
Primordial: Diary Of World Travel And Adventure

In a twist of fate, a young girl's life came to an abrupt end, only to be reborn into a completely unfamiliar world. As she embraced her new existence, she made a firm decision to fulfill her lifelong dream of traveling and exploring different places. This document delves into her remarkable journey, highlighting the wonders she encountered and the profound impact they had on her. TAGS: OverPowered Female lead Growing Female Lead Cautious Female Lead Low-Key Female lead

Alica_Clarke · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Adventure and Transformation (4/4)

As Flora ventured further into the forest, the penetrating sunlight filtering through the canopy above gradually diminished, leaving her surrounded by a cloak of darkness. With each step, the whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves became the only sounds that reached her ears.

Suddenly, amidst the shadows, a peculiar sight materialized before Flora's eyes. It was a door, standing tall and mysterious. Its surface was adorned with ancient text, inscribed with a language long forgotten. As Flora carefully deciphered the script, she realized that it translated to: "The Land of Death and Birth, may the world remain in balance."

Intrigued and filled with an insatiable curiosity, Flora couldn't resist the urge to investigate further. With a gentle and cautious movement, she extended the tip of her snake-like tail towards the ancient text on the door.

As the scales of her tail made contact with the inscriptions, Flora felt a surge of energy coursing through her, as if the door itself held a mystical power waiting to be unlocked.

At that moment, Flora's mind was consumed with a myriad of questions. What lay beyond this ominous threshold? What secrets did this door hold? With a mix of trepidation and excitement, Flora knew that the answers awaited her on the other side

As Flora continued to touch the text with her tail, she noticed a subtle change in the air. It became charged with otherworldly energy, crackling with a faint blue glow. The door seemed to vibrate faintly, resonating with the power that emanated from the inscriptions.

Driven by her insatiable curiosity, Flora pressed her tail more firmly against the door. An intense surge of energy coursed through her, causing her scales to shimmer and her eyes to glow with a brilliant light. It was as if the door itself recognized her presence and responded to her touch.

With each passing moment, Flora felt a growing connection to thedoor, She could almost hear whispers of forgotten stories and lost knowledge, beckoning her to unravel their secrets; The mystical power contained within the door called out to her, promising untold wonders and revelations

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