
Solo Hunting [Pt 1]

 " Argghh." I moaned as consciousness swole in me.

Everyrhing felt surreal as I stirred, feeling myself roused by sensations.

 My head still felt a bit of pain and I couldn't help rubbing my hand against it.

 ' That was a terrible fall.' Soon as I thought so, my eyes met with a crevice in space, it shined with bright white light and waited for me.

 Unrelentingly, I staggered to my feet and slowly walked towards the fissure.

Suddenly, The imagery changed and I felt displaced to some new location.

 This place looked much better than the previous one. It was a green large swamp with trees and vines all about.

 I looked at my feet and then I noticed that I was on a tree, a massive tall one at that with a large cap and massive branches.

 It granted me an overview of the area, when protrusions occurred in the water below. They grew larger and they were in numbers swimming towards my direction. From it, strange creatures came out.

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