritual energy present in the ground. However, there won't be any spiritual energy present in the air.

He ignored it for now and took as much of Earth's spiritual energy as he can. Then he channeled it throughout his body, his fibers, muscle, and bones in hopes of making them stronger.

The earth's spiritual energy would not only make his bones, fibers, and muscles stronger.

It will also clean the impurities due to the sheer amount of pureness of spiritual energy.

However after a while Henry stood up and his body waa feeling a whole lot more powerful there was a slight burning sensation in his muscles, bones, and fiber but he ignored all of it.

Then he got up and continued to walk ahead slowly. As he moved forward the gravity around him increased gradually but it won't be enough to affect him.

Henry kept walking slowly. Henry kept walking for the next 2 hours, and the gravity around his body increased by a lot.

However, he gritted his teeth and continued to walk towards it.

A few minutes later, he saw a light in the distance that was shining so brightly that it caused his eyes to water up but he got a hold of it.

"What's that?"Henry thought to himself with a slight smile on his face.

Since he is seeing something that would mean he is close. He continued to walk towards the light.

As he gets closer and closer he saw a book that was Golden in color and it was giving off a bright golden light.

When Henry saw this he speeded up, he started to walk at a faster speed.

"That's it, that's the cultivation technique!!"Henry screamed out loud.

However, Henry was around 5 pillars away from it. He felt a tremendous amount of power bore on his body.

Then he screamed out in pain.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"Henry screams out loud as he coughed up a mouthful full of blood on the ground.

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