
Primordial Magician

A seemingly ordinary individual unexpectedly finds themselves reincarnated into the enchanting realm of Arcanus—a world of magic and wonder. In this extraordinary domain, the protagonist is bestowed with a rare and potent ability known as "Chaos," the ancient and foundational form of magic. Thus begins their extraordinary odyssey through a realm where reality is ever-shifting and full of hidden truths. Determined to carve a lasting legacy, the protagonist embarks on a captivating journey to transcend the boundaries of mortality and achieve eternal existence.

Ordinary_artist · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Unleashing Elemental Potential

I gazed at the AI with determination in my eyes. "I asked the AI to create another task to increase my Mana Pool," I said, my voice filled with a mix of anticipation and impatience.

The AI's response resonated with a hint of disappointment, "As the host is only 7 years old, the potion has saturated your mana pool for now, and you are unable to increase your mana. You have two options: wait for 18 months to lose the saturation naturally, or find a way to speed up your growth."

Impatience surged within me, and I knew waiting wasn't an option. "Okay," I replied firmly. "Then show me techniques to speed up my growth. Are there any mediation techniques I can use to manipulate the mana inside my body?"

The AI's voice grew more lively, "Certainly! According to the knowledge we have collected so far, you can choose from three mediation techniques specifically designed to manipulate mana within the body. They are Elemental Attunement Meditation, Mana Flow Visualization, and Ethereal Resonance Meditation."

My curiosity was piqued as the AI elaborated on each technique.

"Elemental Attunement Meditation," the AI began, "focuses on attuning oneself to the elemental energies present in the surroundings. This technique allows the practitioner to harmonize with and harness the power of mana. By deeply connecting with specific elemental forces, you can enhance your affinity and control over the corresponding mana."

"Mana Flow Visualization," the AI continued, "involves visualizing the flow of mana within your body. By guiding mana along specific pathways through precise visualization, you gain control over its movement and optimize its distribution and utilization. It provides a way to unlock the true potential of your mana pool."

"Lastly," the AI explained, "Ethereal Resonance Meditation revolves around achieving a state of resonance with the ethereal realms. This deep connection allows you to tap into a vast wellspring of mana and channel it through your being. By aligning your consciousness with the ethereal energies, you can access a virtually limitless source of mana."

I pondered the options before me. Each technique had its own allure, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to the Elemental Attunement Meditation. It seemed like the perfect fit, aligning with my innate talent for fire manipulation.

"AI," I asked, "which technique do you think suits me best?"

After a brief pause, the AI responded, "Given your talent in fire manipulation, and as we don't have any information on Chaos element, I would suggest you learn the Elemental Attunement Meditation. It would allow you to deepen your connection with fire mana and expand your control over it. This technique holds the potential to unlock your elemental potential and mitigate the saturation caused by the Fire Salamander Essence Potion."

I nodded, convinced of the AI's recommendation. "Then let's focus on the Elemental Attunement Meditation. Please guide me on how to begin."

The AI's voice assumed a gentle tone, "To begin your journey with Elemental Attunement Meditation, find a serene and secluded space where you can immerse yourself in the natural world. Connect with the elements that resonate with fire mana. Feel the warmth of the sun, the crackle of a nearby campfire, or the gentle breeze carrying the scent of smoldering embers."

As I absorbed the instructions, the AI continued, "Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep, calming breaths. Visualize flames flickering within your core, their intensity matching the burning passion within you. Focus on the sensation of fire mana flowing through your veins, awakening your innate connection."

I followed the AI's guidance, embracing the essence of fire. I felt a tingling warmth spreading throughout my body, an affirmation of my affinity. But as I delved deeper into the meditation, challenges arose.

Every morning, as the first rays of sunlight pierced through the curtains, I would awaken with a sense of purpose. I would make my way to the secluded spot I had chosen for my meditation practice—an ancient tree nestled in a small clearing at the edge of the forest. The tree seemed to emanate a mystical energy, as if it held the secrets of the elements within its gnarled branches.

Sitting cross-legged beneath the tree's protective canopy, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, allowing the serene sounds of nature to envelop me. The chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant murmur of a babbling brook became the backdrop for my journey into Elemental Attunement Meditation.

With each breath, I visualized flames flickering at the core of my being, their vibrant hues dancing in harmony with my inner fire. I felt the warmth of the sun's embrace on my skin, imagining its golden rays infusing me with strength and determination. The crackle of a nearby campfire resonated in my ears, fueling my connection to the element of fire. And as a gentle breeze brushed against my face, carrying the scent of smoldering embers, I knew I was ready to dive deeper into the realms of mana manipulation.

Yet, challenges awaited me on this path of self-discovery. The distractions of everyday life would often try to pull me away from my focus. Thoughts of impatience, responsibilities, and the desire for quick progress would cloud my mind, threatening to extinguish the flame of my determination. But I refused to let these obstacles deter me.

With unwavering resolve, I confronted the doubts that crept into my consciousness. I reminded myself that greatness is not achieved overnight, that true mastery requires patience and perseverance. I learned to acknowledge these distractions without judgment, gently guiding my thoughts back to the flickering flames within.

As I delved deeper into my practice, I honed my visualization skills with each session. I sculpted the flow of mana within my body, tracing its pathways and directing its energy with precision and purpose. With each passing day, the connection between fire mana and myself grew stronger, pulsating through my veins like a roaring inferno.

And then, in the subtlest of moments, I began to notice the changes within me. It started with a heightened sensitivity to the element of fire—a newfound clarity in perceiving its presence and a deepening understanding of its intricate dance. The warmth that spread through my body during meditation became more tangible, as if the flames I visualized were no longer confined to the realm of imagination.

The saturation that had once plagued my mana pool began to dissipate, gradually allowing me to tap into greater reservoirs of energy. It was as if the Elemental Attunement Meditation had unlocked the dormant potential within me, enabling me to navigate the intricate web of mana with newfound confidence.

With each passing day, I pushed the boundaries of my abilities, experimenting with small fire manipulations. I would summon flames to dance upon my fingertips, shaping them into intricate patterns or guiding their movement with the finesse of a seasoned pyromancer. Though these feats were still modest, they served as a testament to my progress—a testament to the power of Elemental Attunement Meditation.

After six months of dedicated practice and unwavering commitment, a momentous breakthrough occurred. As I sat in my meditation space, fully immersed in the depths of Elemental Attunement Meditation, a surge of energy coursed through my being, electrifying every fiber of my being. It was a transformative experience that resonated deep within me, signaling that something profound had shifted.

With a sense of anticipation, I opened my eyes, and at that very moment, a gentle chime filled the air, capturing my attention. It was not just any sound—it was a notification from the AI, a long-awaited message from my digital guide.

The notification materialized before me, shimmering with a luminescent glow. Words appeared, floating in the air like ethereal wisps. "Congratulations!" it read. "You have successfully learned the art of Elemental Attunement Meditation."

[Ding! You have successfully learned Elemental Attunement Mediation]

My heart swelled with pride and accomplishment as I absorbed the significance of this achievement. The countless hours of practice, the unwavering determination, and the unwavering focus had paid off. I had taken a crucial step on my path to mastering the manipulation of mana.

But the AI had more news to share. Another notification materialized, its presence heightening the air of anticipation. The second notification emanated a different tone, as if heralding a momentous shift in my magical abilities. It proclaimed, "Your mana pool is no longer saturated. You are now free to increase your mana without limitation."

A wave of relief washed over me, accompanied by an indescribable sense of liberation. The barrier that had once constrained my magical growth had been shattered. The saturation that had hindered my progress was now a thing of the past.

As a sense of elation enveloped me, I couldn't help but contemplate the future and the potential risks that lay ahead. Before allowing my excitement to fully consume me, I decided to consult the AI chip for guidance and clarity.

"AI," I inquired, my voice tinged with caution, "if I were to drink another potion similar to the Fire Salamander Essence, would there be a chance of my mana becoming saturated once again?"

The AI chip, ever thoughtful and thorough, took a moment to process the question. Its digital presence shimmered, signifying its deep contemplation. Finally, the AI chip responded, its tone measured and considerate.

"As the host is still in the midst of growing and developing," the AI chip began, "there is a possibility that consuming another potion similar to the Fire Salamander Essence could lead to saturation once again. However, I have a suggestion that may mitigate this risk."

Curiosity sparked within me as I eagerly awaited the chip's recommendation. It continued, "I propose that before you reach the age of ten, you consider consuming a highly potent potion. By doing so, you can give your mana a significant boost, increasing its capacity rather than drinking a mid-quality potion like Fire Salamander Essence potion"

The weight of the chip's words settled upon me, prompting a mixture of contemplation and caution. While the allure of enhancing my magical abilities was enticing, I couldn't dismiss the potential consequences of another saturation event.

Taking a deep breath, I acknowledged the chip's advice and contemplated the decision that lay before me. The path ahead was filled with uncertainty, yet I understood that every choice held its own set of risks and rewards. It was up to me to weigh them carefully and make an informed decision.

With determination in my eyes, I thanked the AI chip for its insight and began to deliberate on the best course of action. The journey to unlock my full magical potential was far from over, and I knew that each step required careful consideration.

Current Status [Beep! Scan complete. Daniel Asbury (Mathew Viscot).

Strength: 0.77,

Agility: 0.72,

Vitality: 0.74,

Stamina: 0.76

Mana: 0.67,

Talent: Yellow with shades of blue,

Element: Chaos(High),Fire(intermediate)

Skills: Double Slash(44%),Fire Ball(39%) ]