

Just outside the Human race's territory in the Shen Wu system, Alex dragged four ships of varying sizes behind his own back into the Human side of things.

He had reversed the target of the four ship's tractor beams, using them to lock themselves on to Alex's ship, rather than holding Alex's ship in place.

With this, Alex was essentially towing the four ships back with him.

30 minutes had passed since Alex had interrogated the crew of the biggest ship.

This left him with only 3 hours of rest before he headed back out to the battlefield.

He wasn't happy about this one bit.

But one thing he was happy about, was the information he had gathered from the pirate crews of the four ships that he had interrogated.

Spread across the four ships, there were 100 additional crew members in total, with all of them hiding whenever Alex moved on to their ship to inspect.