
Primordial: I Just Want To Live Peaceful Life

EDWARD AGATE: The Chronicles of The Viterra Empire Once upon a time, in the realm of swords and magic, an ancient volume was coveted by a mighty noble named Lumina. This captivating epic was called "Edward Agate," and Lumina found herself engrossed in the tale continuously. It narrated the saga of the male protagonist, Edward Agate, who led a rebellion against the abhorrent reign of Gage Teramis III, the Emperor of the Viterra Empire. Gage Teramis III was the epitome of ruthless tyranny, ruling the Viterra Empire with devastating madness, uncontrolled lust, and horrifying war. His vicious reign, followed faithfully by the noble society, condemned innocent lives to slavery, trafficking, embezzlement, assault, and murder. They showed no regard for the common populace, treating them as insignificant pawns in their reign of terror. what will happen next..................................................................

Alica_Clarke · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 006: Change of thought from the palace to the orphanage

Gaia stepped into the orphanage, his heart pounding with anticipation. The worn-down building seemed to hold a sense of both hope and despair, as if it had witnessed countless stories of lost children seeking solace and belonging.

As he entered, the scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the sound of children's laughter. Gaia's silver eyes scanned the room, taking in the sight of other children playing and interacting with each other. He felt a pang of longing, a desire to be a part of this community, to have a place to call home.

Approaching the caretaker, a kind-hearted woman named Mrs. Jenkins, Gaia introduced himself as a new arrival. He explained his situation, how he had been living on the streets, and expressed his desire to find a family who would adopt him.

Mrs. Jenkins listened attentively, her eyes filled with compassion. She understood the yearning in Gaia's heart, having witnessed it in so many other children who had come through the doors of the orphanage. She assured him that she would do everything in her power to help him find a loving family.

Days turned into weeks, and Gaia settled into the routine of the orphanage. He formed friendships with the other children, finding solace in their shared experiences. Mrs. Jenkins became a mother figure to him, offering guidance and support as he navigated this new chapter of his life.

One day, as Gaia was playing in the courtyard with his newfound friends, a couple approached the orphanage. Their eyes met Gaia's, and there was an instant connection. They introduced themselves as Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, a kind-hearted couple who had been searching for a child to complete their family.

Gaia's heart skipped a beat as he realized that this could be the family he had been longing for. He approached them cautiously, his silver eyes filled with hope. The couple, captivated by Gaia's gentle nature and resilience, knew in their hearts that he was the missing piece they had been searching for.

After a series of meetings and discussions, it was decided that Gaia would be adopted by the Andersons. The day of his adoption arrived, and Gaia stood before the judge, his heart filled with gratitude and excitement. He had finally found a place where he belonged, a family who would love and cherish him.

As the judge declared the adoption official, Gaia's eyes met those of his new parents, shimmering with tears of joy. The Andersons enveloped him in a warm embrace, promising to provide him with a lifetime of love and support.

From that day forward, Gaia's life transformed in ways he had never imagined. He became a cherished member of the Anderson family, experiencing the love and stability he had always yearned for. His days were filled with laughter, adventure, and the warmth of a home.

As Gaia looked back on his journey, he realized that his wish had not only granted him extraordinary powers but had also led him to a path of self-discovery and fulfillment. Lumina, the gamer turned goddess, had become Gaia, the beloved son and cherished member of a loving family.

And so, Gaia's story continued, not as a gamer or a goddess, but as a young boy who had found his place in the world. With each passing day, he embraced the narratives of life, knowing that he was the author of his own destiny, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead.