
Primordial Descent

Before the birth of the world, there existed 6 primordial Aspects, which govern the nature and structure of everything in existence, and the ones who controlled them were none other than the supreme beings... The Primordial ones. However, of these six, there was one who sought to destroy the world and the system in which it operated. The Primordial of the sixth Aspect. This caused a great war in the Heavenly realm, causing the other 5 to rise against him. He was struck down, stripped of his Aspect and ultimately destroyed. Eventually, the world would come to know him as the Evil one, the god of despair... The Demon God. After several centuries and millennia have passed, the feared one has awakened. His rage and wrath unstoppable. Now he must have his vengeance on the 5 Primordials who betrayed him, retrieve his Aspect and destroy the world as he had intended from the beginning. This is the story of Hexarion... The Primordial of the Void, and the one who consumes all. Alternative Title: Primordial Descent. HEX: Aspect Of The Void WPC #204 (Evil Protagonist) Winner Bronze Prize PLEASE JOIN OUR DISCORD!!!  https://discord.gg/nTP43UEphg ALSO, WE NOW HAVE A SUBREDDIT COMMUNITY. Please join to interact more with other readers and the author! https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is to provide better services to you readers, and for a more direct conversation between me as an author, and you as readers. Plus, there are Original Character Designs of the novel characters in the communities. So, please... Hop on the Discord and Subreddit train! Follow me on Instagram: the_magecrafter

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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303 Chs

Predator And Prey

 " Arghhhh.." I moaned buried in black rocks and clinging hard to consciousness.

 I then met with the blue owl up high with its feet coming down to plummet me but before it could, two balls of light struck it back throwing it off course, my feline beast had saved me.

 I willed myself up still staggering a little and then took a look at where the Owl fell but I didn't see it. Next I saw were colors of blue moving about and then circling me creating a number of mirages.

 Tentacles erupted from my back and went through them all except the real one who was now above and gathered aspects on its palms creating a purple blast of energy.

 It sent the massive blast which clouded most of my vision but I reacted by conjuring up a cocoon to take the grunt of the attack. My cocoon couldn't hold up however and I took a light blow of the attack but nothing too much that I would be rendered ineffective to continue battle.