
Primordial Destiny System

Would you like to travel to other dimensions? After his mother's death, Ryker swore to take revenge. But how? In a world where strength is everything, Ryker was powerless. In a world where all the people awaken an ability or two, Ryker had no ability. In a world where everyone continues to become stronger with each passing day, Ryker had no way of becoming stronger. However, everything changed the day when a golden ray of light falls down from the sky, directly piercing his head, causing his body to fall apart and disintegrate into countless fragments of light, or that's how what Alex remembered. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in an unfamiliar space. He had somehow arrived at the Land of Eternity and obtained the Primordial Destiny System. From then onward, he could occasionally go to other dimensions and use his own special way to become stronger. Ryker's arrival in this unfamiliar space was the start of a legend whose name alone can shake the entire universe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The cover is not mine. The credit goes to the original creator. English is not my main language, and you might find some grammatical errors. I hope my readers can ignore those errors and enjoy the story!

Carefree_Dream · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Ch 2: A Tragic Past

Alice Brown had very good talent, had awakened a powerful ability at the age of thirteen, and was sent to one of Earth's biggest academies to cultivate, the Skyler Academy of the Skyler City.

When Ryker Brown was only six years old, a great war broke out between the two biggest countries. This war continued for one year before coming to an end.

Many people died and many cities were destroyed in this war.

In this war, his parents also participated. His father returned safely but his mother was badly injured and lost all of her abilities.

Ryker Brown did not know what actually happened, but from then on, his father started ignoring his mother and him. He only cared about his first wife and her children as well as his sister who was taken in by the Skyler Academy of Skyler City.

But something unfortunate again happened. Just one year later, his sister Alice Brown was plotted against by someone and was expelled from the Skyler Academy.

His sister didn't want to give up, so she stayed in Skyler City.

When she was expelled from the Skyler Academy, instead of helping his daughter, his father abandoned her and told her never to set foot in the Brown Mansion again, for she has lost the face of the entire Brown Family.

In general words, she was driven out of the home by her own father.

At that time, Ryker Brown was only ten years old. His father never looked at Ryker's face from the moment he started to ignore his mother.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the First Lady, Karen Davis drove the pair of mother and son out of the house and forced them to stay in the abandoned building that looked as if it would fall at any time.

His mother didn't complain. She was happy as long as her son was with her. She tried to call back his sister, but his sister insisted on living in Skyler City.

Two months ago, his mother's injuries got worse. Ryker Brown went to the Brown Mansion to ask for his father's help, but his father didn't even come to see him. He was thrown out of the Brown Mansion by the First Lady's guards.

Due to the lack of money, Ryker Brown was unable to send his mother to the hospital and today, his mother died.

Before taking her last breath, she told Ryker: "My son, continue living and become strong, strong enough to never be bullied by anyone. Remember, if you don't have strength, then you are nothing but garbage in this world whom, anyone would throw out. If you are powerful, even those people sitting on top of our planet will come licking your boots. So, don't give up just because you have not awakened any ability. Try harder and become strong. I believe in you, so you must believe in yourself too. You must become stronger!"

Ryker and his mother were abandoned by his father and taking advantage of this opportunity, the first wife of his father made his and his mother's life very difficult.

Ryker did not know the reason why his father abandoned him and his mother, and lastly also his sister, but now, it was no longer important.

The most important person to Ryker was no longer there. His mother died and he knew that the first wife of his father was related to his mother's death in some ways, but he does not have the evidence to prove this.

Even if he has the evidence, he would not be able to do anything to her, as she was the so-called 'dear wife' of his father while his mother was only an abandoned person.

His father will never punish his first wife just because of his abandoned wife and son whom he never cared about and does not want to see ever.

Even at the funeral of his mother, let alone others, even his father did not appear. Ryker alone did the funeral of his mother and swore silently in his heart that one day, he will take revenge for his mother.

His sister Alice Brown was also not present at the funeral of her mother. It was because she didn't even know that her mother had died. No one told her and Ryker did not have a way to communicate with his sister, making him unable to tell his sister about their mother's death.

After the funeral, Ryker decided to leave Star City and go to Skyler City to meet his sister and tell her about their mother's death.

He stayed at his mother's grave for an entire day and night before he returned to his house, packed some things of his needs, and silently left Star City at noon, without informing anyone about his departure.

"Mom, watch me from the land of the deceased. No matter how hard I have to work, there will be a day when I will become strong and return. After my return, I will trample everything here underneath my foot." Ryker took deep breaths and swore in his heart before leaving Star City with many emotions carved deep down his heart.


Earth has gone through a huge transformation in the past thousands of years. This is the year 3050, and Earth has entered the cultivation era. Earth's terrain has also changed a lot.

Now, there are no countries like India, China, America, etc. The countries have different names now.

Although Earth changed a lot, it does not mean Earth has abandoned science.

No, science is still an important part of humans' life on Earth.

In the last thousands of years, science has developed to a certain degree, bringing human lives to a new height and making it easy and comfortable.

But still, humans were unable to develop a means of space transformation so that they could find another Life Planet.

Finding another Life Planet in space is still humans' greatest wish.

But now, almost all humans were focused on cultivation.

Science and Technology are important for the growth of Earth, however, what matters the most is individuals' strengths.

At age of fifteen, children awaken their special abilities and become Third-tier Star Warriors.

Star Warriors can absorb the energy from the stars and become strong. At some point, they can become strong enough to take steps in the air and fly. But this level of strength is just a legend. It is unknown if someone has achieved this level of strength or not.

There are nine levels of Third-tier Star Warrior, from Level 1 to Level 9. Beyond Level 9 Third-tier Star Warrior is Second-tier Star Warrior and following this is First-tier Star Warrior. These two tiers of Star Warrior are also divided into nine levels, from Level 1 to Level 9.

As for what is above First-tier Star Warrior, Ryker has no idea.

But Ryker knew that his father has already surpassed First-tier Star Warrior and had stepped into a new cultivation realm.

Ryker wasn't able to become a Star Warrior because he failed to awaken an ability. Only an ability awakener could become a Star Warrior, this is an unwritten rule of the World that even a two-year-old kid knows.