
Primordial Evil Zenith

The ancient primordial of evil gazed into the void… Countless eons of assimilating fear and admiration forged his very being. Gods have feared his existence, while devils worshipped his reverend divinity. The god of the cosmos underwent a universal assimilation, destroying everything. With the merge of multiple universes various magical entity’s started forming across the magnitude of various universes allowed the precedent of the being of life to be formed. Energy. Throughout the fabric of reality countless beings were formed.New gods replaced the old. Life was sprouted from the very gods themselves allowing change across the many worlds which each god presided over. On a lone distant star existed a single man. The embodiment of evil. Which no god had jurisdiction over. As the universe was assimilating this man stayed lonesome betrayed by his wife the goddess of gods one of the curators of the fabric of reality. She said “lifeforms deserve a righteous existence to look up to.” As she pierced his life-force with a corner of the void. “You are the embodiment of evil as such you have no use being in the hearts of the mortals and gods, your very existence exudes fear into the the lives of everyone, even thyself.” She feared the man she just killed thats why she had to take his life. The only person in existence who could kill him did just so. As evil was ripped apart away from existence he muttered. “Lilith… I…Wi-…” Death. Death wasn’t the end. For evil had other plans. The seven deadly sins were the foundation of every being.For everyone has Pride, which led those to be Greedy. Wrath for war was acted upon all sentient beings over fruitless matter.Envy for those with the desire for Power. Gluttony introduced the weakness of the mortals which Sloth utilized. Lust was the foundation. For all things needed Greed.Envy.Sloth.Gluttony.Wrath.Pride. Lust was different… To procreate Lust was the inhibitor… On this star on the edge of the void under the gaze of nothingness… This man vowed to have revenge against reality. The being who killed him for he was the Evil which the cosmos despised. This is the beginning. And the end…

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The lone star.

Eons ago.

There was a man and a woman.

Evil and Righteous.

The desolation was enduring and all things were at a halt. Time didn't past. But then…


With the power of the two everything in existence came to be.

A universe was formed in which life was formed.

The universe was bustling with the yin-yang.

With the creation of time and life as we know it.

Two primordials resided over all living things.

In a blink planets which housed life was created then progressed then ended.

Time was different for the primordials as it was in a different wavelength. It was enduring as all things should be.

"Cruel…" a sultry voice resounded in the void. Gazing at all things with indifference as if the very existence of this beauty was omnipotence.

She watched as the eons past and the lives that were built from her very hands and then seconds later they were ended with the people she created indulged in war, greed,and lust. The countless souls of the many.

Ended just as fast as they were fabricated.

As a being who took joy in love, affection, and the beauty of every molecule that life has to offer. Was not satisfied.

In her heart she knew that if she wanted to enjoy the true progress of life and break the time barrier. She must kill the evil that ravaged the lives of many, for the greater sacrifice.

She visited her husband after he completed the nine-hells. And without a further word pierced his entire being with a fabric if the void which took a piece of reality with it.


Was all he could mutter before being engulfed in darkness.

Being unnamed as he was the creator of all even his wife, who he gave life to was dumbfounded as he never would've guessed that his own creation would end him. Life was fleeting, as the concept of death was approaching.

Lilith proceeded in creating countless gods and goddesses to watch over the vast cosmos of life. Spreading joy and breaking the time barrier, she became the only primordial that all gods had to bow to. And she spread her influence in keeping evil to a minimum for even if she killed him it still would preside in the hearts of all beings for they all had a form if conscience.This allowed the assimilation of multiple universal beings hailed as primordial to connect with 'her' universe. The beginning of mana.

Eons went by as life flourished.

A lone star…away the gaze of many was un-cast.

Where a conscious was gathered due to the assimilation of mana into the universe.

This was the beginning.

As the conscious was sent unto the cosmos invisible to all and everything.

Time trickled by the millennium after assimilation…


On a lone star.

Where life flourished and humanity prospered.

On this small blue planet where right was just, and evil was perishable. In a small dilapidated, and worn shack. Which had various aged markings and ancestral patterns on the walls inside. The world ran rampant with various leagues, diversified societies, and many uncanny practices. One such practice lost to many and known by few is taking place. The shack was housed in a vast forest with few archeological discoveries that allowed such practice to take place.In the verdant forest covered with lush beautiful trees, the moonlight shown by the 2 full moons was ever so striking.

Under the veil of the darkness,and scattered moonlight. The Eastern White Pines were starting to get bleached by the snowflakes showing the season it was in. In the vast forest mountains and hills a shack housed just under a cliff. Accumulating snow frost by the very second. The shack was pretty big almost the size of a small barn or auditorium. As the frost garnered cold energy, a cold fog was flowing along the old wet wooden planks of the floor. The 50 or so people were shivering for they were all naked. The last thing they remembered was entering their vehicle and then behind them someone knocked them unconscious. They knew noone was going to find them as this place had lingering space energy, as they were invisible to the outside world,this increased their fear for someone who could use such a high level of space energy must be Silver-ranked, someone in the top 10,000 of the ranking around the world. Although the planet was only slightly bigger than Earth, 'Freia' housed a population of roughly 20 billion humans. With the population so giant poverty was assaulted the masses everywhere. As the people in the shack were all very poor they new humanity and the social norm wouldn't care if they were lost or even dead, only their families would. Where as more than half of the population can use magic. In the once aged shack someone finally entered everyones ears. Her steps weren't muffled but like she was wearing high-heels. In the dark shack only a single light source was fervent. In the center of the shack above a giant washbasin was a orb of fire magic, showing their thin bodies and dancing shadows cast. The woman in black latex stopped in front of everyone and gazed at them with disdain and arrogance. Her purple eyes held murderous intent for these seemingly innocent people with families and friends.

Snap! Snap!

The woman in black suddenly lifted her hand and snapped twice, which ended their wails, and sobbing. From the void of shadows a burly man in all black robes appeared and stood at a height of 2.6meters and towered over everyone. He grabbed the nearest man by his waist and hoisted him upon his shoulders, then walked to the woman. He proceeded to place the man on his knees and under the orb housed a giant bowl and in the center was a bottomless pit. As the mans neck and shoulders laid on the cold unknown metal of the bowl the woman took out a sharp knife and slit his throat. The man widened his eyes in shock as blood poured out from him at an alarming rate as if it was endless. Filling the bottomless void and the walls of the bowl with the luster of red. Then she kicked him down the pit whilst licking the blade clean. A sadistic grin plastered her face as she heard his blood curdling screams and she couldn't help but let out a chuckle of joy. Another sacrifice a thin lady was brought forward and was forced to have sex with another sacrifice and as they climaxed she slit their throats and ended another one.

Many sacrifices later everyone but one was killed.

The seemingly endless pit was filled the brim with beauty of deep dark blood and bodies floated within.

The burly man grabbed the last sacrifice who already had lifeless eyes as there was nothing he could do to prevent his death. The boys mind was filled with his aunt Lilith who was the only one that took care of him since he was young. He lived a life of a thief to feed him and his aunt for that was the only thing he was ever good at. As he was brought closer to the pit the woman said in a sultry voice, "its time, try not to die…" Then the man threw him into the blood pit filled with bodies and the scent of putrid death. Then it went dark for the boy as a giant lid was thrown on top with a bucket as if it was a giant well. The mysterious sexy woman looked at the burly man and said in a serious tone. "We will come back in a decade, and see if he still lives if not then the gods have forsaken us already."

"Hmm…" The burly man grunted in response.

Then they left the building from an invisible wall and vanished from the place as if nothing ever happened.

The boy was already drowning in the blood that seemed to nourish him at the same time molded him.

He was hearing screams and whispers in the darkness which further drew him into insanity. He breathed in the blood of everyone who floated past him as his eyes shone with a luster as deep as the universe.

1 day passed and another brimmed with life as the giant sun gave off a beautiful awakening to the world.

But not for the boy as he struggled in his mind, the only thing keeping him sane was memories of his aunt. But the blood wouldn't give him peace and slowly corrupted his very being.

It has been so long and but im undying.

He floated towards the depths and saw ancient runes on the slick walls as if they were crafted since the beginning of time. Just like the bottomless pit the man was being filled with heinous thoughts and emotions of hatred,cruelty and death. The blood stained his very existence with the while the screams of the dead never stopped, but he chose to ignore as he was getting bored of them already. There was nothing he could do but past time endlessly and drink in the vast amount of accumulated essence.

1 year later.


The boy was fighting a creature in the dark as the bottomless pit opened up at the bottom for everything had an end. Noone knew this place not even the mysterious woman for it could never be found. It was pitch dark and yet he seemed to be in a vast underwater cave. The blood heightened his senses to the max and finally he was getting some action. He could see the creature even in the vast darkness. It was a giant horned eel that stretched for a couple hundred meters in length with red lightning crackling around it. At the bottom of the pit the boy found a bone sword formed from essence of bones and hatred. With runes on one side and a vibrant crimson line going up the saber. In the middle of the rain-guard a skull with a open mouth and wide sharp teeth was there and the hilt was in bone cloth and glowed with a ominous red underneath the cracks of the cloth. With heightened senses and a weapon a endless battle was taking place.

Hah! He brandished his blade and started attacking the body of the beast with a flurry of horizontal and diagonal slashes. They seemed fast even under blood which was thicker than water, the strikes seemed clumsy but had a dignified aura around the now muscular man. As he was striking he started to grasp the essence of combat. The eel flew past him and crackled with a divine electricity but he wasn't fazed in the slightest. Whenever he was hurt the pain would subside quickly and the surrounding blood would nourish him indefinitely. He gained a constitution which now rivaled demi-gods, in the unceasingly endless battle and war of attrition the man won after a couple months. In the end the eel lost but painstakingly tried as he finally found food to nourish him instead of the blood. As the eel floated away the crackles ended and the man was fine. He had an endless amount of energy from the blood that would nourish him and grasped the dao for the sword. He swam in the endless cavern for what felt like months and he finally saw a light. He swam faster and thought 'finally i can see you again Lilith' as he made it to the light he reached out and put his right hand on the rocky ground and pulled himself up. Dripping with crimson he looked towards the light and saw a single torch that seemed like it would never burn out under any conditions. Grabbing it he proceeded to walk forward into the now illuminated cave with thoughts of freedom.


"I will slaughter and rule them all"

He said with a sadistic grin on his face.

The man in question was 'Zenith' one of the primordials. With a muscular and lean body now his hair was pitch black reaching his waist and his eyes were unfathomably deep like darkest night. His skin was pale and he seemed like a demon crawling out of the hells covered in crimson blood. As he ventured into the somewhat tight cave whilst fully nude, and having nothing but sword and a torch he reached a doorway.

'Fear not death for it simply is the end to all things'