
Primordial Ice: Awakened after being frozen for millions of years.

There were four forbidden places on the southern continent of an unknown world. Of the four, one was the most mysterious, they called it the Frozen Abyss, and this place had existed for an unknown number of years. Thousands or millions of years had passed, but the only thing that never changed was that this place always existed in books and in the stories told. Even when ancient races roamed this place, it already existed, carrying a freezing that, no matter the strength, anyone who ventured deep into this place would freeze to death. But one day, suddenly, at the core of the frozen earth, two eyes opened. (English is not my first language, any mistakes please let me know, I appreciate it.) (One chapter a day, maybe more)

Ezreal_Math · Eastern
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58 Chs

Su Restaurant


"Yes, that's where most people live; that's just a small city." Li Yuemei said.

"Oh," he said disinterestedly, and he was about to continue flying towards his destination.

But then a strange noise came from the girl he was carrying in his arms.

He looked down, and her face was slightly red. He then realized it was her stomach making the noise.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, remembering that this happened frequently with his sister.

She just nodded.

"In the city, there's food?" He inquired.

"Yes, if we go to a restaurant, we can eat. Besides, we can find a map of the continent there, so we can find a better way to get to the central continent more quickly," she said.

He simply nodded and quickly flew to the city, stopping in the sky above the city entrance.

"Is this a small city?" He asked after seeing a large city with numerous people walking and countless buildings whose purposes he had no idea about.

"Yes, compared to the main cities on the continent, this is just a small city."

"Understood." He said this as he descended rapidly to the city entrance, where there was a small line.

The guards guarding the city, upon seeing someone flying towards the city, ignored the people in line and ran to where he was going to land.

Once he landed and put Li Yuemei down, he heard various voices and expressions of surprise.

The guards had been paralyzed for a moment but soon returned to normal and said, "Senior, welcome to our city!!" The guards bowed with respect.

"Huh?" He expressed doubt, not understanding these people.

"They think you're from the King realm. Only people in that realm and above can fly and are respected in practically every city and place," Li Yuemei said after seeing his confusion.

"Ah," he said, not caring about that, and approached one of the guards.

"Where is the restaurant?" He asked the guard.

"Sir, if you follow the main street, you'll find the Su restaurant. It's the best restaurant in the city."

He didn't respond and just nodded as he walked into the city, observing the buildings.

Once they entered the city, one of the guards said to another, "Quick, tell the ruler of the city that a King is visiting the city, tell him he's going to eat at Su's restaurant as soon as possible."

"Yes," the guard replied as he ran as fast as he could.

At the entrance, many people couldn't stop looking at the two who arrived.

"My God, that girl was extremely beautiful, but the young man was like a being from another world, how can someone be so handsome?" an ordinary woman exclaimed when the two entered, and then many people started discussing.

"Tsk, a young? Was he someone in the King realm, who knows how old he is?" an ugly man said with a scowl.

"Shut up, who cares about age in this world? You're only saying that because you're ugly," another woman said, and everyone laughed at the man's face.


In the city, the young man and Li Yuemei walked down the main street.

'Hmm, he really doesn't know anything; he really has never seen a city?' Li Yuemei said, after seeing that he looked at everything attentively.

Despite his face rarely expressing anything, his eyes revealed curiosity, as if silently processing everything he saw, as if everything were a new world to him.

Wherever they went, people stopped and stared at their faces as if they were paralyzed.

Besides, they cleared the way for them without any problem.

'Tsk, that's why I hate these places,' Li Yuemei said in her mind while her face slightly frowned.

After a few moments, they arrived at a three-story building with a blue flower drawn at the entrance.

Li Yuemei said, "This is it."

He nodded and entered the restaurant.

Two women were standing at the entrance, and after seeing their appearance, they were extremely surprised but soon returned to normal.

Then one of them said, "Young master, miss, welcome to Su's restaurant. You can go up to the secon..." before she could finish.

"Please come with me; I'll take you to the third floor." The interrupted woman didn't know why this was happening but understood that there was something special that she hadn't noticed, so she just smiled at them.

"Ok," Li Yuemei said, not caring much.

'Even in this remote place, there's something from the Su family,' she thought as the two entered the restaurant, following the woman.

The two were being observed by everyone in the restaurant on the way, and after a few moments, they reached the third floor.

The woman led them to a luxurious, closed room with only a table and two chairs near a window.

"Feel free to choose anything you want from the menu, and just call the person who will be next to you; they will be in charge of bringing your food. Have a good meal." After saying that, she bowed slightly and quickly left.

Now Li Yuemei's face has returned to normal.

He saw it and was curious, so he asked.

"Why does everyone look at us like that? As if they want a piece of us." He had noticed that since he emerged from the cocoon, everyone who saw him had a similar expression the first time.

And when he arrived in the city, this became more apparent.

"Huh? Isn't that obvious? We are extremely beautiful, especially you. These people can't help but look; that's why I hate going to these places. It's as if I'm a different being, and almost everyone looks at me with desire." She said it with a slight distaste.

He then thought about her face and the faces of others he saw, and realized that it really made sense.

"I don't know how I look, but you are pleasing to my eyes. I don't know if it's your appearance, but something about you attracts me," he said seriously, then looked at what the woman called the menu.

"What is this? And what is written here?" he asked, confused.

'This guy, how can he say things like that so casually? Is he an idiot?' Li Yuemei thought completely embarrassed. Then she thought about his question.

"Wait, you can't read?"


"Ah," she involuntarily expressed.